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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Luke 100 Asch 65 Guy 52 Tear 99 Anise 36 Ion 53 Dist 51 Largo 46 Sync 38 Mieu 76
  2. Luke +1 Largo-1 if someone could add this for me thanks!
  3. Cecil - 47 Terra - 29 Locke - 50 Cloud - 26 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 30 Zidane - 33 Tidus - 24 Yuna - 25 Noctis - 20
  4. Sora 66 Riku 78 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 51 Roxas 59 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 55 Master Eraqus 50 Young Xehanort 16 Ansem the Wise 29 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 47 Xemnas 59 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 32 Braig 50 Xaldin 37 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  5. Luke 99 Asch 64 Guy 52 Tear 96 Anise 38 Ion 52 Dist 51 Largo 48 Sync 41 Mieu 75
  6. Cecil - 46 Terra - 29 Locke - 50 Cloud - 26 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 29 Zidane - 33 Tidus - 24 Yuna - 25 Noctis - 21
  7. Sora 66 Riku 77 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 51 Roxas 59 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 55 Master Eraqus 50 Young Xehanort 17 Ansem the Wise 29 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 47 Xemnas 59 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 32 Braig 50 Xaldin 37 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  8. Luke 97 Asch 64 Guy 52 Tear 96 Anise 39 Ion 52 Dist 51 Largo 49 Sync 41 Mieu 75
  9. Well the next round of polls are up and wayward winds quotes still ended in a tie lol so I think I am going to write them on paper or something and pick one to see what one will be the winner XD
  10. Cecil - 45 Terra - 29 Locke - 50 Cloud - 26 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 29 Zidane - 33 Tidus - 24 Yuna - 25 Noctis - 21
  11. Luke 96 Asch 64 Guy 51 Tear 95 Anise 40 Natalia 2 Ion 52 Dist 51 Largo 50 Legretta 1 Sync 41 Mieu 75
  12. Sora 65 Riku 76 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 51 Roxas 59 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 55 Master Eraqus 50 Young Xehanort 19 Ansem the Wise 29 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 47 Xemnas 59 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 32 Braig 50 Xaldin 37 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  13. Sure I will just have to make some E-donuts that can travel through time and space (The internet) to reach the winner
  14. Sora 63 Riku 75 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 51 Roxas 59 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 55 Master Eraqus 50 Young Xehanort 25 Ansem the Wise 29 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 47 Xemnas 59 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 32 Braig 50 Xaldin 37 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 43 Larxene 43
  15. Luke 95 Asch 64 Guy 51 Tear 94 Anise 42 Natalia 7 Ion 52 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 5 Sync 41 Mieu 75
  16. Elli

    First Shiny?

    First shiny I ever saw (Besides Gyarados of course) was a graveler that exploded then there's all the event shines I have and my first ever shiny that I actually caught was in Pokemon X a shiny Loudred..
  17. 1. What is your eye color? Steel blue 2. What is your natural hair color? Strawberry Blonde 3. What is your blood type? Umm not sure 4. What is your race? White 5. What is your zodiac sign? Leo 6. What is your chinese zodiac sign? Dont know 7. How much do you weigh? Not telling 8. How tall are you? 5'7 9. Are you single or in a relationship? Single 10. What do you want to do as your career? Well I am on a disability pension...(for many different reasons ) but I would have loved to work in something that involved animals 11. What is your favorite color? All shades of blue 12. What is your favorite book? The Emerald Atlas 13. What is your favorite film? The Avengars & Wreck it ralph 14. What is your favorite TV show? Pokemon! also tales of the abyss anime & others I cant think of at this time 15. What is your favorite song? Sanctuary & Ys sevens soundtrack though I love any songs that have a good beat or sound nice specially Japanese songs 16. Who is your favorite artist/band? Cascada and Nobuo Uemastu 17. What is your favorite food? Anything with Chicken! 18. What is your least favorite food? Most things with red meat 19. What is your fashion sense? Anything that looks good, apparently I look good in any color 20. What kind of personality do you have? Quiet, shy and over emotional at times but friendly 21. What is your favorite sport? Soccer & swimming 22. What are your hobbies? Drawing, art, games, writing, music, reading 23. What is your favorite video game? Oh thats a tough one I have to many though Xenoblade would be up there and FF X 24. What electronic devices do you own? Ps3, 3ds, Wii U and all the older consoles like sega, nintendo 64 game boy color ps2 etc 25. What is your religion? Jehovah's Witness 26. What are your fears? Spiders, Snakes, pain 27. Where would you like to travel to? Hmm some tropical country XD 28. Who is your favorite fictional character? Another tough one hmm Kain would be one also Gaius from Xillia but I have many others 29. What kind of weather do you like? Warm & sunny not to hot or to cold with occasional rain 30. Do you have any tattoos? No 31. Do you have any piercings? Yes both of my ears 32. Do you drink? No I dont like alcohol 33. Do you smoke? Defiently not 34. What is your favorite supernatural/mythological creature? Unicorn 35. Do you prefer sweet or bitter things? Sweet & also savory 36. What is your gender? Female 37. What is your sexual orientation? Straight 38. Do you have any children? No 39. How many languages do you speak fluently in? 1 though I would like to learn German (being part German) & Japanese 40. What is your most valuable possession? Hmm that would be my family they are the most important thing to me I don't know what I would do without them
  18. Avi 8/10 no idea who they are but it looks cute XD
  19. Sora 62 Riku 74 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 51 Roxas 59 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 55 Master Eraqus 50 Young Xehanort 27 Ansem the Wise 29 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 47 Xemnas 59 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 32 Braig 50 Xaldin 37 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 43 Larxene 43
  20. Luke 94 Asch 64 Guy 51 Tear 93 Anise 43 Natalia 8 Ion 52 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 7 Sync 41 Mieu 75
  21. Cecil - 44 Terra - 29 Locke - 50 Cloud - 26 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 30 Squall - 29 Zidane - 33 Tidus - 24 Yuna - 25 Serah - 4 Noctis - 21
  22. Hmm nah go ahead and join if you want, I originally had planned to have the cut off be when the polls start but meh I guess it doesnt matter (was going to say this hours ago but my net stopped working..again)
  23. Sora 61 Riku 73 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 51 Roxas 59 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 55 Master Eraqus 50 Young Xehanort 29 Ansem the Wise 29 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 47 Xemnas 59 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 32 Braig 50 Xaldin 37 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 43 Larxene 43
  24. Cecil - 43 Terra - 29 Locke - 50 Cloud - 26 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 30 Squall - 29 Zidane - 32 Tidus - 24 Yuna - 25 Serah - 6 Noctis - 22
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