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Everything posted by SYFEA82

  1. Anyway, currently working on the Gaius x Tharja combo to open up another child paralogue. Then gonna update with the other chars. I referenced the last time. I'll also try to not use my hard hitting chars. as 'rally slaves' for better effectiveness. Thanks everyone!
  2. Too lazy to post pic as well. My Morgan is the following: Parents: Me (Avatar) and Lissa Current Class: Swordsman Current Skills: Renewal, Vantage, Galeforce, Ignis and Armsthrift No stat caps yet and no limit breaker acquired yet. Still training the rest of my bench characters to catch up to tier 1 or tier 2 stats before I finish training her.
  3. Welp thanks for allowing me to finally find someone to pair up Stahl with. Originally I was debating between Say'Ri or Anna since I had no idea who to to pair him up with. Now for my second playthough I have to consider Sully x Stahl to be an ideal pairing given the points made.... but for my first playthrough ill pair him with Panne.
  4. Agreed which is why I appreciated Aegis and Pavise more often when I started tackling the R & R DLC pack. Hm, from my understanding doesn't all my grinding allow me to get through the game more efficiently and quicker when I get up to higher difficulties like Lunatic (or Lunatic + if I ever dare) since it carries over via new game+? Hm, didn't really think about how many characters I wanted to max out? Realistically I'm at about 12 characters in which they're close to my preferences of skills and final classes. Just a pain grinding EXP DLC over and over again. However I try to grind on other DLC maps to break monotony of it all. Well I was kinda hoping to do all of them (idealistically not including non-awakening DLC, meaning I would also grind Walhart and the bunch). That's sort of what I wanted to go for in this experience even before I wanted to consider a challenging new play through.
  5. I'm guessing you just started learning how to do some of the softer sides of coding. Another great resource (which helped me a ton in the past) is codeacademy.com. Some of the languages you learn will help you prepare for the harder editing of code in the future. You're code is sort of structured a bit different from what I'm used to... usually when I edit html in a line that says <img src=" url of image uploaded at"> It shows up, easy peasy. Perhaps instead of the areas where it's coded <img style "hajahsjd.jpg"> perhaps you should line up with the image carrot and then the source and then the size and finally the style. You can also use this site for reference as well: http://www.w3schools.com/html/ Hope this helps.
  6. Congrats to graduating debt free (that's considered a big success in this day and age). I look forward to seeing your work in the future and who knows maybe in a future FE game? :)
  7. THANK. YOU. FOR. THE . HELPFUL. WALL. OF. TEXT. No Sarcasm meant there just wanted to reiterate all the feedback, much thanks Euklyd. I haven't beaten R&R3, I'm on Normal (I know I'm a n00b working up my FE expertise at this moment). Haven't grinded my characters properly so I'm getting owned by Lvl. 20 vengeance, breaker filled RD, PoD retro chars. like crazy -_-. As for limit breaker, once I can beat it back to back I will add said dlc skill to their respective rosters once I can manage to optimize what I have now. Donnel, I see I thought seeing as he has high luck and a decent RNG spree I figure to focus on crits. Perhaps I spoke to soon? Will definitely add LB to his skill set once I acquire it. Chrom: I thought Aether is better considering its Sol + Luna combined in one skill? (correct me if im wrong)? So no, Dual Guard and I should just go for LB again once I grind my chars up. Lucina: Parents are standard: chrom x sumia. I was considering doing Aegis + Pavise for Chrom and Lucina for future experimentation since it worked so well for Kjelle. Got it will keep it in mind after I beat hard and join the Lunatic club (hopefully in due time). Avatar: He is male (its me in FE format). So if he were a killing machine should he be melee or magic or well-rounded? Melee: I'm thinking, another Long'qu. Astra (or Lethality), Lifetaker, Swordsfaire (or Limit Breaker), Vantage (or Acrobat for increased movement), Solidarity (or Aggressor via DK DLC skill)? Magic: He's pretty capable so... Lifetaker, Vengeance, Tomefaire (or Limit Breaker), Renewal (make him a tanky sort of mage), and Ignis? Well-Rounded: Vengeance, Ignis, Limitbreaker, Astra and Renewal (or Lifetaker or Sol), you said killing machine? So kill, get life, rinse and repeat? Morgan: Parents are: Me (Avatar) and Lissa, hence the Galeforce. Maybe a better choice would have been (Nowi or Cordelia) but eh, I figure marry myself into Ylisse family royalty (my choices were based on story interaction and personal preference considering it is walkthrough/playthrough 1). Guess, I'll add Sol as a preferred skill instead of lethality considering a lot of folks feel the RNG trigger activision rate is much higher. Maybe I'm just lucky or perhaps my Kellam is uber randomly lucky. Every time he faces off an opponent in the weapons triangle (regardless if it goes good or bad for him). He always gets first strike, lethality (or luna when chosen) becomes active 9/10 times and I have no problem using him as a focused choke point (helped me get through chapter 12 and above before I got children paralogues. I'll get more dlc skills once my characters (and my skills) are a bit more competent. Thanks for reading (or if anyone had the time to). Keep up the feedback, gives me more variables to work with.
  8. So I decided with... Gerome: All 3 Breakers (as mentioned before), Armsthrift and Iote's Shield Kjelle: Everything the same except (I'll toggle between the effectiveness of Lethality and Vantage and decide after experimentation) For my next set of Chars here's what I got: Donnel: Zeal, Sol, Armsthrift, Aptitude and Underdog* (switch this for Wrath or Counter), final class would be hero? Chrom: Rightful King, Dual Strike+, Aegis, Aether and Charm* (possibly switch this for Dual Guard+ or Limit Breaker) final class would be great lord? Lucina: Dual Strike+, Aether, Galeforce, Charm* and Relief* (possibly switch both for Aegis or Dual Guard+ and Rightful King) final class would also be great lord? Avatar: Rally Spectrum*( I alternate this with Soldarity or Veteran), Ignis, All Stats +2* (thinking of Vengeance, Lethality or Pass), Lifetaker and Astra final class would be grandmaster? Morgan: Ignis, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Vantage and Relief* (considering to switch for All Stats +2, Lethality, Vengeance, Pass) Any thoughts with these folks?
  9. Yup. Vice-versa applies to all the following statements: Seeing certain ways people apply themselves in physical training and art performance (or creation) Certain foods I used to enjoy eating and now I don't The purpose of using certain themes in specific video games and movies I enjoyed or disliked The importance of financial savings and future investments be it personal or professional
  10. Welcome to SF, hope you enjoy your stay!
  11. I know I was thinking about that with tome breaker. However that would mean I should have paired Cherche up with Henry (or Avatar; MyUnit). So, I guess learning Lancebreaker was a waste of time eh? Ahh, back to the drawing board...
  12. Yeah it wasn't until I first stumbled onto these forums (and other various FAQs) 2 months ago, that I realized certain pairings can affect stat growths for 2nd gen children. I just beat the game (before joining the forums, wish I was able to register beforehand). However I did do my fair share of grinding because that's how I play RPGs in the first place and that's how I decided to explore this a bit more. For my second playthrough looks like I'll have to either pair cherche with fred or take more notice of stahl. Thanks for the heads up though. :)
  13. Nope still didn't get it... maybe it'll be sent to my 3DS tomorrow via spotpass?
  14. Condolences... to your save file. Reminds me of FFXII when I was grinding for early deathbringers... my roommate corrupted my file because our stoner roommates booted him off with the quickness just to play brawl.. -________________-, it wasn't a good feeling. I never even touched FFXII since then.
  15. Severa: Lethality x Astra x Vantage She goes H.A.M. every time....
  16. Glad to finally be apart of SF, spent enough time subforum lurking -_____-.

  17. I never thought about it that way. I haven't grinded my chars. enough to the point of taking on Infinite Regalia flawlessly and acquiring all said legendary equips. I figured Severa would benefit over Swordfaire more than Kjelle. Thank you Elieson.
  18. Orange: So you would risk purchasing the newer copies over the old, despite the price difference? Thanks for your input :). Can you extrapolate a bit further on this "flash cart" technology (I don't want to risk breaking the rules considering I just got here) but does it have to do with the infamous "R___ card"? If so, how would transferring said cartridge data be possible through what I can only hypothesize something similar to a micro SD? (mods/admins, please kindly inform me to refrain further discussion of this if its really "illegal to go any further with said discussion, don't need any warnings at this point of my SF career). To buy them as new? Yeah I know.... That's how I felt when I was on my quest to search for a really good copy of Suikoden II (still pristine and near perfect mint condition). Granted I lucked out and had to take my own little "journey" to acquire it but it was well worth it in the end. Fortunately, I didn't need to deal with ridiculous Ebay/Amazon prices. Makes me regret not hoping onto the series when it first debut on the GBA. SMH at myself.
  19. Thanks Azuren. I do have all the DLCs (thank god I didn't use the Iote's Shield) was really trying to figure out the purpose for it. Initially I interpreted it as a benefit for Pegasus Flyers but with your explanation I can see how it can also benefit Gerome WL. What about Kjelle any thoughts on her?
  20. After I finish a few more playthroughs and various experimentation on FE13, I want to really explore the history of Fire Emblem through these two titles, given the time frame they were released I was a bit more focused on the Golden Sun Franchise (Golden Sun and Golden Sun: TLA, which reminded me of Suikoden I + II and how the story was interrelated). Anyway, I am hesitating in buying a used copy (more affordable) as opposed to a new one (too pricey) given that I recently started up my old GBA Pokemon Emerald Cartridge and the whole message of "the internal battery is kaput blah blah" started popping up. Would this effect any old FE cartridges shelf life even though there aren't any "time sensitive events?"
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