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Everything posted by KaiserPhoenix

  1. Wha... You mean, you've never used Nino? Every time I play through (save my very first time) I got her 20/20, and nearly EVERY stat is maxed (save defense and HP, she can't seem to get any defense to save her butt I swear..). Anywho, I am not much of a pure Archer user, mainly because I would link with my friends and no defense close quarters means dead archer, which means a spot in my party that is (fairly) useless. I only used Neimi (in 8) because she could go into that Ranger, which was a fun class to use, but had relatively low caps on all of her stats. ~KaiserPhoenix
  2. You know, I signed up yesterday, waited til tonight to try resending validation, and I checked my spam box and in inbox, and I never got a validation E-mail (_____________@live.com). I got fed up, and changed my E-mail to my yahoo account, andI checked my yahoo, and I got the change E-mail validation, then I resent the validation (for the 2nd time) and it went THEN. So, I think there may be more to this validation thing than meets the eye. Just sayin. ~KaiserPhoenix
  3. Yup. I'm a new guy. As a new guy, I have no avatar or signature *sigh*. Anywho, pleased to make everyone's acquaintance and all that happy horse... blank. ~KaiserPhoenix
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