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Everything posted by Elli

  1. I know right haha we have been safe every year so far but they do predict this to be the worst storm season in years so yeah, they better be wrong! Though I definitely wouldn't want tornadoes or hurricanes I think high winds scare me more than anything well besides raging fires & earthquakes oh and tsunamis thank goodness I dont have any of those here.... XD And just like that the hail is back bigger & meaner than before oh yay... and its quietened down for now but it seems a worse one is on the way, I hope it doesn't hit here...
  2. Yeah this is the time of year it storms here too except the last couple of years we didn't get the storms through November but got rains in January which resulted in south east qld being flooded but this year the storms have come in Nov and we are still expected to get heavy rain in Jan I'm worried this year will be the worst flood season yet, especially since last year my family received a warning to be ready to evacuate and that's without having the rains already before Jan From Fires to Floods in Australia, yup just the way Australia likes it....
  3. So right now there is a massive storm here with huge hail, lighting, heavy rains, high winds, yeah I'm ready for a blackout....(Blackout means can't use water though, Power you better stay on!!!)
  4. To treat others how you would want to be treated (meaning be nice to your friends & people in general)
  5. Sorin & Leap won that round Next polls are up, Dang I lost....on the first round lol
  6. Luke 100 Asch 85 Guy 59 Tear 100 Anise 10 Ion 56 Dist 54 Largo 18 Mieu 96
  7. Sora 85 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 79 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 59 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 24 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 31 Xemnas 62 Namine 50 Xion 50 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  8. Just like to say I prefer casual and making a team with pokemon I like how I like also my In game name is Alisha (Which is my real name)
  9. I'm currently ditto farming for breeding (from a friend safari) and was wondering if there is any dittos any of you would be interested in if I come across any I'd be happy to trade them instead of releasing them since I keep getting plenty of doubles, I wont be able to add anyone right now but PM me with dittos you are interested in(Nature/desired ivs) & if I come across any I will PM you back (I will make space on my friends list so I can add 1 more person but I will have to delete you after the trade to make room for others & so on)
  10. Birds lots of birds, and I am still going to get more birds, so far I have 5 cockatiels & 1 cockatoo plan on getting 2 rainbow lorikeets also going to get some chickens eventually & Ducks and plan on getting some other kinds of birds in the future Use to have 10 rabbits though and 4 cats and a dog and 2 mice and 3 other birds that died......
  11. I wish I could find pokerus, I want to use it to train my Pokemon already (of course I have to finish breeding my good Pokemon first) I don't even play competitively I just want to make some half decent Pokemon that I like XD but I guess I can wait till the pokebank..
  12. I have spent soo long farming dittos now trying to get the right Natures & good Ivs its painful haha I might even run into another shiny eventually! well I have so many dittos I could even trade some away if anyone is interested (I might go post it on the trade thread) Though I would need to delete one of my current friends on my list which should be easy since there is a lot of inactivity and considering I picked up most on gamefaqs XD I have not manged to get pokerus yet this gen, when Pokebank comes out though I am going to infect everyone with my pokemon from B/W!! Wow extremely lucky XD Congrats!
  13. Sora 84 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 77 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 59 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 24 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 37 Xemnas 62 Namine 50 Xion 50 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  14. Luke 100 Asch 84 Guy 59 Tear 100 Anise 14 Ion 56 Dist 54 Largo 21 Mieu 96
  15. Cecil - 50 Terra - 29 Locke - 50 Cloud - 33 Zack - 49 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 30 Zidane - 34 Tidus - 24 Noctis - 14
  16. Yeah my crit sucks XD I wish one of my other ones got more votes
  17. I don't plan to until KH3 & FF 15 come out on it, or if anything else comes out sooner that appeals to me
  18. Yeah In X and Y only since it seems quite a lot of people are finding/catching shines this gen
  19. Sora 82 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 76 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 58 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 24 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 45 Xemnas 62 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  20. Luke 100 Asch 83 Guy 58 Tear 100 Anise 15 Ion 56 Dist 53 Largo 25 Mieu 96
  21. Tails cause I was always playing Tails as a child with my brother on the Sega Megadrive (cause I was to scared to play the sonic at the time, thought it didn't matter if tails died I was like 3-4 XD)
  22. Luke 100 Asch 82 Guy 58 Tear 100 Anise 15 Ion 56 Dist 53 Largo 26 Mieu 96
  23. Sora 82 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 75 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 58 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 26 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 45 Xemnas 62 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Braig 50 Xaldin 0 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
  24. I finally was able to find someone willing to share their Ditto Safari with me today, So I been spending hours catching dittos and I eventually came across a Shiny Imposter Ditto, its stats aren't that great but its BLUE & I love blue <3 So I will love it nonetheless XD What shines have you guys gotten so far in X &Y?
  25. Sora 82 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 74 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vantias 58 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 26 Ansem Seeker of Darkness 45 Xemnas 62 Namine 50 Xion 50 Yen Sid 50 Axel 86 Braig 50 Xaldin 2 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 43
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