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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Cecil - 50 Terra - 8 Locke - 50 Cloud - 43 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 30 Zidane - 34 Tidus - 12
  2. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 87 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 65 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 24 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 69 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 3
  3. Luke 100 Asch 100 Guy 60 Tear 100 Ion 58 Dist 26 Mieu 98
  4. Hero & Sorin win the match! Next match is up
  5. Cecil - 50 Terra - 9 Locke - 50 Cloud - 42 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 30 Zidane - 34 Tidus - 18
  6. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 87 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 65 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 24 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 67 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 7
  7. Luke 100 Asch 100 Guy 60 Tear 100 Ion 58 Dist 35 Mieu 97
  8. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 87 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 63 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 24 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 66 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 13
  9. Luke 100 Asch 100 Guy 60 Tear 100 Ion 58 Dist 38 Mieu 96
  10. How many times do I have to say vote for yourself then vote for hero if you wish, I wont count the vote on yourself its what I been doing the whole time so far XD Heck yeah I am faster than Hero! I win!
  11. Oh I didnt wow I must have been half asleep when I posted then
  12. You guys have some seriously weird dreams XD Last night I had another crazy dream..... For some reason the world was going to be destroyed by these crystals if they weren't found and done away with I don't remember much but I remember seeing these crystals on the master sword & panicking... and so I set out to find them when I found the first one it was being guarded by.... Hitler like seriously what the heck whats that guy doing in my dream.... and he promptly beats me stabbing me and throwing me into a river it was so freaky I don't even know if I died or not but I literally pictured blood coming out of my eyes and all over my body (no wonder I didn't sleep so well) then the next thing I new I was all better and at the next spot with a crystal there was a huge man beast guarding it that would go on frequent rampages and it beat the heck out of me and I was all badly bloodied & bruised.... and that's all I remember of it, which I am glad... Like seriously that was a freaky dream all I did was die in it I think o_o
  13. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 87 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 62 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 24 Xemnas 62 Namine 50 Xion 63 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 23
  14. Cecil - 50 Terra - 10 Locke - 50 Cloud - 41 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 30 Zidane - 34 Tidus - 20
  15. Luke 100 Asch 99 Guy 60 Tear 100 Ion 58 Dist 41 Mieu 96
  16. And Dodgedusk & Poly win the match Next match is now up
  17. Well I got nothing I don't do well thinking out of the box.... Box vs Table! Yeah I got nothing haha
  18. Yup haha I was trying to think outside the box XD
  19. Oh I know Link Vs Wolverine totally not generic at all
  20. Okay Link vs Marth or Link Vs Pikachu (Yes I want Link haha XD )
  21. What about Link Vs Samus or something like that
  22. Luke 100 Asch 98 Guy 60 Tear 100 Ion 58 Dist 48 Mieu 96
  23. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 87 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 62 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 24 Xemnas 62 Namine 50 Xion 61 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 47 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44 Larxene 27
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