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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Well world of warcraft iit self isnt bad but its when you happen to get grouped up with certain people or read the live chat that goes on there.... And well I had to homeschool I was being bullied at school...
  2. world of warcraft was the only online gaming I have ever done due to my brother pestering me for weeks to try out, before then I hardly ever touched a computer, Though I quit last year. I must say I lost a lot of my innocence after playing that game & the things I read (I was home schooled by the way)
  3. I dont know if anyone here has ever played world of warcraft but seriously if you go on there and say you are female you will have so many guys wanting to talk to you and the flirting here is nothing compared to what I seen on there (I dont play it anymore by the way)
  4. Well I know a lot dislike Marth & Roy but they will always be my first favorite ever FE Characters & my favorite FE lords along with Ike
  5. I have only ever been flirted with online never in real life, mainly cause I dont like guys flirting with me ( people flirt reaally bad in world of warcraft if they find out you are female)
  6. Awesome! I came across it after playing Fire Emblem Awakening, I loved that game so much I looked for any fire emblem forums to see what other people thought on the game & Fire Emblem in general that's how I found Serenes back in May but only started posting last month, as I was to shy before that ( And well still am kinda) but I kept watch on what was going on in the awakening forum often (Yes it takes me months to start getting comfortable before I speak) I actually only started playing Fire emblem I think last year or the year before, though I had known about it for years due to smash bros my fav character to play was always Marth & Roy, thanks to my 3ds with the ambassador program I got sacred stones for free I realised how awesome the game was & quickly bought PoR & RD Though I sucked at PoR on my first play through I didnt even finish it I did it all wrong... I plan on replaying it again soon though
  7. Okay then, just to make it clear to I had no Idea what was going on in the last 20 pages XD (I really need to play those fire emblem games as usual I am always behind on everything) So how did you all manage to come across serenes forums? ( I am so original)
  8. Soo um.. whats everyone going to talk about now?
  9. Awesome that makes me special here. I am one of a kind! but very lonely..
  10. Hah its night time for all of you when its finally day time for me! Am I like the only one who lives in Australia (or this time zone)?
  11. I don't understand, your Picture is of Olivia and your sig also has Olivia in it, why did you kill Olivia? *Confused*
  12. Femu 11 Lissa 8 Maribelle 9 Sumia 9 Olivia 3 Cordelia 4 Cherche 15 Sully 10 Panne 10 Nowi 12 Tharja 3 Anna 11 Lucina 4 Cynthia 12 Noire 10 Severa 12 Kjelle 12 FeMorgan 11 Nah 7 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Philia 4 Aversa 3 Severa+1 even though you hurt Henry I will heal Severa for you.... Aversa-1
  13. its okay, I know Henry wont be alive for much longer, I will still like him regardless, at least I have other favorites as well (Go Inigo, Frederick, Gaius, Owain & Lon'qu) XD Still don't see why you hate Henry so much though.
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