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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Sora 88 Riku 86 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 55 Aqua 59 Ventus 55 Vanitas 74 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 46 Xion 91 Axel 97 Braig 50 Lexaeus 46 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 30
  2. Eirika 15 Franz 15 Ross 15 Neimi 18 Colm 20 Artur 15 Lute 14 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Vanessa 17 Tana 6 Innes 20 Syrene 15 Joshua 20 Gerik 15 Tethys 7 Marisa 16 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 18 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 20 Knoll 15 Lyon 14 Selena 14 Glen 15
  3. Well the next quotes are up. though Sifer your winning quote "The butcher finally came to collect his tool" is a bit disturbing to me, if you played World Of Warcraft you would know why... XD
  4. I actually have Eternal Sonata on the Ps3 but haven't ever played it yet (As much as I want to I need to get my own Ps3 that's not my brothers :<) And awesome, I am definitely a huge tales fan so I will see about getting that game soon, I just wish they localized the other 2 now that would of been truly awesome.. Another reason to learn Japanese XD
  5. Tales of games are awesome!!

  6. I wish I could understand Japanese otherwise I would definitely get the PS3 version I could use a guide but I think it would frustrate me too much T_T , So I will be getting an Xbox 360 just for Vesperia, I wish there was other games that interested me on the Xbox though... I got my PsP originally for Crisis core luckily there was other games on the PsP that interested me as well though. By the way, how good is radiant mythology 1, for those that have played it?
  7. I am surprised at the amount of votes this is getting this time around, the crit thread didn't get nearly as much, though I guess a lot more people joined this time as well.. heh I am glad to see that my winning serious death quote is the one that has more meaning behind it for me
  8. Sora 88 Riku 86 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 55 Aqua 59 Ventus 55 Vanitas 74 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 46 Xion 89 Axel 97 Braig 50 Lexaeus 46 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 34
  9. Eirika 15 Franz 15 Ross 14 Neimi 17 Colm 20 Artur 15 Lute 14 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Vanessa 17 Tana 8 Innes 20 Syrene 15 Joshua 20 Gerik 15 Tethys 11 Marisa 16 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 18 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 20 Knoll 15 Lyon 14 Selena 14 Glen 15
  10. Sora 88 Riku 86 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 55 Aqua 59 Ventus 55 Vanitas 74 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 46 Xion 87 Axel 97 Braig 50 Lexaeus 46 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 38
  11. Eirika 15 Franz 15 Ross 14 Neimi 16 Colm 20 Artur 15 Lute 14 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Vanessa 17 Tana 13 Innes 20 Syrene 15 Joshua 20 Gerik 15 Tethys 14 Marisa 16 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 18 Saleh 3 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 20 Knoll 15 Lyon 14 Selena 14 Glen 15
  12. I even made a picture of Luke just the other day
  13. Sora 88 Riku 86 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 55 Aqua 57 Ventus 55 Vanitas 74 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 46 Xion 87 Axel 97 Braig 50 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 38
  14. Eirika 15 Franz 15 Ross 14 Neimi 15 Colm 20 Artur 15 Lute 14 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Vanessa 17 Tana 13 Innes 20 Syrene 15 Joshua 20 Gerik 15 Tethys 14 Marisa 16 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 17 Saleh 3 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 20 Duessel 1 Knoll 15 Lyon 14 Selena 15 Glen 15
  15. Well the next quotes are up, I am still waiting for you to tell me poly, if you are going to add silly quotes or not XD
  16. Well the next quotes are up, I am still waiting for you to tell me poly, if you are going to add silly quotes or not XD
  17. I mainly use Luke, my party usually consists of Luke, Tear, Guy & Jade
  18. I do drink plenty of water, and I have been to doctors that's how I found out I have a problem with my blood pressure, but I am going to see my doctor again soon to see if there is anything else I can do at all. My blood pressure use to always be perfect I don't even know whats causing it to be low all the time now
  19. I suffer from it quite a lot, and from what I hear nothing can be done about it, though I been told walking and salt can help a bit, it hasn't helped yet, All day today I my heads just been spinning, I can hardly stand up without feeling like I will pass out... Awhile back I actually passed out and hit my head, woke up to find blood pouring from my head that was quite a shock.. . So does anyone else suffer from similar issues and if so ever passed out?
  20. Sora 87 Riku 86 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 55 Aqua 57 Ventus 55 Vanitas 74 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 46 Xion 87 Axel 96 Braig 50 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 42
  21. Eirika 15 Seth 7 Franz 15 Ross 14 Neimi 15 Colm 20 Artur 15 Lute 14 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Vanessa 17 Tana 17 Innes 20 Syrene 15 Joshua 20 Gerik 15 Tethys 14 Marisa 16 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 17 Saleh 13 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 18 Duessel 6 Knoll 15 Lyon 14 Selena 15 Glen 15
  22. My first test Introvert(78%) Sensing(38%) Thinking(1%) Perceiving(44)% You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%) You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (38%) You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%) You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (44%) The 2nd test I am a ISFP Introversion - 93%, Sensing - 13%, Feeling - 18%, Prospecting - 16%. after taking the this test, it made me even more of an introvert XD And now I took the one from Mypersonality.info and I am 100% an introvert..... though its right about me being artistic
  23. I think I would have a panic attack if someone approached me like that XD
  24. Stuff like Vesperia on the PS3 really make me want to learn Japanese, I could expand my gaming & animes so much if I could only understand it! One day I will learn this language.... Plus I absolutely love listening to Japanese songs, after listening to them enough It ended up making some of my dreams Japanese though I didn't understand a single thing
  25. poly are you still going to enter quotes for the silly category?
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