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Everything posted by Elli

  1. The Avengers & Thor is awesome!! How can you dislike them </3 You don't like super-hero movies, Anime or manga, What do you like?! XD
  2. The site will last forever & ever because that's how this site rolls!
  3. Gaius From Xillia Class: Swordmaster Lvl 20 Hp 80 (100%) Str 30 (75%) He hits hard Magic 20 (50%) Skill 25 (55%) Speed 15 (25%) He is a bit slow Defence 25 (55%) Luck 15 (25%) Res 30 (75%)
  4. Cecil - 50 Terra - 29 Locke - 50 Cloud - 28 Zack - 48 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 31 Zidane - 34 Tidus - 24 Yuna - 16 Noctis - 17
  5. So I was wondering since the next part of the polls will be starting soon how should I go about doing it (this has been bothering me for awhile) should I put everyone's winning quotes against each other like for example Jedi would be first should I put his winning quote against eveyone elses winning quotes and so on until I am through everyone and then at the end put everyone s quotes who has the most votes against each other till theres one final quote? Or should it go Jedi vs me for example if jedi's quotes wins then mine is out completely? (Yeah you can tell I have NEVER done this before lol)
  6. Sora 78 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 66 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 58 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 26 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 45 Xemnas 61 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 2 Braig 50 Xaldin 28 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  7. Luke 100 Asch 75 Guy 56 Tear 100 Anise 29 Ion 55 Dist 53 Largo 38 Sync 8 Mieu 88
  8. Okay I have now put up the final 3 polls of those who have entered quotes
  9. Yeah I will enjoy it for a little while, because we also will have to sell because of certian things that have happened, but at least the next place will hopefully be a permanent thing! I really hope so...
  10. My house that my parents have been building for 4 years! So much went on in these past few years to make it take so long... I have been living in a shed with my family this whole time (there is six of us and the shed isn't that big) but it seems like my family is finally moving into the house next week, though it wont be fully complete, but that's cause we have to, stupid council (Sigh) but at least I finally wont have to worry about the cockroaches, mice & spiders anymore just the other day a mouse even bit through the phone cable and left us with no phone XD and for some reason mice like eating metallic things.
  11. Sora 77 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 65 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 58 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 26 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 45 Xemnas 61 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 6 Braig 50 Xaldin 28 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  12. Luke 100 Asch 74 Guy 56 Tear 100 Anise 29 Ion 55 Dist 53 Largo 38 Sync 12 Mieu 87
  13. Sora 75 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 63 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 57 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 26 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 45 Xemnas 61 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 14 Braig 50 Xaldin 30 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  14. Luke 100 Asch 73 Guy 55 Tear 100 Anise 30 Ion 55 Dist 53 Largo 38 Sync 22 Mieu 84
  15. haha thats exactly what I thought of earlier today XD
  16. Sora 75 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 62 Terra 50 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 57 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 26 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 45 Xemnas 61 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Xigbar 16 Braig 50 Xaldin 30 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  17. Luke 100 Asch 72 Guy 55 Tear 100 Anise 30 Ion 55 Dist 53 Largo 39 Sync 22 Mieu 84
  18. Sexual themes is probably talking about some of the skits but they arent even too bad, my little brother & sister watched me play the game and there was nothing wrong with it
  19. Elli

    Colors3D Art

    I have been making art on colors 3d for a while now on my 3ds XL and want to show you all some of my art (If anyone is interested) I am not the best at drawing but I am trying to improve and I have a lot while using Colors 3D , My art is a mix of FE, Pokemon, Zelda ect... you can find my art here, as I make more pictures I will post them there as well There is about 40 or so pictures on there at the moment (Keep clicking the arrow on the side of the picture to see them all) http://s795.photobucket.com/user/Shelie229/media/3DS%20Colors%20Art/1576274-ht2Gw1mWh8sJ4ku9_zpsd05f9b51.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 I am also willing to take requests but I cant draw anything to difficult and don't expect it too look good XD (Drawing is also difficult for me as I don't have proper function in my right hand since I kinda cut of some of my fingers as a child they are reattached but I cant use them properly so yeah it makes things hard drawing really hurts my hand..)
  20. It would leave us in the same situation as wayward winds quotes I still have to do something to break the tie in his quotes
  21. If you picked that then his quotes would have had a tie haha between that one and I will change the world
  22. Also if anyone still enter some quotes do so now because in a few days the next round of polls will be starting since I am nearly through everyone's quotes now
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