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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. First off, I see you're invoking the no true scotsman fallacy. To be a true fan of Ike, you have to like him. There's literally zero other criteria for that. secondly, are you really going to play that game that you hate chrom and lucina because fans didn't respect ike or radiant dawn enough because that's a little much I used to be like this, but i got over it. you're like ten years older than me.
  2. If FE4 gets an Echoes version, I wouldn't be surprised if Eldigan and Ishtar or some characters along those lines were recruitable a la New Mystery Michalis. Not able to have kids, mind you, but recruitable.
  3. FE4/6 are the only choices imo i'd like to see Thracia but that would have to come after FE4.
  4. Ah okay. I didn't know that they defaulted to Fire. That's all I was asking.
  5. Like, even more than Archers? Are they able to cast or anything on enemy phase if they have enough health or nothing?
  6. I mean, Lukas, Forsyth, and Valbar basically run the gamut of armors that anyone actually needs in this game. on the other hand, giving Alm a Merc and Celica a Cav seems obvious. The other villagers can just fill in the holes.
  7. Gray: Mercenary (doesn't alm, like, not get a single mercenary) Tobin: bench (archer) Kliff: Mage Faye: Cleric Atlas: bench (i guess cavalier)
  8. I think everyone's missing the point. I don't care about the timeline so much as the little details. Like getting art of the Crusaders from FE4 or a story about them. Or learning about the events that lead to certain big events. The timeline would be cool, I just think a lore book itself would be the nifty part.
  9. Only counting playable characters because getting into GHBs would be rather hard to predict FE1: Dolph, Boah, Tomas FE2: none lol this game will be a goldmine for milking and there aren't that many characters in the first place (actual answer would be Deen, Jesse, Nomah) FE3: Yubello, Samto, Ryan FE4: Ardan, Corple, Johalva FE5: Hicks, Misha, Sleuf FE6: Cath, Niime, Jodel FE7; Heath, Merlinus, Rath FE8: Tethys, Gerik, Syrene FE9: Ulki, Giffca, Tormod FE10: Fiona, Lyre, Oliver FE13: Panne, Say'ri, Kjelle FE14: Izana, Scarlet, Yukimura
  10. i'm disappointed that leon isn't more popular Cleric - Silque Mage - Luthier/Sonya Archer - Leon, though I also like Python Pegasus Knight - Clair Cavalier - Mathilda Mercenary - Jesse Knight - Valbar, though Lukas is cool too. Villager - Kliff
  11. With all the new information this game gave us, as well as remnants of new things from Awakening and Fates like the Schism or the Fates Dragon Gate, I'd really like to see how things are in the things we haven't seen from the past. Of course, remakes of the Jugdral games would probably do similar things, if not open even more questions.
  12. I have ten. In order: Lyn, Takumi, Roy, Julia, Ogma, Ephraim, Sanaki, Camilla, Nowi, and Jaffar. After the Arena and the Gauntlet, I'll probably be able to promote someone again. Unless I see anyone better, I'll probably save up. I have Nino but I don't think Nino will do anything that Julia can't without Sharena or Eirika. I love Navarre as a character, but idk if he's good yet or not. I think Zephiel could be good too? There's also Lachesis who's at 4* and I don't have a 5* healer, but I feel that's probably a waste. I also have Subaki at 3* and I plan to move him up soon so that he can be 5* eventually. I'm hoping for Reinhardt, Eirika, Linde, Klein, Minerva, or Effie next, since all of them fill some niches on my team that I don't have. I'm F2P, I've just gotten really lucky. Camilla and Nowi were characters I made 5*. But, I mean, Jaffar is -Att so am I really lucky? He's good anyway though. So I guess my goal list is Nino, Navarre, Subaki, Zephiel, Lachesis, Minerva, Eirika, Reinhardt, Linde, Klein, and Effie.
  13. That was more so the games were balanced, and Leo/Takumi are pretty iconic rivals. For instance, the current gauntlet is basically Camilla vs Hinoka, Palla vs Minerva, Cordelia vs Cherche, and Subaki vs Beruka. I would probably replace Merric with Linde then, although Linde might be just a little too good for this.
  14. Archers vs Mages sounds like something they'd do. Takumi, Jeorge, Rebecca, and Virion vs. Leo, Merric, Cecilia, and Tharja at least it wouldn't be so one-sided, because Leo, Takumi, and Tharja would actually be tough fights
  15. Leon's support with Valbar is iconic wow. I'm very surprised and happy about that.
  16. I still think Awakening probably has the best soundtrack. It has the most stand-out bops imo. This one is second, I feel, while Fates is in last because very little of the music stood out to me.
  17. Okay, but there are people who do, in fact, like Awakening and are okay seeing it.
  18. I don't care specifically that it's Grima, though that's definitely a nice touch. The plot itself is super interesting and quite elaborate, especially with the details. I feel the idea of this secret city with a secret experiment is really enticing. Even if it was just a generic dragon, I'd still be fine with it. So yeah, I can dig it. Reminds me of something you'd see in Metroid honestly. Does anyone else feel that?
  19. triggering reference is unnecessary, triggers are actual things that need to be respected.
  20. yes, well this game "retcons" them even further, but please, Awakening's changes weren't that bad and they fit even more when you actually see the context.
  21. The most underrated "Jagen" is probably Dagdar. Scrolls make his stats competitive for the entire game, he starts with skills already, and he can capture consistently from the beginning.
  22. This post is awful. How did no one notice it? there's so much wrong with it that my head is absolutely spinning Let's see: "A gay", "simply need an heir for his throne", "can't satisfy his wife", "feel disgusted every time he has to do the reproductive process", "years of practice with fire made the skin black" this is awful. The last point is the worst of them all though. Darkening your own skin doesn't change your race. Anyways, yes, Fire Emblem needs more diversity, but Fates was a good start with a half-Japanese cast and two Bi characters.
  23. this is the best theme so far for the best princess, i'd love if it stayed
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