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Everything posted by Elli

  1. This will run practically the same as the Crit quotes thread except there will be 2 category's this time, serious death quotes & Silly/funny just plain stupid death quotes, so get the imagination going and have fun doing it. They will be run in different polls so don't worry they wont be competing against each other. And like last time you are free to change your entry quotes as many times as you like up until the polls start. And you are able to enter quotes up until the VS polls start. Friendly criticism of each others quotes is also welcome. The polls will start in a few days or when I feel we have enough entries. I will be editing this post to list the winning quotes & such so check back here if you want to see whats happening. Rules ------------ Enter up to 4 Serious Death Quotes Enter up to 4 Silly Death Quotes How many quotes you want to enter is up to you though it can't go over 4, And if you don't want to enter in both category's that's fine though it would be preferred to try keep things a bit even And remember this is purely for fun so enjoy yourselves! Previous winner of the Crit quotes -------------------------------------------- Hero-King with the Quote "I will change the world!" [spoiler=Results so far]This is from my notepad I been pasting the results too Magyars Serious quotes "Father.....is that....?" (4 votes [16.67%] - View) "I have to....go back....and fix this...." (7 votes [29.17%] - View) Voted "Brother.....you must survive...." (6 votes [25.00%] - View) "My, that's going to leave a scar....." (7 votes [29.17%] - View) Magyars silly quotes "....I thought this was....casual mode..." (7 votes [29.17%] - View) "H-hey! A strike to the genitals is.....dishonorable....." (2 votes [8.33%] - View) "For god's sake, man! When you strike at an enemy you should-! .....Yeah, like that...." (4 votes [16.67%] - View) Voted "Haha....so this is the end for......hey! I'm not dead yet! It's common courtesy to hear my entire death speech before wandering away like a stray cow! (11 votes [45.83%] - View) Neko110 Serious Quotes Dammit... I was too... careless... (3 votes [12.50%] - View) Tch... how could I... be so... careless... (5 votes [20.83%] - View) Shit! This cannot be the end! I had... so much... to live for... (6 votes [25.00%] - View) Voted Who would've guessed that I'd die here... (10 votes [41.67%] - View) Neko110 Silly Quotes I was two days from retirement... (7 votes [29.17%] - View) You spoony bard! (11 votes [45.83%] - View) Look! A distraction! *grk* (4 votes [16.67%] - View) Voted I thought I was... the King of... Fighters.... (2 votes [8.33%] - View) Sifers Serious Quotes "The butcher finally came to collect his tool" (4 votes [57.14%]) "The only unfair fight... is the one you ... (1 votes [14.29%]) "death falls on those who deal it sooner than later." (1 votes [14.29%]) Voted "Heh...I couldn't dance with Death till the last note... my friends would be disappointed” (1 votes [14.29%]) Sifers Silly Quotes "Fuck you" (0 votes [0.00%]) Voted "rolled a 'one' damn" (4 votes [57.14%]) "VULNARIES IS PEOPLE!" *drops Vulnary* (3 votes [42.86%]) ZeeEmm Serious quotes "Ugh...why...did I have to fail...? Not here...Please..." (2 votes [28.57%]) "Tch...and I regret so much...my siblings...forgive me..." (1 votes [14.29%]) "I'm sorry, friends...I screwed up...once again...only this time there's nothing to atone for..." (0 votes [0.00%]) Voted "Ha...I was always a lost cause...I...deserve this...fate..." (4 votes [57.14%]) ZeeEmm Silly Quotes "...SHIT...!" (0 votes [0.00%]) "I'll...see you fuckers...in hell...where the devil will molest your souls..." (1 votes [14.29%]) Voted "Of course I have to die in this shitty place...heh...it smells, too..." (4 votes [57.14%]) "...Ding-dong, the prick is dead...!" (2 votes [28.57%]) Polydeuces Serious quotes "I refuse... to die... in this place..." (1 votes [14.29%]) "Why... is it so red...?" (1 votes [14.29%]) "At least... I got... a hero's death..." (1 votes [14.29%]) Voted "This is... my last dance... let the band... play on..." (4 votes [57.14%]) Komeiji Koishi Serious Quotes "So... this is where it ends..." (6 votes [54.55%] - View) "I... can't die... until I achieve.... some... thing..." (1 votes [9.09%] - View) Voted "Farewell, everyone... We'll meet again... some day soon..." (1 votes [9.09%] - View) "N-no... t-this can't be the... end of my story...!" (3 votes [27.27%] - View) Komeiji Koishi Silly Quote "What a horrible night to not be on casual mode." (0 votes [0.00%]) "Damn it you, how could you let me die?! You better hit reset right now or I swear I'll...!" (3 votes [27.27%] - View) "I'll see you all in heaven. Except you, you're going to hell." (5 votes [45.45%] - View) Voted "I seriously hate those 1 percent critical hits..." (3 votes [27.27%] - View) Shelies Serious Quotes "....I might have been... the angel of death... in life.........but now..... I shall be... the reaper of souls....... In death........I ....will come for you...." (1 votes [9.09%] - View) "I...guess I wont....be around... to change the world....after...all" (6 votes [54.55%] - View) "All that I worked.... so hard for.... to make a difference.... and it ends...like this? .... My friends.... carry on..... without me" (0 votes [0.00%]) Voted "All...the pain and suffering....I...have endured....A..Alas... I can find... peace....." <<<This one being said as if It was actually myself.. after everything I have gone through in my life (4 votes [36.36%] - View) Shelies Silly Quotes "HAH....FOOL.....DON'T THINK... YOU'RE A GOD.... JUST BECAUSE.... YOU... BEAT ME....CAUSE WELL....W...WELL...I..I ...(Falls over and dies..) (3 votes [27.27%] - View) (Enters the battle shouting) "I AM INVINCIBLE YOUR BLADE SHALL NOT TOU-...Ooofff......Youuu...Sneaky little...urgh.....I'l..l get... you...!" (1 votes [9.09%] - View) This is just.... a flesh wound... I can keep..... Gah! (4 votes [36.36%] - View) Voted "Ahhhh.... wow your skill level is amazing....Owww... Daamn...I should a known you would crit me..... (3 votes [27.27%] - View) Vestige Serious quotes "I'm sorry [name]...death...has done us part..." (3 votes [37.50%] - View) "From you I was born...unto you I return...Mother..." (1 votes [12.50%] - View) "I weep for those...who have yet to find this peace..." (2 votes [25.00%] - View) Voted "The reaper beckons..." (2 votes [25.00%] - View) Vestige Silly Quotes "I'm not even the strongest..." (1 votes [12.50%] - View) "One down, but I think you have a lot more to go..." (2 votes [25.00%] - View) Voted "Damn...you...weapon...triangle..." (3 votes [37.50%] - View) "Knock, knock! Urg...Nevermind..." (2 votes [25.00%] - View) Alg Serious Quotes "I should have seen this coming..." (2 votes [25.00%] - View) Voted "That... That ended badly" (4 votes [50.00%] - View) "I regret nothing" (2 votes [25.00%] - View) Alg Silly Quotes Voted "Just have to stretch this death quote until the medic gets here and I'll be fine. Keep talking, keep talking, keep-" (7 votes [87.50%] - View) "I regret EVERYTHING! AAAAAGHHH-" (0 votes [0.00%]) "I suppose it's too late to switch sides?" (1 votes [12.50%] - View) Leap Serious Quotes no...this was..not..why... (1 votes [11.11%] - View) so...this...is...what it was..means..to be..a failure (4 votes [44.44%] - View) it was fun as it lasts...thank..you.. (2 votes [22.22%] - View) Voted it's ok.... i don't mind...being alone..for..ever... ...no.. (2 votes [22.22%] - View) Leap Silly Quotes dang it, when i tought i'm gonna be the VP of the chap... (2 votes [22.22%] - View) screw this, i'm going to bed.. (4 votes [44.44%] - View) Voted fINALLY!!! :D zzzzzzzzz..... (2 votes [22.22%] - View) ...i hate casual mode .__. (1 votes [11.11%] - View) Dayni Serious Quotes Voted "So I am finally surpassed. I am proud to fall to one like you." (3 votes [33.33%] - View) "There's always a cost to these wars of kings and queens. To think I 'ave to pay in-" (4 votes [44.44%] - View) "Sorry, but looks like my time's up. Look... after.. your..." (1 votes [11.11%] - View) "You harass, harangue and hunt me to my death. You have tried to stop my plans. But now you have done it. I can't... can't stop it. You... you cannot defeat thi-" (1 votes [11.11%] - View) Dayni Silly Quotes "Oh, you wound me! I thought we could... go for a-" (2 votes [22.22%] - View) Voted "You'd think my assistant would jump in to save me. But NOOO, he's off with the princess! Lying ba-" (5 votes [55.56%] - View) "I'd rather you didn't stab me... My organs happen to be in there you twi-" (2 votes [22.22%] - View) "AH HAH HAH AH! I can't believe you dared to stab a GOD! I can't-" *Looks down "WAIT A SECOND. I'm BLEEDI-" (0 votes [0.00%]) Soledai Serious Quotes Voted Death has... such a beautiful embrace (7 votes [63.64%] - View) Everything is a dream... within a dream... (1 votes [9.09%] - View) My soul regrets... this body not... (2 votes [18.18%] - View) ...I do not fear death... If that is heavens will... so be it... (1 votes [9.09%] - View) Soledai Silly Quotes SON OF A BITCH!!!! ~~~~~~AAAAAAHHHHHH!! (1 votes [9.09%] - View) Voted I'm okay... I'm okay......... Okay, that hurt! (8 votes [72.73%] - View) Ah man, I'm not gonna die here, am I!? (2 votes [18.18%] - View) Baldrick Silly Quotes Voted "I'll retreat for now, since I have dialogue in later chapters. Huzzah for plot importance!" (9 votes [81.82%] - View) "[Player], I hope you can spare an Aum staff use!" (0 votes [0.00%]) "Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar!... I always wanted to say that..." (0 votes [0.00%]) "Damn! I knew I should have filled my pockets with Bibles..." (2 votes [18.18%] - View) Baldrick Serious Quotes Voted "Come on! Why won't the bleeding stop?" (3 votes [27.27%] - View) "Dying for a cause I don't believe in... So stupid..." (5 votes [45.45%] - View) "Have mercy! I don't want to die..." (2 votes [18.18%] - View) "At least I held out for as long as I could..." (1 votes [9.09%] - View) SecondWorld Serious Quotes Voted "The dream for which I have worked so hard to achieve, I guess... it was just that, a.... dream......" (6 votes [40.00%] - View) "I leave the rest to you my friends... don't lose hope just yet....." (3 votes [20.00%] - View) "N-not now! Not when I'm so close......" (4 votes [26.67%] - View) "Everyone... I better not see any of you again... for a... long... time......" (2 votes [13.33%] - View) SecondWorld Silly Quotes "Really writers? Couldn't you have come up with something more dignified?"(this one is for a scripted death) (2 votes [13.33%] - View) Voted "W-wait! I haven't thought of any meaningful last wor-" (5 votes [33.33%] - View) "Oh no! Not my precious hit points!" (4 votes [26.67%] - View) "jfkytdyjmhtdchtnsdyrkmsewym nedyjrcfvyrdfcdvbyjgd treduj rdtgvfhsegyrw stfytrff ufygrtfw" (4 votes [26.67%] - View) Elieson Serious Quotes Voted I'm...sorry kids...I guess...I broke my promise.... (8 votes [53.33%] - View) This isn't supposed to happen to me... (2 votes [13.33%] - View) I...I just can't do it anymore (1 votes [6.67%] - View) At least...I'll be avenged... (4 votes [26.67%] - View) Elieson Silly Quotes Are you kidding me? (1 votes [6.67%] - View) That hurt way more than I expected! (0 votes [0.00%]) The hit isn't gonna kill me, but the bleeding out is? Lame! (6 votes [40.00%] - View) Voted Being a priest sucks. (8 votes [53.33%] - View) Knights serious Quotes "No, too soon, not here" (1 votes [11.11%] - View) Voted "I'm sorry, my family" (1 votes [11.11%] - View) "I can see... light..." (6 votes [66.67%] - View) "So heaven is real" (1 votes [11.11%] - View) Knights Silly Quotes "Fuckin' camper" (2 votes [22.22%] - View) "Damn, RNG screwed" (2 votes [22.22%] - View) "Not fair, not cool bro" (0 votes [0.00%]) Voted "I blame the tactician" (5 votes [55.56%] - View) Wayward Winds Serious Quotes "...Heh... Have you realised... yet..? I was only... the decoy..." (0 votes [0.00%]) "Some you win, some you lose. Your turn... will come." (5 votes [55.56%] - View) Voted "...A worthy blade to fall to. I look forward... to our rematch in... the... af...ter...life..." (3 votes [33.33%] - View) "Let... my death be... a warning. The fortune...teller... lies..." (1 votes [11.11%] - View) Wayward Winds Silly Quotes "...No you can not do dibs on my stuff!" (2 votes [22.22%] - View) Voted "Curses! Beaten by a pack of meddling kids! After all those Scooby Doo cartoons too!" (5 votes [55.56%] - View) "Urk! What a time for the food poisoning to kick in!" (1 votes [11.11%] - View) "Heh heh heh, HAHAAAAHAAAAA! YES! WITH MY DEATH THE ARMIES OF HEAVEN AND HELL SHALL BOTH FALL UPON Y- (1 votes [11.11%] - View) AnonymousSpeed Serious Quotes "Life's always been a playground for me...guess it's time...to grow up..." (6 votes [50.00%] - View) "He. Heheh. HAHAHAHA! Look's like you've finally got me, eh? Ha!...never thought that would happen...damned if that ain't a humbling...falling down from the top, plunging right down to the bottom... " (2 votes [16.67%] - View) "D-damnit...why me? I can't...die. So many discoveries left to make...I've suffered no great loss...so many others cry out for this, so why me? I don't...want to..." (2 votes [16.67%] - View) Voted "Ack...so dark...but, in my defeat, I have paved the way for the others, my friends and allies so that they may live to see there loved ones, and the future they fight for. What more noble a death can a man ask for?" (2 votes [16.67%] - View) AnonymousSpeed Silly Quotes Voted "Message for you sir! I am dying." (7 votes [58.33%] - View) "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN OVERBOARD!" (2 votes [16.67%] - View) "God f-nope, no blasphemy...okay, I got this. HOW DARE YOU KILL ME, WORTHLESS BACTERIAL PROTOPLASM!? Answer now, before I finish dying!" (2 votes [16.67%] - View) "Hey Deadpool I'll tell your ex you said high okay?bye! *dead*" (1 votes [8.33%] - View) DodgeDusk Serious Quotes "I guess my time has come... See you soon" (4 votes [33.33%] - View) "Looks like Death... Has seduced me..." (3 votes [25.00%] - View) Voted "My performance got cut short..." (5 votes [41.67%] - View) "It's been a fun ride... Sayonara" (0 votes [0.00%]) DodgeDusk Silly Quotes "Guess it's just tears and rain now" (1 votes [8.33%] - View) "I need to face desk something..." (1 votes [8.33%] - View) "This wasn't part of the script!" (4 votes [33.33%] - View) Voted "Lying face down in the mud already... My standards have dropped so much" (6 votes [50.00%] - View) Jiac2001 Serious Quotes *gasp for breath* "Lord...Deat-....h-has come to retrieve m-...." (2 votes [16.67%] - View) "Just yesterday I was alive...tomorrow I'm afraid I won't be..." (4 votes [33.33%] - View) "...One day...I was a coward...today I have died a martyr..." (5 votes [41.67%] - View) Voted "...I...have...left...a million...dollars...in...the...."*dies* (1 votes [8.33%] - View) Jiac2001 Silly Quotes "I died...when I got killed..." (2 votes [16.67%] - View) "BULLSHIT!I'm the main protagonist!I can't die!...here...." (2 votes [16.67%] - View) Voted "Update...my Facebook....the password is...1-1...2..." *dies* (6 votes [50.00%] - View) "I-In my funeral...dress up...like the Grim Reaper...." (2 votes [16.67%] - View) Replica Model Serious Quotes "We will all die in time.... my death... is nigh..." (1 votes [8.33%] - View) Voted "No...! ...I can't die now... I got to live to see the.... brightened future...Uhhh" (4 votes [33.33%] - View) "Everyone's gone... And now I'm going to join them soon..." (2 votes [16.67%] - View) "God, please... save my friends... as I cannot no... longer..." (5 votes [41.67%] - View) Replica Model Silly Quotes "Anna! Why do you hate me so!?!" (3 votes [25.00%] - View) Voted "...Give me... beer... before I go..." (5 votes [41.67%] - View) "Yay! Natural disasters!" (1 votes [8.33%] - View) Grandpa: "You two are going to get married.... and bear some children...." Couple: "Uhm, pops, we already know this." (3 votes [25.00%] - View) Breezy Kanzaki Serious Quotes Voted "The ending to my story.... is here..." (10 votes [76.92%] - View) "It's dark here..... i-is this it...?" (2 votes [15.38%] - View) "Guess I'm not fit here after all...." (0 votes [0.00%]) "T-too short this life was...." (1 votes [7.69%] - View) Breezy Kanzaki Silly Quotes "What a bad day to die.." (4 votes [30.77%] - View) "Terrible fate I appear to have met with.." (4 votes [30.77%] - View) Voted "This was not my planned ending.." (5 votes [38.46%] - View) Nicolas Serious Quotes "Sir, you don't need... anyone so uss...ssless like...me..." (5 votes [38.46%] - View) "It's... cold..." (2 votes [15.38%] - View) Voted "Run... away...You c-can't die... here..." (2 votes [15.38%] - View) "Why everything is so...quite..." (4 votes [30.77%] - View) eggs4king Serious Quotes Voted "Never been so... cold..." (2 votes [16.67%] - View) "Guess I should've followed orders..." (3 votes [25.00%] - View) "Heh... You were good. Glad we fought on even terms..." (4 votes [33.33%] - View) "I almost had you... Damn..." (3 votes [25.00%] - View) eggs4king Silly Quotes Voted "FREAKIN' NOOB! FIGHT ME IRL!" (2 votes [16.67%] - View) "Agh... But I haven't finished my bucket list!" (2 votes [16.67%] - View) "That... Looks painful... So why isn't it?" (0 votes [0.00%]) "If you sit on my throne, my hordes of reinforcements will surrender... They're kinda dumb..." (8 votes [66.67%] - View) Frosty Fire Mage Serioues Quotes "N-no...I don't...want to be...left behind..." (3 votes [25.00%] - View) "Are you...proud of me...Dad?" (3 votes [25.00%] - View) "It's over...It's all over...Ah..aha..." (2 votes [16.67%] - View) Voted "I've taken many lives...it's only right that my life...is taken from me..." (4 votes [33.33%] - View) Frosty Fire Mage Silly Quotes "I'm already dead." (0 votes [0.00%]) Voted "Curse you, RNG Goddess! The old lady said you'd be my downfall!" (4 votes [33.33%] - View) "Don't worry...I'll be back...in the next file you play..." (5 votes [41.67%] - View) "I still haven't...used my Starbucks coupons..." (3 votes [25.00%] - View) TheGhosteon Serious quotes Voted "At last...I can...see...the light..." (4 votes [50.00%] - View) "I suppose...that's the...way it should be..." (0 votes [0.00%]) "See you on the...flip side, everyone..." (1 votes [12.50%] - View) "Just when...my future...looked so bright..." (3 votes [37.50%] - View) TheGhosteon Silly Quotes "Nooo! Now I gotta reset! Dang it all!" (3 votes [37.50%] - View) Voted "You...better...not steal my things! I cursed them! ...Probably..." (1 votes [12.50%] - View) "Well, awesome! Now I gotta escape! ...What do you mean, I can't escape?!" (2 votes [25.00%] - View) "I c-can't die! I had so much to live for! Like...androids with sentience...!" (2 votes [25.00%] - View)
  2. I use to have my name on my profile but I got rid of it, so I am not sure if anyone remembers it or not but those who added me for the pokemon friend safari would know my real name since they would see it on my Mii and my pokemon trainer
  3. They are soo cute, I really hope they make a Lon'qu, Henry & Gaius one as well but if not I will settle for the ones they already have (I am a huge key-chain collector XD)
  4. I just finished the game, I had a blast even though I have never played a Lttp, the game was quite enjoyable it took me about 12 hours though I haven't collected everything in the game yet, the 3D though it was stunning, first 3DS game I actually played with the 3D on, it added so much depth, and the game play was nice, I wasn't to keen on the skull woods dungeon, but that's because those wallmasters freak me out, blame my childhood experience with them for that XD so I ended up doing that dungeon last, All in All I loved the game and thoroughly enjoyed it, and now am very excited for Zelda on the Wii U
  5. Those options were only guidelines of different games we could do and the reason I only mentioned those was because they are ones I have played (well most of them) and I am familiar with, I do like it when I know the characters but you are all welcome to mention others that's not in the poll
  6. Luke 100 Asch 100 Guy 70 Tear 100 Ion 52 Mieu 100 Hmm I think we should just declare all the remaining characters winners, since this will take forever with just the two of us and do a different game that might have more people participate XD well I hope lol...
  7. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 86 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 29 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  8. Cecil - 50 Locke - 50 Cloud - 50 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 30 Squall - 33 Zidane - 15
  9. Cecil - 50 Locke - 50 Cloud - 50 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 31 Squall - 32 Zidane - 19
  10. Luke 100 Asch 100 Guy 70 Tear 100 Ion 56 Mieu 100
  11. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 84 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 33 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  12. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 0 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 83 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 35 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  13. Cecil - 50 Terra - 0 Locke - 50 Cloud - 50 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 31 Zidane - 20
  14. Luke 100 Asch 100 Guy 69 Tear 100 Ion 57 Sorry Ion :( Mieu 100 Poor Ion.... Maybe we should declare all the 100's as winners! Still Ion would have to die since he is nowhere near 100... Well I made a poll to see what everyone wants for the next game if what you want is not listed please post in comments & tell me what you would like for the next Hurt/Heal
  15. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 2 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 81 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 37 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  16. Luke 100 Asch 100 Guy 67 Tear 100 Ion 58 Dist 1 Mieu 100
  17. Cecil - 50 Terra - 1 Locke - 50 Cloud - 50 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 30 Zidane - 27
  18. Well now there is 2 more votes, so that makes the winner of the finals... Hero-King!!! Congragulations on your victory!!! Thank you to everyone who participated, I will make the thread for death quotes in a few days so everyone get yours ready! (Cant take down the poll yet since I am on my 3ds)
  19. I dunno XD but if it stays tied I guess there will be 2 winners!
  20. Hmm thats not a bad idea, I guess we could have 4 quotes that are serious then 2-4 quotes that are just plain silly/funny/stupid for fun
  21. I am not sure yet, I might do it here, though I am thinking if I make a new thread it might get more attention, so yeah
  22. Luke 100 Asch 100 Guy 66 Tear 100 Ion 58 Dist 4 Mieu 100
  23. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 49 Goofy 53 Roxas 87 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Ansem the Wise 4 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 79 Axel 86 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 39 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  24. Cecil - 50 Terra - 2 Locke - 50 Cloud - 49 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 30 Zidane - 29
  25. Cecil - 50 Terra - 3 Locke - 50 Cloud - 48 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 32 Squall - 30 Zidane - 31
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