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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Going outside seems nice, except its night time here, yeah I live in Australia...
  2. Well it all started after the trauma I suffered as a kid when I cut of some of my fingers in a exercise bike, that caused me grief growing up , Heck I don't even know what a true friend is I have never had one... I don't even have relatives I can rely on they bullied me growing up as well, my mum is all that I have ever had my whole life & I have been so nasty to her in the past, I am seriously screwed up, all I can ever seem to think of is negative things, I have been to doctors & psychiatrist's to get help and they haven't done much at all. Geez now I have even gone and cut my hand with a knife (By accident though) cause I wasn't thinking/watching what I was doing....
  3. I bought the 3ds here in Australia on its release day for $350 but everyone who did got the ambassador certificate which allowed them to I think 12 games to download on the 3ds Sacred stones being one & a kirby game & Zelda Minish cap and others whats funny though is I bought the last Blue 3ds in my area then when the pokemon 3dsXL came out I was told I bought the last blue pokemon 3ds in my area as well I think I must be lucky in a way....
  4. Yeah I know, Suicide is a bad thing but its a thing I been dealing with since I was a kid, luckily I have always been brought back to my senses before I do something stupid, I have suffered severe depression since I was a kid for many different reasons I wont state here, But I have had a terrible life and some days it just feels like things are getting worse, I am just waiting for the day things will be somewhat easier in my life & my familys
  5. I had a huge break down today, and just ain't coping well at the moment T_T I was even having suicidal thoughts earlier, Its like everything just hit me at once, I am honestly starting to lose hope with things.... right now I am in so much pain and tears just keep coming all even when I don't want to its like I can't even control it right now. I feel like I could just scream or even do something stupid, I haven't felt like this in ages, it scares me...
  6. So I gave this game to my little brother to play after I finished it, He loves Zelda, So I was curious as to why he stopped playing the game in under an hour, I question him and he tells me he is stuck... I was seriously confused how he was stuck, he tells me all the monsters are killing him.... so again I am like how?? They didn't hurt me for that much and he said they take about 2 hearts away every time they hurt him.... then it hit me! He started on Hero mode XD I told him to restart his game right away on normal haha (His reason for starting hero mode was he didn't know what it was/did and was curious) well he learnt his lesson!
  7. I have no idea who this guy is.... but he does he the same last name as me!!!
  8. I am so jellie right now I would love the Zelda 3ds, I want that deal, I NEED IT!!! Lifes not fair! I guess I will have to settle with my Pokemon XL *sigh* I am so glad the 3ds isn't worth $350 anymore, I bought my original for that much to find out a couple months later the price dropped heaps T_T (Though I got FE Sacred stones out of that which introduced me to Fire Emblem so maybe it was a blessing in disguise)
  9. Using colors 3d caused my old 3ds to have problems with the L button that was until I also learned about blowing it to get rid of the dust my 3ds XL though has no problems at the moment, only system I have had the L & R button break is the game boy advance SP that was a pain
  10. Cecil - 50 Locke - 50 Cloud - 50 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 26 Squall - 36 Zidane - 8
  11. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 87 Axel 93 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 13 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  12. Eirika 15 Ephraim 15 Seth 15 Franz 15 Ross 15 Garcia 15 Neimi 15 Colm 15 Artur 15 Lute 15 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Moulder 14 Vanessa 15 Tana 15 Innes 15 Syrene 15 Joshua 16 Gerik 15 Tethys 15 Marissa 15 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 15 Dozla 9 Saleh 15 Rennac 15 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 15 Duessel 15 Knoll 15 Lyon 15 Valter 15 Selena 15 Glen 15
  13. Eirika 15 Ephraim 15 Seth 15 Franz 15 Ross 15 Garcia 15 Neimi 15 Colm 15 Artur 15 Lute 15 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Moulder 14 Vanessa 15 Tana 15 Innes 15 Syrene 15 Joshua 16 Gerik 15 Tethys 15 Marissa 15 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 15 Dozla 13 Saleh 15 Rennac 15 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 15 Duessel 15 Knoll 15 Lyon 15 Valter 15 Selena 15 Glen 15
  14. Cecil - 50 Locke - 50 Cloud - 50 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 27 Squall - 35 Zidane - 10
  15. Due to the size of the list the characters Hp cannot exceed 20 besides that the rules are the same stated on page 1 and I did not add all the non playable characters Eirika 15 Ephraim 15 Seth 15 Franz 15 Ross 15 Garcia 15 Neimi 15 Colm 15 Artur 15 Lute 15 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Moulder 15 Vanessa 15 Tana 15 Innes 15 Syrene 15 Joshua 15 Gerik 15 Tethys 15 Marissa 15 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 15 Dozla 15 Saleh 15 Rennac 15 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 15 Duessel 15 Knoll 15 Lyon 15 Valter 15 Selena 15 Glen 15
  16. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 87 Axel 92 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 15 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  17. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 87 Axel 90 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 19 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  18. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 87 Axel 88 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 23 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  19. Cecil - 50 Locke - 50 Cloud - 50 Zack - 50 Vincent Valentine - 29 Squall - 34 Zidane - 13
  20. I was thinking we could even have a mix up of characters that are from the same series of games, so like you could have characters that people like from Xillia & Symphonia together and such, and the same with FE & FF though everyone would need to tell me characters they would like from said games or I will just have to guess, this is just an idea though.
  21. I also have heaps of games I have yet to finish, I own hundreds of games and out of all those there is more unfinished then I have finished. its so frustrating, I start playing a game then get sidetracked with something else, then I find it so hard to pick up the game I was playing and try to finish it , generally it involves me restarting the game to try remember the story and sometimes again I still don't end up finishing it, It can take me years just to finish some games. Though some games I can finish in a few days If I am thoroughly enjoying it, but it always depends on the kind of game I am playing if I finish it quickly or not, or if ever.
  22. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 51 Ventus 50 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 50 Xion 87 Axel 87 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 25 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  23. I so can't wait to get this game and play it with my brother & sister have to wait till next month though
  24. Serious --------------- "....I might have been... the angel of death... in life.........but now..... I shall be... the reaper of souls....... In death........I ....will come for you...." "I...guess I wont....be around... to change the world....after...all" "All that I worked.... so hard for.... to make a difference.... and it ends...like this? .... My friends.... carry on..... without me" "All...the pain and suffering....I...have endured....A..Alas... I can find... peace....." <<<This one being said as if It was actually myself.. after everything I have gone through in my life Silly --------- "HAH....FOOL.....DON'T THINK... YOU'RE A GOD.... JUST BECAUSE.... YOU... BEAT ME....CAUSE WELL....W...WELL...I..I ...(Falls over and dies..) (Enters the battle shouting) "I AM INVINCIBLE YOUR BLADE SHALL NOT TOU-...Ooofff......Youuu...Sneaky little...urgh.....I'l..l get... you...!" This is just.... a flesh wound... I can keep..... Gah! "Ahhhh.... wow your skill level is amazing....Owww... Daamn...I should a known you would crit me.....
  25. Lol XD & heal wins! I think or does hurt win since it hurts heal & heal can only heal hurt... it ends in a tie, I think...
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