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Everything posted by Chelone

  1. Usually my score us about 3700~3900, last week I hit 4201! And today I managed 4342! Hoping to stay under the 30k ranking (4201 was already out, at 22k now). No idea what im gonna do next season though... have been leveling Ursula. I'd be happy if i can get to a 4k score. Current team: 5*Reinhardt(149), 4*Olivia lvl 36 (139), 5*Lucina(173), 5*Camilla(161)
  2. I should not have pulled ;-; Already have multiple Effie... the others too besides one. and I dont have the feathers to upgrade them to 5* for skills.
  3. Sitting on 70 orbs and really tempted to pull... mainly for Ninian or Karel. but my last 2 pulls (previous banner) were garbage so... really don't want this to be like that too haha.
  4. I've just been checking out the characters I've been using a lot and see if they are missing some slots. Then check out characters that have skills to fill those slots and if they are any good I can trasnfer them (or rank up the character to get a higher version of said skill.) on the other hand, units that arent used much might be better now that they can get other skills. I'm still looking into everything and I really need to 5* a lot of my units just to kill them and give their skills away...
  5. Any ideas for Reinhardt, Lucina or Ephraim? Maybe something to make Olivia better or make someone a better healer? This whole update is overwhelming and I dont have much to upgrade at the moment... other suggestions would be awesome too! :D https://m.imgur.com/a/rh2D6
  6. Mines a -spd anyway, might as well use dance to give another unit a extra chance. Might be other units that might be better for dance though.... IF it's possible at least.
  7. Would be awesome though. At least Lucina and Olivia are both red sword units so unless they stop Dance from being transfered it should be fine... can't wait to see what people will come up with!
  8. I'm really hoping to put Dance on Lucina or something. Not sure how restricted it is though. No idea what else is possible... it's going to be crazy.
  9. That moment when I make a "for fun" account on my old phone... First full summon: Ryoma 5* Nowi 5* Subaki 3* Felicia 4* Cherche 3* Second Full sommon: Jeorge 4* Lachesis 4* Hinata 4* Cordelia 4* Caeda 4* I really want those 5* on my main account T_T even Jeorge is a better Archer... my main account is almost always 90% 3* summons.
  10. Yeah I really need a good red sword unit. Was kinda sad about the nature though... and the only other 5* i had was Roy. She seems to be doing good so far in training tower though.
  11. Thanks for the tip! I eventually got it wit this team: Basically the same tactics with a twist haha.
  12. Any tips for me? Camilla can do a lot, Effie can take a couple of hits but the rest are screwed if the enemy gets in range...
  13. Grats! For me it was my +ATK Effie! You never pulled a 5* though? ;-;
  14. Got a +HP/-SPD Lucina, how bad is it doc? (still really happy, my only other good red unit was Roy)
  15. After me wasting almost 70+ orbs trying to get Lucina (I really need a better sword unit) a few days ago... NOTHING but 3* DUPLICATES. (well, got Tharja 4*, I don't mind new characters so much). Scraped together another 5 orbs today ánd I'm totally out of F2P orbs now. ANOTHER 4* tharja... thats it. No orbs and 2 clear and 2 red orbs unopenend. I did it. I finally paid for orbs. Bought 12 euros worth. More 3* duplicates but then.... THERE SHE WAS. Shes +HP/-SPD though... but I'm still happy!
  16. Was going for Lucina or Elise and saved up 60~ orbs and I wish I did not summon today... (already have 5*lilina and two 4* lilina). https://imgur.com/a/5anlZ
  17. Just pulled him today! I was having trouble with Takumi in Arena (I can kill him, but I'd have to sacrifice one of my own and hurt my rating). Really hoping Rein wil help! He's -ATK/+Res though...
  18. Was saving up to 64 orbs for future banners, but I was able to extend my phone plan and I promised myself to do a summoning session once I have my new phone to initiate(?) it! Here are the results:
  19. If I remember right it should say somewhere that they will stay. They just wont be focus heroes anymore.
  20. @BANRYU I feel bad for pulling those and still not being happy... =p All those other 5*'s in arena can still mess with me haha. Lilina has been kinda "eh" I know she can be really good though. I do love Effie and she's SUPER strong, but Ephraim has the extra movement. I feel like I should 4* some units and see how I can work with them. Like you said Adult Tiki or Gordin... maybe f!corrin. I'm fine with what I have now but I need something to counter the Takumi (and sometimes robin when my units get placement screwed). I use camilla for both, she can get Takumi to low health while someone else kills him but he takes Camilla down with him which make me lose points. thanks for the tips, leaning towards gordin or tiki now. or both.) (sorry if my english is bad, europe and its almost 1am haha)
  21. I'm hijacking your question for a bit to ask the same, hope you don't mind! I think I've asked this before, but I've got some new units and I actually have enough feathers to 5* someone. or maybe 4* a couple of others? I need advice ^^; I was also thinking of Effie, but 4* Nino might be handy too. My units: http://imgur.com/a/rDVbk
  22. Thanks! After many fails (tried to use lilina too much) I've beaten hard!
  23. 27 (used to be 42 a fw days ago but I caved and did a summon.) For now im waiting for better focus heroes that I might need. also, wish i never did that last summon! :p
  24. Meh. Really need some better sword heroes. Shouldn't complain though... already have roy and 4 total 5* units. It's still so disapointing though ;_;
  25. A better red (sword unit) I don't mind which one. Also I'd stil like Robin or Takumi to get better chances at Arena. Í can do a full 5 pull right now, but with this current banner I think i'd rather wait haha.
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