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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. ugh these names are atrocious I've defended stuff like Xander and Rinkah but completely changing Zero, Revenant Knight, and Luna makes no sense. Belka's name is a terrible romantization, and cutting Mozume is even worse than cutting Suzukaze.
  2. yeah I'd like to bring up something from earlier why does gyromite constantly get so screwed over I mean were Miiverse/Super Mario Maker stages so important that a Gyromite stage couldn't have happened in their place
  3. this isn't particularly relevant but i really wish that Robin was instead Chrom I mean chrom's model looks superb and he's my favorite lord and sadness
  4. I don't have any real like for Ryoma, so while this art looks good, it doesn't do anything for me. I love Kozaki's art. It's pretty much perfect. I do hope that after FE15 or so that we get a new artist though. Only Pokemon can pull off having the same artist for the entire series, and even then Gen VI looks boring compared to Gens I-IV. And then there's stuff like Brendan and May now compared to then *shutters*
  5. I'd say that with how Cloud was treated in this game that he's basically a guest in the strictest sense of the word. which makes me sad because I love cloud
  6. this topic is tonally fftf with how non constructive it is
  7. I'm not quite sure as to what even was the deal with OGA, but I do doubt that there's any time to do a Smash Taunt in the first place due to how hideously manic it is. The catch is that the Lylat Cruise ones still exist for Wii U minus Wolf's, and Corneria has the Melee ones in the 3DS version and besides Pit, Palutena and Viridi are perfection and their talks are great even if Ali Hillis didn't reprise her role *tears*
  8. Killed me even though we were from the same district.
  9. I'll grant you the items. KI did deserve at least one item and assist, but five items may be a lot. Although Sakurai did indeed say he made some Uprising stuff with Smash in mind. The stages are fine though. There's a new stage on both versions and a returning stage on the Wii U version. If you notice, all four veteran series with newcomers: Mario, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Kid Icarus, got stages on both versions. The stages are fine. The only other thing is the Guidances. It seems that they needed a replacement for Codecs, and I think it's obvious that Guidances were the most suitable thing they could have chosen. As for Palutena and Dark Pit, DP is a last minute clone probably made in minutes, and Palutena was very requested everywhere. Granted, not to Mewtwo/Mega Man levels, but requested all the same. It is funny though that everyone wanted Palutena until the other KI stuff showed up, and then the internet hated her.
  10. I basically did an inventory of my games and the only game missing was Pokemon Platinum. pokemon platinum was the one game is went looking through cases to find and I already had a perfect team of Torterra, Staraptor, Gallade, Vaporeon, Scizor, and Houndoom my life is over
  11. I could see how this could be an issue, but yeah, the Falchions have infinite uses for Awakening. As for SS, you'd really have to be trying to run out of every resource in the game, but yeah, it'd probably be unwinnable. as for RD however... the Laguz alliance has such awful resources it kills me every time
  12. i had to abuse save states and it still took me an hour to get enough money for Dratini so now I never want to gamble again
  13. Camus 28 Ishtar 6 Galle 4 Lloyd 7 Selena 2 Shiharam 6 Levail 15
  14. I think that Ness and Roy are pretty good. Probably my most controversial choice was just putting Roy in S tier, but he has a ton of potential and damage.
  15. 6. Opinion of Shulk? 7. Opinion of Fiora? 8. Opinion of Dunban? 9. Opinion of Riki? 10. Ryu, Cloud, or Bayonetta?
  16. Awakening brought me here /shame What is your favorite Pokemon?
  17. monolith soft was bought way before xenoblade was made it's literally as first party as possible because unlike pokemon or Kirby which are developed by outside people like GF and HAL, Monolith Soft is 100% first party
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