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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Meh. I don't see another Fire Emblem until late 2015-2016. GIVE ME ADVANCE WARS another mother game would also be nicer than fire emblem at the moment. ITOI-SAMA COME BACK~ ;_;
  2. i guess playing pit does make me like shotas in shorts and r.o.b. is bloody thirsty Ness has the best description of all, and I forgot to read Wario's. I don't have Smash 4 yet, but that Rosalina description is just what
  3. haha silly japan giving it to yourselves last I mean, that makes no sense. I NEED the Pit amiibo, and probably Villager and Peach.
  4. ^Kirby music is amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG6st61XyGQ
  5. You people are mean. Wishing Rosalina wasn't in the game, calling her broken, saying she's being shoehorned, you can all shut up. I'm planning on maining Rosalina so I hope all you whining about here enjoy it. I'm also using Dark Pit to rub it in the bias whiners face. (and lucina, shulk, and wario for no reason other than liking them) I hope you enjoy the star bits >:)
  6. This whole "Challonge" is a bad idea imo. I think that Ana should be able to start her own tournament if she doesn't want this, and you can't complain if she does.
  7. I'll be getting my copy on the 18th, so yay sarcasm Yeah, but when I get it, I'd like to face just about anyone, so yeah.
  8. okay I looked up her gameplay, and it looks really fun so yay
  9. The same logic that lets Ness take Paula and Poo's moves and lets Robin use Nosferatu. He'd be awful if he had that restriction. [spoiler=xenoblade spoilers]Plus the non-Hom hurting part is taken away during the game. This may not be Monado II, but still.
  10. I played a ton of Brawl today since it'll be up to two weeks until I get Smash 3DS, and I found that it is so much better than Melee in everyway. Fox, Yoshi, Wario, Falco, and Toon Link are all on my radar for this new one now. Bowser Jr, Little Mac, Shulk, Robin, Lucina, Wii Fit Trainer, Dark Pit, Palutena, Villager, Pac-Man, and Rosaluma are all great. I still have ones like Ness and Sheik that I've always liked so yeah.
  11. Yeah, almost no one knows what unlocks what. Just doing versus or random stuff in classic is the way to go. They are used in the victory screen iirc.
  12. okay I don't actually have the game, but Lana, Fi, and Agitha look like my favorites. Can anyone who has the game give an idea of how Agitha plays?
  13. okay what you said has nothing to do with this, but meh I cannot stand when people say that Sticker Star shouldn't have been the focus of the stage. I admit, having Super and Paper Mario N64 would be great, but hating Sticker Star is ugh. Although the Bowser's Sky Castle part is inexcusable. Worst design ever. The Spinning Head of Death is stupid, I knew it when I first saw the stage. edit post-script: You've literally given no reason ever for your hated of Lucina. Never. You got your character, so stop whining about her. I bet you'd be happier even if she wasn't in. I really don't care.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfqK0nU_OPc omg Rogueport's remix is is too op This game has amazing music imo
  15. Wow, congratulations, you completely took the line of out context, considering you don't know the full story. She says "They call you the Radiant Hero?" That's it. It's a winquote by the way. Multiple newcomers now have winquotes. Palutena (to Dark Pit): Poor little Pittoo... FeRobin to Lucina: How can you protect Chrom if you cant even protect yourself? Dark Pit (to Pit): Where's your goddess now? Oh wait, you have an irrational hate for Lucina, it's literally hopeless. I guess my hoping Lucina gets a unique moveset next time is just such a terrible thing then, isn't it? Anyway, I won't be getting the game for a week or two, so meh. I'd ever so be happy if one of you could record Dark Pit and Falco's taunts.
  16. Eh, I'm sure there's something for everyone. I mean, after all, we've survived worse (march was awful in terms of news), so we can do it! (i have to wait until either the 11th or the 18th, so yeah...)
  17. Lots. I was only, like, 5, when I played Melee and younger for Smash 64. The only characters I knew were Mario and Friends, Pikachu, Link, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf (I remembered watching my dad play Ocarina and vividly remember the scene where Sheik was discovered), and Samus (my dad played Metroid Prime before Melee).
  18. For a while, I wasn't really caring about Little Mac. However, as soon as I get the game, him, Rosalina, and Shulk will be my first 3 picks for Newcomers. I suddenly began caring, I guess.
  19. Eh. I'm fine with waiting, although I'm getting this the same time as Metroid Prime Trilogy, so let's see which I play more...
  20. why is there no rescue i mean, i get that it added strategy not having it, but i still miss the liberty of using it, Pair-Up is too broken. Also, Radiant Dawn's type of skills.
  21. I'm totally picking Reset Bomb Forest Omega and Magicant Omega all the time. I mean, they're literally the best.
  22. okay i mean after colony 9, after gaur plains, after ether mines I mean Satorl Marsh. To be honest, I hate Reyn, so getting to use Shulk/Sharla/4th Character is great.
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