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Everything posted by Drgnquester

  1. Laurent's base modifiers aren't calculated properly (supposed to be Miriel's modifiers +1) Also he doesn't have the Dark Mage tree unless his Father has that class (which he's supposed to inherit from Miriel). http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/maximum-stats/complete/
  2. c2ii, who organized the New Year's Lunatic Challenge, has posted drawings of everyone's submissions! There are quite a few people on Serenes who participated, so I thought I should let everyone know: http://c2ii.tumblr.com/post/81546537995/lunatic-challenge-art-part-1-click-here-for-part Link also includes the zip file to download, and another link to part 2
  3. I'm one of the poor fools who's 3DS was bricked because of Gateway (Gave me an excuse to buy a sexy XL). If it didn't brick I would've loved to data mine Awakening for you guys
  4. I named my Aversa's Night 'Say'ri' ....I have a problem.
  5. If this isn't appropriate for the boards, feel free to lock. Anyway, saw this on my dash on tumblr yesterday, wanted to post here but I forgot. So Kaiji Tang (Owain's Voice Actor) posted on his Sound Cloud some lines from what sounds to be Nah's support with the character. Give 'em a listen: https://soundcloud.com/kaiji-tang/owainlines I remember a while ago he expressed interest in getting the cast together to voice Supports, but scheduling and whatnot made it difficult.
  6. As blasphemous as it sounds, I like grinding to get super-high stats. I don't really use exploits and ridiculously OP parent combinations, because you can't really gimp any of the kids thanks to grinding and LB. That being said, I'm probably the minority who likes grinding the DLC in Lunatic mode, so don't mind me~
  7. Considering the atmosphere of IntSys during the development of their supposed last Fire Emblem game, they probably cut a lot of corners (and feet) to get this game out into the market. That being said, I'm going with the theory that Manaketes had to breed with other species in order to survive as a race. Therein lies the confusion, doesn't Tiki state that Nowi is a pureblood Manakete in her supports with Nah? Does it say that in the Japanese version?
  8. Ah, I see. No one else sent me a card before the due date, so it's all good. Also thanks for PMing the masterpost!
  9. Even though Awakening (and all of the FEs) stories are meant to be taken at face value, it's still fun trying to dissect them. I like discussions like these : D Anyway. I'd imagine the Avatar's mother is where they inherit their looks from, since they don't look ANYTHING like Validar (Thank goodness). That being said, we have no idea what goes on with this super breeding program of the Grimleal's, well, maybe we DO but we'd rather leave it unsaid. But it did take a long time to create a vessel worthy. As long as the Avatar's blood doesn't fall into the Grimleal's hands, Grima won't ressurect. Naga saying Grima may come back is her being realistic, because it's definitely a possibility. They can take all the countermeasures they wan't, but maybe 2000 years down the line Grima gets brought back.
  10. It leads me to question why exactly is the Avatar so worried about Grima resurrecting again in the Normal ending. If it requires such selective breeding/eugenics to create a vessel, shouldn't the Avatar not have to worry too much because the chance of another vessel appearing would be slim? Especially if they marry into the Exalted bloodline. Any attempt on the Exalted blood would spark a war. The chance would lessen even more if the Avatar married a manakete. Morgan/Nah would still be alive in a thousand years, and their blood would be too diluted to be vessels (going by what everyone said above.)
  11. Thanks for editing the OP, Rey. I currently have a megapost with everyone's cards. Once the picture limit for that runs out, I'll make another post on my alt.
  12. I dislike Gaius' fugly Orange on both Morgans (Sorry, Gaius fans :P) I particularly like Female Morgan with Black Hair, the shade/tone doesn't really matter. In fact, I like darker tones on her, period. Male Morgan I like Blue and White (Chrom/Priam/Henry/Yen'fay/Walhart). Warmed up to White hair thanks to Henry support and because Haberkorn voices a particular white haired character I like.
  13. My posts can now be seen in searches! :DDDDDD If anyone wants theres posted, I can try to help. Hopefully c2ii will accept them if I link the thread
  14. Owain is more than just a weeb, Rey. He has full on Chuunibyou
  16. Once my wait period is over I'd be happy to post other people's avatar cards
  17. (Double Post :V) Did some research, apparently Tumblr has a wait period for new blogs before their tagged images appear in search results. No one knows how long that wait is, but I'm going to assume it's a few days. Also you have to have a post icon beforehand (an avatar, not the default one) it seems. EDIT: You also have to actually use your tumblr. Follow other people, reblog stuff, etc.
  18. That could be troublesome for late entries :<, considering how Vincent uploaded his on the 7th and it still didn't show up
  19. I posted it yesterday evening around 11 EST or so... I'll give it until that time and check again
  20. http://drgnquester445.tumblr.com/post/72729890205/still-new-at-this-tumblr-thing-dx-my-submission
  21. So I made a tumnblr and posted my avatar card and tagged it, but it doesn't show up when I search the lunatic challenge tags? Was there something extra I had to do? Help, please!
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