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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Oh yes I also forgot the awesome game YS 7 it was amazing
  2. My top games for 2013 would be Bravely Default, FE13, Zelda Link between worlds, AC New Leaf, Xillia, Tales of The Abyss (First time playing it this year) Super Mario 3d world, Atelier Ayesha, Pokemon X/Y, Kingdom Hearts 1.5, Monster hunter 3, Harvest moon a new beginning and thats all I can think of right now Games I am looking foward to next year, Xillia 2, Symphonia chroncles, FF X HD, Aterlier Escha & logy, Super smash bros, and other games I cant remember but some would more likely be out in 2015 (Like Zesteria,KH3 FF15 Monlift Soft X)
  3. I would add you all but my friends list is just about full from pokemon, I even deleted some of them and now nearly full again from this game :/
  4. Ross 15 Artur 16 Innes 20 Gerik 16 Marisa 9 Cormag 19
  5. Ross 15 Artur 16 Innes 14 Gerik 16 Marisa 14 Cormag 20 Selena 6
  6. Eirika 4 Ross 15 Artur 13 Innes 7 Gerik 16 Marisa 15 Amelia 16 Cormag 20 Selena 17
  7. Eirika 5 Ross 15 Artur 14 Innes 7 Gerik 16 Marisa 15 Amelia 16 Cormag 20 Selena 17
  8. I am so hyped for this game and Tales of Xillia 2, Bring on the tales games!!! Oh and also ToS on the ps3 I will finally be able to play it yay! now to just get Vesperia,,,
  9. Sora 88 Riku 87 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 56 Roxas 86 Terra 56 Aqua 60 Ventus 56 Vanitas 75 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 62 Namine 44 Xion 97 Axel 97 Braig 50 Lexaeus 46 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 4
  10. Finally get my laptop fixed and this is going to be over soon XD Eirika 15 Ross 15 Neimi 20 Artur 15 Innes 7 Gerik 16 Marisa 13 Amelia 16 Cormag 20 Selena 17
  11. Well I just finished the game It was interesting
  12. @Alfred, Yeah haha I know what you mean, like the dlc outfit for Ringabel... He is hardly wearing any clothes o_o.. I want some awesome dlc costumes not half naked characters >_> .. Dang it my 3ds wont let me read any spoiler tags at the moment, I can't wait till my laptop is fixed hopefully in a few days.. Then I can finally quote & make spoiler tags myself XD oh and edit my posts...
  13. Well I have my whole team lvled to 99 now & nearly maxed out the jobs for them I want some strong Freelancers XD Still currently at the start of ch.7.. So who is everyones Favorite characters? Mine is definetly Ringabel he is totally awesome I think he is like now one of my all time fav characters followed by Edea.. Also they belong together... Just saying! XD I think this game pretty much tops as my fav game of the year, I love it so much <33
  14. I'm not sure what my fav class is just yet but I quite like Spell Fencer, Ninja & Monk, havent really experimented with all the classes abilites yet, anyone who ablinks with me now should be able to use all the support skills I just finished maxing out all the classes through different characters, Just got Tiz to lvl 99 as well
  15. I have just spent all day training maxed out quite a few jobs now & my team is nearly all lvl 99 still on ch.7 lol
  16. Yup I saw the title screen it was pretty cool. Have you seen the true ending yet? And ch.7 is pretty hard I dont want to think about 8 yet XD I'm also nearly finished rebuilding norende I have over 1million pg though so I should be able to get a few things. I think lvl 55 should be alright for it, I think I was around that when I beat it & didnt have to much trouble.
  17. I wish I could quote, edit & make spoiler tags, my laptop is broken & Im using my 3ds & it cant do any of those, sigh.. I want to talk about the alternate ending XD i finished it lastnight, now i'm going to try for the true ending, also How do I get lvl 6 magic, I hear its on granship after ch.5, but I am on ch.7 and its still only selling lvl 3 magic, so I'm quite confused, is there anything I need to do to make it sell lvl 6 magic??
  18. This has been on hold for a bit since my laptop died on me, waiting to get fixed, only thing is I lost all the results so far... Though I do remember some
  19. @Edea What lvl were you for ch.7 & what was your teams classes? Also am I able to see all the endings on one playthrough? & if I beat those bosses on ch.7 do you get more party chats?
  20. I just made it to ch.7 it sure got a lot tougher & the bosses....ugh
  21. I hear you get a key to open the blue chests in ch.6. The most annoying boss I have encountered so far is definetly Qada, he was so frustrating I spent ages on him. (I Agree Radiant Historia is awesome!!)
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