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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Can this topic please be locked/deleted thanks.. Deleted the contents so people stop posting in here... I remade this in the games forums please find it there
  2. Dang, Inigo & Gaius are in the same poll if only I could vote for both.. well go Inigo & Henry!
  3. I haven't decided on who to vote for yet, I like both so its difficult, I guess I will wait awhile till I vote, see how the poll goes..
  4. I found it after I finished playing FE:A & was looking around to see if there was any good forums talking about Fire Emblem (Cause I loved FE:A so much) so I Googled Fire Emblem forums & bam found this site!
  5. Nice story Ana,I liked it. I got a surge of speed & Luck Gained 26 XP (Which I didnt need he is max lvl XD) And got Eirikas blade
  6. My total time is - 228:11 Number of times played- 186 Average play time- 1:13 I started playing on the 24/4/13 Its the 3rd most played game on my 3ds, with Animal Crossing New Leaf & Colors3D beating it.
  7. I didnt even know there was a song called Old Battlefield XD guess I will have to go look it up now...
  8. I added it to the list, if there is any others that I left out you all want me to add just ask.
  9. I'm sorry I forgot that one, its added now. I actually hadn't even listened to Id (Hope) before even though I have played the map that plays that music (My 3ds was on silent) I just listened to it on Youtube & it is pretty good to I think I will add it to my favorites.
  10. I personally like (ID) Purpose, Conquest (Ablaze), Divine Decree (Ablaze), Chaos (Ablaze), Prelude (Ablaze) Id (Serenity) Id (Hope) Whats yours? The poll is multiple choice, I'm sorry I didn't add all the music tracks. if there is any not on there you would like me to add just ask.
  11. Yeaaaaah (Hyper)!!!

  12. Sweet okay! Heres some more I came up with. I shall be the last thing you ever see! I smell sweet victory! Don't mess with me! Hah you don't stand a chance! Prepare to meet your end! Your doom is nigh! So eager to die? I shall reign down fire upon you! Your end is..Now! Your time is up! Stand down an..No okay then you shall DIE! Pray for a quick death! I will make this swift! I know I am having way to much fun coming up with these XD
  13. Aww Gauis is losing, Ah well I knew he would lose against the adorable Hero Cynthia! I still love them both regardless. The next poll is gonna be a tough one Cordelia vs Severa... Who do I vote for.. Who does everyone want to win more? Who do I want to win more.. I dont know!
  14. Ohh this sounds like fun, I have to think up some cool ones! Hmm .. Okay how are these.. Today shall be your last! You will hurt no other! By my blade I swear you will die! Can I post more than 3? I can come up with others..
  15. Go Gaius! Sorry Cynthia I love you & All but I cant pick both :<
  16. I didn't even get a chance to vote in the first poll I would have voted for Frederick too, don't know if it would have helped much though. Well I voted for Gaius, Lon'qu & Inigo
  17. I personally dont think anyone in awakening is that bad or deserves to get the amount of hate that some do get, I agree everyone has there own opinions on who they like & dislike but that doesnt mean people need to go on about how much hate they have towards a certain character or go on about how much they love a character. Theres nothing wrong with discussing things that you might dislike about them or what you like about them but to shove it in peoples faces constantly gets tiring & if you know its going to start arguments its best of avoiding making topics like this to keep peace in the forums.
  18. Well I like Severa & dont think she is ugly at all.
  19. Yen'fays is the day before mine & Frederick is a day after my mums & Kjelle is on my brothers bday
  20. Ah well I couldn't help out Cherche, At least I do like both..
  21. Decided to change my vote to Cherche, Hope that gets her the win.
  22. My top five guys Henry (Hes just so adorable, I love how he is always smiling) Gaius (Hes cool & his addiction to sweets is funny & I love some of his supports) Lon'qu ( I love his voice & his fear of women & how he overcomes it with whoever he gets married too) Frederick ( I Love this guy & how he is afraid to eat bear meat & his reaction to it when he does & how he is so obsessed with taking care of Chrom & Lissa, He is truly a very dashing knight) Inigo (He looks hot & I love his voice as well & How he gets shy around his mother when she wants to watch him dance is adorable too) To be honest though I love all the guys in the game, even my favorites change sometimes ( Though Henry & Gaius are always usually my top two) Its hard to pick your Favorites with so many awesome characters in the game. (Well for me anyways XD)
  23. Another dream I had was the all of the 2 gen characters camping out in a supermarket, And I was randomly trying to pair them up in my dream (Def been playing way to much XD) And as I paired different ones up they would complain that they didnt like this pairing so I would have to keep trying over & over but none of them for some reason liked Inigo, I dont remember much of what happend in this dream though, but I do remember finding Inigo moping about all sad that no one liked him (which is odd cause I do like him lol) Well my character found him wandering this supermarket seeing him lonely & sad she said she would marry him.... And that ended that dream, Yeah I dont know why I have these kind of dreams about FE:A lol
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