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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. I know it's been a while, but I still feel that Chrom is beautiful, and it's a shame he isn't in. I wasn't even sad until I saw his glorious model. I'd cut Marth for Chrom imo. Marth got nerfed to obvilion, and a new tipper character could be cool, but id be torn apart so
  2. Yeah, there's zero way that that Ice Climbers trophy wasn't originally a character. Also, adding the CHORUS MEN as trophies instead of Rhythm Girl/Reporter/Wrestler/Monkey? Equally suspicious.
  3. I love R.O.B. I'm talking about the fan reaction. The fans blamed R.O.B., among others for the lack of K. Rool, Ridley, blah blah. Same as today, really.
  4. Yeah, sorry, my rant was sort of childish. I just tire of him being the new scapegoat. Dr. Mario/Pichu/Roy were the Melee scapegoats. R.O.B./Toon Link/Wolf were in Brawl. Now it's Dark Pit/Lucina/Dr. Mario.
  5. Fun fact: If you say "Bowser Jr. is in" or Jigglypuff/Duck Hunt/Falco/ect you get banned from the stream chat huehuehue
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ2ZMG3cAVc omg omg omg
  7. Yeah, really enjoy the spitting upon Dark Pit. Ugh, when he's cut next game, you'll all be upset that he was cut, and that we are losing a valuable character. Of course, Dark Pit is SO obviously less than a character and DESERVES to be beat upon relentlessly. Of course, I totally enjoy the spiteful attitude that so many of you have towards Dark Pit. I've said this so many times that saying stuff like that feels like an attack towards me, because I'm very clearly the only one here who likes Dark Pit. I need to main Dark Pit then, I guess.
  8. okaymaybe reach out to the truth is just okay, but wiping all out is still the best
  9. Don't even start. Dark Pit Staff is like literally Light Arrow. "Oh, DP has a different Final Smash than Pit, but is still a rip off Final Smash oh noes" And Dark Pit's "differences" are so slight that his slightly stronger-ness without as much speed is like, clone 101, where a difference in attack and speed is normally... Exactly that. Ugh, I'm so sick of all the Dark Pit whining that I actually HAVE to white knight him. Because you KNOW you have bias towards Lucina, so something he has different, but she doesn't is just terrible. And Lucina is my favorite newcomer, so you know I'm not biased against her, you're biased against Dark Pit.
  10. FE4/5 did it terribly. TERRIBLY. You basically mainly sticked to the guys like Sara or Othin who happened to get blessed by the skill angels. Awakening did it okay. I mean, it's easily broken, but when you just play to have a good time/do something weird, it can be fun, like having a weird combination of Sol/Bowfaire or something. Path of Radiance's was downright inhibiting. I don't LIKE this character, let me give their skill to someone else. Granted, PoR is still in my top 3, but still. FE7/8 had barebone skills, doesn't count. And thus, we come to Radiant Dawn, which did it almost perfectly, except for Canto/Shove, which were rather inhibiting. I didn't just throw everything on the royals, for instance, giving Mia Wrath/Resolve, or giving Nephenee both Vantage and Resolve, or same for Edward. It could help Fiona a lot, and it made putting everything on the people I actually want to use good.
  11. meh I'd like to examine some of the more wut Pairings for my current run, and not really optimize or blah blah blah, but I'd like the kids to be at least not-garbaje Does Sully do fine with Ricken, at least well enough to do not terrible things? This isn't the Apotheosis master run or anything, I'd just like a chill run with not much amazing. Oh, and Gaius/Maribelle.
  12. I l-o-v-e that Larry Koopa gets the turquoise rim clown car. I mean, best Koopaling and best color, yo.

  13. Robin has some cool colors, like Red Robin or White Mage, but the lack of Chrom blue is terrible. I mean, that Chrom blue hair/coat would look oh so beaut.
  14. So far, Robin looks cool I guess. I mean, the Fire Emblem characters are pretty basic, besides Robin of course. Robin has, like, the best colors of any non Clown Car recolor. Although dat Serena 'Puff. Looking at the gameplay only makes me more excited, especially the music. Omg, Try Try Again, Rogueport Theme in the Paper Mario Medley, Smiles and Tears, and Magicant/Eight Melodies sounds amazing. Also, THIS song was my most wanted. Not only is it in, but it got a VIOLIN REMIX. I LOVE VIOLIN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY35y2iL1d8
  15. Louie was exceedingly extrusive. No, I don't want to save you, Louie. rrof-senpai noticed me~ also that was correct use, she's a mod
  16. @ShadowofChaos Oh yeah, you like Ultimax. yay, that's nice to know I'll be honest, your Ultimax videos were how I learned it existed >_>. /offtopic
  17. So if say, four people, including me and you, were in a group match, and I picked Wario. You would single me out?
  18. this is equally terrible i mean wario of all characters you wished was cut wario Also, the whole "single them out" thing isn't very sportsman like.
  19. what how at all did dark pit or dr mario take isaac's place that's ridiculous italics and bold do not match up you'd be white knighting frederick to the ends of the earth, don't kid yourself
  20. My thoughts: Mega Sharpedo is awesome. Keep up the good work designers. Mega Gallade is cool, like the cloak. However, Camerupt is just okay.
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