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Everything posted by Drgnquester

  1. I have a few Rally Bots on standby in the logbook. I just don't have a need for them, yet
  2. Lemme take a swing... Pros: +Lord class is tops +Rightful King is better than Aether +Only ground unit that can wield lances without DLC +Can get some great defensive skills like Aegis and Dual Guard+ +Falchion is awesome. Cons: -Piss poor class options. I mean, really. ARCHER? -Lacks a lot of skills that could've made him a better offensive unit. -Lacks quite a few supports. If they really had to limit his marriage options, they could've expanded on his male supports. -Stahl makes for a better Lord Overall: 8/10
  3. He's also Alucard in Hellsing. Based Nakata too stronk
  4. [spoiler=Gaius > Owain] Owain: Do the raging valley winds play tricks on my eyes? Now I'm seeing phantoms of my father. Gaius: I'm no phantom, Owain. Owain: The howling of the wind, it...it even SOUNDS like my father... Has he come from the next world to claim me? Gaius: Hey! Do I look like some kinda deathly messenger to you? I may have come from another world to save you, but not THAT one. Owain: You mean you're...not a ghost? You're really here?! Gaius: Yes! Can we get past the ghost thing already? And even if I was a ghost, I wouldn't be helping to drag you off to heaven. Owain: Huh? Gaius: I mean, what kind of father wants to watch his son bite the big one? Not me, that's for sure. I ought to club you one for trying to sacrifice yourself like that at the bridge. Brave or not, that was a cruel thing to make your old man watch. Owain: But I was just trying to— Gaius: You need to take better care of yourself, Owain. That look on your face back there gave me a real scare. I could see in your face that you were ready to...that I almost lost you. Owain: All right... I'm sorry. I'll take better care of myself. I promise. Gaius: Good. I came here to save you. That means you have to fight to stay in this, no matter how hard it gets. Don't make me say it again! Owain: Huh? ...Father, wait! ...He's gone. ...... Well...thanks for the tough love. I think I needed that. I can FINALLY delete this blasted file
  5. Galeforce is good for finishing maps quicker. That's about it. It doesn't save you from getting wrecked on the enemy's turn like Limit Breaker could. It's useless for streetpass teams because the player is more than likely going to reset if a character dies.
  6. Owain with Orange Hair makes him look like early Ichigo from Bleach (before Kubo started sharpening his chin), so I usually pair Lissa up with Gaius. I just can't imagine Inigo without that Chrom Blue hair, and the fact that Inigo looks like a gay fabulous version of Chrom with it, I just have to do it every run :V Cynthia looks cute with white hair, and Severa looks gorgeous with black hair. Brady with any hair color other than blonde looks pig-disgusting to me, sorry guys :x
  7. Owain isn't always about his twitching sword-hand and past Fire Emblem references and tomfoolery, he actually has a side to him that shows he really did grow up in an apocalyptic hellscape like Thor said, if he was like that all the time he'd be boring and one-dimensional. Thanks to his supports and DLC conversations his character is more fleshed out. In the supports with his Father, he tells his father how he took a hit for him, and died in the process. The guilt weighed on him from the traumatic experience, and he freaks out when his present time Father takes an arrow for him. In his conversations with Inigo in Harvest Scramble, Owain talks to him about how the first arrived in the current time, and were forced to kill human beings. Both of them talked about how jarring it was, and how unsettled they were because of this.] If anything, Owain's personality is more of a coping mechanism for all of his doubts and fears he had in the future. To me that makes him seem like a really awesome and one of the more human-like characters in the game
  8. Er... does it really matter? I don't understand this picking of nits, here. Regardless. Shame I didn't keep my Lunatic+ file long enough for Paralogue 23, but on Hard/Classic I'd just mark every Warrior who has Counter, and every Sniper who has a Longbow. You don't need 30-something guys to beat this map. You can do it with less than half the amount. Just get your strongest units out there, pair them up, and rotate between letting the enemy come to you, and you going after the enemy. Namely the Warriors and Snipers
  9. for my Frederick!Owain I did: Class: Assassin Skills: Galeforce Pavise Aegis Luna LB
  10. Finally beat the Future Past 2 without killing Female Morgan. Her conversation with the Avatar is the exact same as Male Morgan's with the Female Avatar, but w/e. Since that's out of the way, time to train the loving hell out Laurent, Severa, Gerome, and Lucina's parents. (Chrom is the only one that's all green and good to go D:)
  11. I love my daughteru and her sadism. She reminds me of myself (irl me) in that way when I was a kid. Not going to get personal on a forum but yeah. I love both Morgan's optimism and cheerful disposition, even when thrown into a strange world without their memories, they still managed to get by. And going by supports. I find Female Morgan to be hilarious, and I like how she tries to spice up the life of the camp by making her own fun. Male Morgan's supports depict him as much calmer than Female Morgan, and an over all good hearted individual, I can't remember a support where he willingly tries to fuck up someone's day for the fun of it.
  12. It's pretty tough on Lunatic. I had to go back and slap Limit Breaker on Gregor so he would be able to double everything. Even then, I had to race to Owain and Inigo before those Wyvern Lords did after Brady/Yarne evacuate. It's definitely a challenge, money well spent.
  13. Those accursed fliers giving me no breathing space, and those Generals are nothing to Dreadfighter Chrom :V
  14. [spoiler=Gregor > Owain] Gregor: Ho! Is very impressive, that look of daring in son of Gregor's eye. Perhaps even put other Owain to shame, yes? Owain: Father?! Gregor: Er... not exactly. This Gregor come from another world. Not the same as Gregor YOU know. Owain: Huh? Another world? Then how did you get here? Gregor: Naga has few tricks up sacred sleeves. She send Gregor here to help you. But seems like you don't need any help. This world's Greor would be proud! Owain: No... I doubt he would have anything nice to say about an egomaniac like me. Gregor: Hm? What is this "egomaniac"? Owain: It's just... I always talk a big show. This time I proclaimed I was going to sacrifice myself to save the others. But all I wound up doing was leading us to our doom! I'm a fool who only cares about how I look to other people. I'm sure my departed father would look upon me only with pity. Gregor: Really? Owain: Uh... yes, really. Gregor: And what is so wrong about "talking big show" if it helps you find courage? What is so terrible about putting comrades first in times of danger? Is certainly bad idea to go running headlong toward own death, but still. You are strong, boy, and Gregor will crush anyone who dares say otherwise. That even includes you! Owain: Oh, Father, I... *sniff* I'm sorry! Ahhhh... *sob* Gregor: Yes, good boy. You cry as many big man tears as you need. After everything you've been through, you deserve it. But once the man tears dry up, we fight, yes? Ylisse awaits! Owain: Y-you're right. My world needs me! ...I have to survive this! Gregor: That's Gregor's son! I'll get the Gaius one up soon I feel like a bad person for killing Morgan D:
  15. It makes me feel really bad that I married Gregor to Lissa in my playthrough now
  16. [spoiler=Donnel > Noire (The Future Past 1)] Donnel: Well if it ain't my little sugar beet! How ya doin', Noire? Noire: What?! F-Father?! But... But! BLOOD AND THUNDER! DO MAGGOTS NOT FEAST UPON YOUR CORPSE?! Donnel: Whoa there! Easy, girl! I see yer just as fierce, even without yer talisman. Just like my own Noire... Anyhow, listen up—I ain't yer real pa. I'm another Donny, from the Outrealms. Seems we ain't got long here, but I'm fixin' to do whatever I can to save y'all! Noire: OUTREALMS?! I CARE NOT A WHIT FOR YOUR OUTREALMS! You dare to speak with such flippancy?! Why do you not beg for forgiveness? You who forsook your wife and child for the easy peace of death! You shall pay for the sorrow and torment you brought upon us! Donnel: Hey now, are those tears? Don't cry, sweetheart. Noire: C-cry? Shed tears for a deserter? Never! I... I just have s-something in my eye... I... Y-yeah... That's all it is... I, uh... *sob* Donnel: Aw, shucks. Look at you, all sad. I'm awful sorry, truly I am. Now listen—the me of this world might've up and left y'all up a tree... But not this Donny! I ain't goin' no place until y'all are safe and sound, y'hear? Noire: O-okay... *sniff* Th-thank you, Father... Just... don't die again, okay? Donnel: Ya got my solemn word on that, little lady. Cross my heart! And that does it for all of my FoD1 claims
  17. ....currently in the middle of training my Parent characters for FoD2. I wish Gregor's speed growths were better
  18. from what my head canon is telling me, the children arrived at different moments in time from what Laurent implied in his supports. Lucina arrived on the onset of the Plegia War 2 years prior to being reunited with her father. Laurent was around 3 years before that. My guess is when the children got separated and landed in various points in time, of course the gap in time isn't that big between them. That would explain why some children look older than the others/etc. Morgan on the other hand just arrived, hence why he/she's so young.
  19. Gonna take me a while to do Donnel > Noire since I just recruited her yesterday :V But I'll get the convo done by FoD3, I won't leave my claims hanging like that.
  20. the enemies outside do attack the children locked inside. You'll need to eliminate them quickly. The conversations are amazing. Avatar and Noire's made me FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL....
  21. Vaike > Nah d'aaawww I finished Morgan's conversation with the Avatar on my previous post (though it's more or less a monologue)
  22. I'm sorry but my son is voiced by Liam o'Brien. I'll be saying 'Welcome home' to his 'I'm back' :P also Boss Morgan quotes incoming for The Future Past 1 EDIT: Spoiler - Versus Morgan (M) Spoiler - Defeated Spoiler - Avatar (M) > Morgan (M) EDIT Spoiler - Virion > Kjelle d'aaawww, Virion...
  23. I just did Yen'fay and Say'ri's convos without realizing I had claims, derp. I'll edit this post in a bit. Spoiler - Say'ri > Yen'fay Spoiler - Yen'fay > Say'ri
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