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Posts posted by Drgnquester

  1. spoiler - Avatar (Father) > Inigo (Son)

    Inigo: Hrm... Nothing. There's nothing good!
    MU: Looking for something, Inigo?
    Inigo: Oh! Hello, Father. I was just searching for a momeno.
    MU: A momento?
    Inigo: Yes. Some little token or trinket to remind you of the places you've been. Seashells from the shore, that sort of thing. Wherever I go. I try to find some souvenir to keep the memory fresh whenever I see it.
    MU: What a charming idea. I seem to recall your mother saying something similar before. Is this something you picked up from her?
    Inigo: Heh, yes. And why am I not surprised that you knew about it? You two were always so cute.
    MU: What can I say? So what have you found?
    Inigo: Absolutely nothing! At first, I thought to collect up some of these red leaves. But unless I keep them pressed in a book or the like, they'd be shredded in days. Anything I take will be jostled around in a pack on the road. I'd prefer it were durable.
    MU: A, good point. What about some springwater, then? That CAN'T break.
    Inigo: Is that a joke, Father? You'd have me haul a skin of springwater everywhere I go for the rest of the war? Sloshing away as we march the roads? In combat?! Does that sound like fun to you?
    MU: ...No, it doesn't.
    Inigo: No! It doesn't! I'd be the son of our army's tactician and its biggest laughing stock. Yeesh. I'm mortified just imagining it. ...Besides, I already have thought of that, and I don't have any empty skins.
    MU: But you thought of it!
    Inigo: Ha ha ha. Wellm sure. It's the most obvious thing to pick, isn't it? I also tried to shave a few shards off of some of these giant rocks.
    MU: Oh?
    Inigo: But they're awfully hard.
    MU: Er, yes, well... Boulders are like that. I'm impressed the thought even crossed your mind to try.
    Inigo: Didn't do me much good. I'm this close to conceding defeat. Maybe I'll just settle for a little chunk of a Risen or something...
    MU: What? Ew! No! Augh! Besides, your mother would burst into tears at the sight! There's got to be SOMETHING better than that. Let's keep looking, yeah?
    Inigo: All right... I'll think on it as I fight. And thank you for helping, Father.

    spoiler - Inigo (son) > Avatar (father)

    Inigo: Father!
    MU: Hm? Oh, hey, Inigo. Did you find your momento?
    Inigo: I think so! There was a pebble in the shallows. It has a purplish hue that really evokes the springs and foliage. I think it's perfect!
    MU: It's lovely. I'm glad you were able to find something.
    Inigo: Me too! I'll not forget this trip as long as I have this. I'll treasure it. Always...
    MU: Oh...? I didn't realize these momentos meant quite so much to you, Inigo.
    Inigo: They do. Well, not the mementos so much as the memories behind them. I'm still rather shy on fun memories, you see... The future wasn't exactly a happy place. Even after coming here, the stretch of time before I met up with you all was... difficult.
    MU: Y-yes... Of course.
    Inigo: Plus, once peace is won, that's it. Whether I can return to the future or not, it will still mean good-bye to you and Mother. I'm eager to tuck away all the good memories I can bfore that happens.
    MU: What do you mean it's good-bye even if you can't return?
    Inigo: It won't be much longer till I'm born in this world. The real me, I mean. I have no place beside him. Who knows what sort of influence it might have... It wouldn't be right. Which puts a pretyy tight limit on the time I have together with you two. Heh, it's going o get awfully quiet...
    MU: Inigo...
    Inigo: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ramble on. I'll be just fine. I've got this stone! I'm sure it'll see me through any lonely nights when I get to missing you. Really, I'm just happy I was able to find something!
    MU: ... Can I see it for a moment? The stone.
    Inigo: Hm? Oh, sure. Here you go.
    Inigo: Whaaat?! D-did you just...? What, is this some new game where you make me go fetch my prized posessions?
    MU: That's no prize, Inigo! You don't need it.
    Inigo: I'm sorry?!
    MU: You think you can lock away all your happy memories in a rock and stew in solitude? If so, I think you need to think again!
    Inigo: Father, that isn't your--
    MU: If you feel lonely, or if you want to see us, then just do it--come and see us! If time or circumstances ever split us up, it's our job to come back together again.
    Inigo: Father...
    MU: Or what? You think we'd treat you like some kind of inconvenience? Some burden? Is that the sort of parents you think we are? That the bonds we share are that flimsy?
    Inigo: I don't think that. I don't think either of those things! I could never feel that way about you two...
    MU: Then it's simple, isn't it? You can come back to us whenever you like. And don't ever talk about making memories "while you still can." We've an amazing future ahead of us. full of all kinds of fun experiences. In fact, it's our responsibility to MAKE that future for our family. AS a family! That's why you came here. Isn't it?
    Inigo: ..... ...It is. You're right, obviously. I shouldn't be thinking about bottling up my happiness to drown out my sorrows later. I should be making memories as a record of how we built a future where I can be happy! All right. Seems like we've got our work cut out for us... For starters, we'll have to make the most of these springs after the battle's through! You'll join me, won't you?
    MU: You couldn't stop me if you tried. You can even let your old man scrub your back. ...Considering I'll be bathing you in a few years, this can be a practice run.
    Inigo: Ha ha, true! And thank you, even if that is a touch weird... Um, Father? Even if our paths should part someday, I feel as if today's emories will keep me... I'll be able to live with a smile, knowing I got to share in all this with you and Mother. But... if I still get lonely from time to time, I'll come knocking on your door. I hope that whenever that is, no matter how many times it happens, you'll let me in. ...That you'll be there to say "welcome home."

    Awwww, I actually felt something, there

  2. My answer is so obvious that I am wondering if my vote was even necessary.

    *Looks at some of the earlier posts* Hmmmmm... Persona and ,going from that other thread I made, Devil Survivor seem pretty popular around here.

    I've played just about every title I could get my hands on, seriously I could write a book about this stuff >_>

  3. I don't really care about the censorship, I guess I'm just... annoyed at how people are responding to it, I suppose. Anyway that's my problem, I'll just avoid this thread for the time being until this whole thing blows over.

  4. Fuck!

    It's the principal interrest of this DL, censured it is a shame! -_-'

    I'm verry disapointed of this translation, I waited one year for THIS?!

    Next time I'll Buy the japanese version and whatever I understand only the half...

    Relax. It's only just Tharja. And if you're that upset you can just find a pic of it on the FE Wiki.

  5. I never really cared for Legacy characters anyway so this doesn't really effect me. I think the main problem with getting it fixed is that NoA probably doesn't even know it's broken. The community could, you know, bring this up with them and see if they can make a patch or whatever.

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