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Posts posted by Drgnquester

  1. It's time I've done one of these, a playlog of FE13. First time I'm doing a play log so bare with me, I do hope I can make it entertaining for you all :]

    Anyway, this will be a Lunatic-Classic run, and the restrictions are No Children and No Renown, all until Endgame.

    For pairings, I have two pairing sets here, one with a +Spd/-Def MU(Married to Cordelia) and the other with +Mag/-Str MU (Married to Miriel). I'm torn between which one I should do, so I'll leave it to you guys in the poll:


    Once the set is decided, I'll get started with the playlog!

  2. Or it could be that Owain was born earlier in the Bad Future timeline, and the Risen attack could have been Validar commanding them to get the Avatar?

    That sounds plausible. I do remember Validar saying to MU during Chapter 23 "Whatever damage I do to your body, Grima can repair it!"

    Any damage MU sustained Grima would just heal/repair him.

    Then there's the question of when MU kills Chrom. I always assumed that he kills Chrom, realizes what he's done, and keeps the secret with him until he's later overtaken by Grima

    (Awakening could've been my favorite FE if it weren't for these assloads of plotholes)

  3. Oh man, Maribelle. From the second you see Maribelle, you know you're looking at a grade-A badass. She's so badass in fact, that she makes it known by getting captured like 3 chapters into the game. Since my own style of play is to turtle like all hell and boss abuse, Maribelle's initial staff only class doesn't matter to me. She practically can heal people (what do you expect from a grade a badass). Her durability is practically nonexistant, but loltonics and pairups and whatever it is these days that makes stats irrelevant. Basically, she's one of the best galeforcers in the galeforce.

    5/10 +1 bias for being one of the most depthful, complex, and realistic characters in any Fe game ever, 6/10

    I wonder when you're actually gonna do a serious character review besides this copypasta stuff. It was cute in the beginning and now it's just *UGH*.

    ...Since that's off my chest now, onto an actual RTU.


    +Mounted Healer

    +Comes with a mend

    +Great magical tanking capabilities

    +Brady's mom

    +Good class set


    -Joins at level 3

    -Pitiful HP growths

    -Outclassed by Libra and Anna (especially Anna once she nabs Acrobat)

    -Really low growths until she reclasses out of Trobadour

    -Lissa can even outclass her if she's leveled properly by then

    Overall: 5.5/10

  4. Lon to the qu


    +Dat Speed, if he's not doubling something, you need to put down the game and rethink your life.


    +Comes with a Killing Edge. By the time it breaks you should've already found another. And by the time THAT one breaks you should be able to buy more

    +Wyvern Rider mitigates his shaky strength growths. Shouldn't stay in that class forever though

    +Travis Willingham

    +Great father to his children in terms of stats, and TFP/FoD


    -Abysmal strength at the beginning, doesn't seem to like gaining it as a Myrmidon

    -Mediocre defenses

    -Thief class seems kind of redundant

    -Can easily be replaced by Say'ri if he isn't getting enough use

    Overall: 8.5/10

  5. Here's FemMU x Priam:

    Robin continued to serve under the new Exalt as Ylisse's chief tactician. Her husband, Priam, became her personal bodyguard, making sure she was never a moment alone. However, it seemed like it was Robin protecting Priam most of the time, especially from his growing list of rivals.

  6. Pros:

    +Can double right out of the box

    +Pair-up with Freddy and you got a beast

    +Can mitigate her offensive weakness by spending a few levels in General

    +Good skills: Pavise, Luna, Renewal, Galefoerc, and with +2 skill to boot

    +She's Estelle in Tales of Vesperia

    +She makes a ridiculously fast Lucina


    -Limited marriage options. C'mon, Lon'qu!Cynthia would be an absolute monster

    -Frail as all get-out

    -...45% strength growths?

    -Not very good class options unless you're going outside the box

    -Her clumsiness is a ruse

    Overall: 8.5/10

  7. Here's what I got for Mu x Say'ri:

    Say'ri and Robin were wed and became the new rulers of Chon'sin. With help from their new allies from across the sea, they ushered in a new era to the war torn land. In the great history of their land, Say'ri and Robin's love for each other were rivaled by none.

    Still thinking on Mu x Priam. I'm torn between having MU be Ylisse's chief tactician, or traveling the world with Priam as mercenaries

  8. So in one of the interviews with the devs of Fire Emblem Awakening they mentioned the possibility of a Series 3 DLC if there was enough fan demand.

    Let's say IS makes a Series 3 DLC, what would you guys like to have in it? More Einherjar warfare? Conversations? A brand new and interesting plot like The Future Past/Future of Despair?

    For me, I'd like a pack that explains where the hell our Morgan came from. And maybe some actual post storyline episodes (Before it came out, I always assumed The Future Past happened after our heroes defeated Grima in the current timeline, but it turns out its not the case).

  9. Stahl is one of my favorite first gen's in the game. But even so he still has some flaws...


    +Great strength and defense growths. If you've leveled him once or twice by the next chapter, he can easily replace Kellam.

    +Myrmidon tree helps tremendously with his speed growths

    +As a GK he's like a Frederick with no speed penalty, which is great.



    -50% speed growths in the beginning sucks

    -His luck isn't so hot either

    -What's resistance?

    -Archer class.

    -Base speed stat makes him a pretty bad choice for an endgame Swordmaster or Assassin. (Even though I do it)

    Overall: 8.5/10

  10. Awakening possibly being the last FE didn't come as a shock to me. My first FE was Blazing Sword, and that was my only Fire Emblem until New Mystery, because I never HEARD of any other FEs. I loved the shit outta Blazing Sword, I would've totally bought Sacred Stones and the Tellius games if I heard about them. It wasn't until Smash Bros that I was first Introduced to Ike from FE9. If Nintendo really wanted to save the series, shouldn't they have tried to market the games some more? Especially in the West.

    I only happened upon New Mystery because someone on an emulation forum asked for some cheats (and subsequently got banned). I dl'd the rom and played it in straight Japanese, and loved the hell out of it, I loved being able to create my own character and influence how they grew. That and the multi-generational system, was what made me want to get Awakening (I bought a 3DS on a whim because I wanted Awakening that badly). Out of all the systems in Awakening, creating your own avatar and the marriage system was the best thing ever (I want to play matchmaker in more games, dammit).

    Since I have pretty low standards and high tolerance for tomfoolery, the grinding and pair up stuff don't bother me in the least. Then again, I'm the last person you'd want to ask about that since my standards are that low (and I love grinding, and the cute ways the devs try to come up with anti-grind measures *cough*ToD*cough*). The fanservice didn't bother me in the least, as it was pretty tame compared to the more outlandish JRPGs out there. Sex sells, and it looks like IS understands this.

    My thoughts are going all over the place so I'll just end this with a question:

    When's FE14?

  11. [spoiler=Frederick > Gerome]

    Frederick: "Gerome! Thank the gods you're safe."
    Gerome: "What? F-Father? That's impossible!"
    Frederick: "Yes. It is true that the Frederick of this world passed away long ago. However, I have come here from another world. Ergo, I am not the same man as your father."
    Gerome: "Another world? But how can that be..."
    Frederick: "Gerome, you did a marvelous thing back there. Shielding milord Chrom's daughter from the fell dragon's blows took courage. You have the heart of a true knight."
    Gerome: "Yes, well... both my parents were knights. Perhaps nature intended for me to be this way."
    Frederick: "Don't be so humble. From one knight to another: I admire you. No doubt the Frederick of this world would have been equally proud. However, as a father... I cannot praise such actions wholeheartedly..."
    Gerome: "And why not? My life exists to protect my liege. I give it without reservation. Were you or my Mother any different?"
    Frederick: "A father wants his son to live in happiness, not die with honor. Does being a knight disqualify me from such sentiment?"
    Gerome: "I could say the same!"
    Frederick: "What do you mean?"
    Gerome: "When I lost you and Mother, I knew you died with honor. But I wanted you to live! To me, you were a father first and foremost!"
    Frederick: "I... I know. Forgive me, Gerome... But at least you understand how I feel now. Knight or no knight, you must endeavor to keep living. You only get to die to save your liege once... But by living, you could do even greater good."
    Gerome: "I understand..."
    Frederick: "You won't have to struggle alone. I have come here to help you. Not as knight--but as a father. I intend to keep you safe. No more talk of giving your life when you don't have to."
    Gerome: "...All right. But I am still a knight. I will strive to keep living, but not by using you as a shield. We will fight side by side. Agreed?"
    Frederick: "Agreed!"
    Gerome: "...Thank you."

    And that's it for my claims

  12. Time for my .02s


    +High magic modifiers

    +High luck growths

    +Makes for a very good Dark Flier (not because of Galeforce)


    + Dual Support bonuses thanks to Valkyrie skill


    -Redundant class options (Cleric and Trobadour)

    -Hard to level up, don't really need healers when you have self healing skills and pair-up

    -Lack of offensive skills

    -Outclassed by Libra and Anna until master seals become available

    Overall (7/10)

  13. of my current files:

    My first file I married Say'ri, this one's my Lunatic Classic file.I like Say'ri's character and she's pretty cute :3

    second file my FemMU married Priam. Priam's easily one of my favorite characters in this game, now :x, I had to make a Morgan with him.

    In my retail copy (I usually play on digital) I married Emm. She's just so precious ;_;

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