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Everything posted by Elli

  1. I wish I noticed this forum sooner, its awesome, I spent most of my time in the awakening forums watching what everyone posted keeping quiet most of the time *Spying on everyone unnoticed* XD
  2. Yes willy wonka is awesome!! I watched it all the time as a child.. And yep I am new to this forum since I discovered it today but been a member of serene forest since may after I finished playing awakening
  3. I live in Australia, like my location says XD
  4. Good morning Interest, Its night time here.. 12:50 am to be exact.. I should be asleep XD
  5. If I drink Alcohol I get tipsy in like one glass & start falling over things & laughing for no reason... Its a good thing I don't like to drink it lol
  6. I have heard of red & white wine not blue wine, but I don't like alcohol so I wouldnt know
  7. Femu 10 Lissa 10 Maribelle 10 Sumia 9 Olivia 8 Cordelia 9 Cherche 13 Sully 10 Panne 10 Miriel 8 Nowi 11 Tharja 8 Anna 10 Lucina 10 Cynthia 11 Noire 10 Severa 12 Kjelle 12 FeMorgan 11 Nah 8 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Philia 8 Aversa 6 Lucina+1 Aversa-1
  8. MaMu 12 Chrom 8 Vaike 8 Frederick 9 Stahl 11 Virion 11 Gaius 11 Lon'qu 11 Ricken 10 Kellam 9 Donnel 10 Gregor 10 Libra 11 Henry 9 Owain 10 Inigo 11 Gerome 10 Laurent 11 Yarne 10 MaMorgan 11 Brady 10 Basilio 10 Yen'fay 10 Gangrel 9 Walhart 10 Priam 10 Validar 2 Hasn't been 5 hours for me yet but I am about to go to bed so I am going to post now... Henry+1 Cause he is awesome! Gangrel-1 I am going to let someone else take the glory of killing Validar
  9. last time you got Severa now you shall get Yuna from FFX
  10. Has a spoiler in there signature that is actually a video of Superman!
  11. Hello Hero! Yeah I can tell haha this is a game that is never going to end, I have only just recently started checking out the other forums in serenes besides the awakening one, like today I found out theres a games forums (cause I am so totally blind I didnt see it earlier lol)
  12. I just realized this topic has been running since 2011 thats a long time
  13. I haven't read the old posts, who is Ein?
  14. In my head all the kids are around 16-19 cause that works best for me if I make stories about them & if they include marriage etc, but guessing there actual ages in the game I honestly wouldn't know how old any of them are.
  15. MaMu 12 Chrom 8 Vaike 8 Frederick 10 Stahl 11 Virion 11 Gaius 11 Lon'qu 11 Ricken 10 Kellam 9 Donnel 10 Gregor 10 Libra 11 Henry 10 Owain 10 Inigo 11 Gerome 10 Laurent 11 Yarne 10 MaMorgan 11 Brady 10 Basilio 10 Yen'fay 10 Gangrel 10 Walhart 10 Priam 10 Validar 5
  16. Femu 10 Lissa 10 Maribelle 10 Sumia 10 Olivia 8 Cordelia 10 Cherche 12 Sully 10 Panne 10 Miriel 8 Nowi 11 Tharja 10 Anna 10 Lucina 7 Cynthia 11 Noire 10 Severa 12 Kjelle 11 FeMorgan 11 Nah 8 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Philia 10 Aversa 7
  17. Femu 10 Lissa 10 Maribelle 10 Sumia 10 Olivia 8 Cordelia 10 Cherche 12 Sully 10 Panne 10 Miriel 8 Nowi 11 Tharja 10 Anna 10 Lucina 8 Cynthia 11 Noire 10 Severa 11 Kjelle 11 FeMorgan 11 Nah 8 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Philia 10 Aversa 7 Olivia+1 Aversa-1
  18. MaMu 12 Chrom 8 Vaike 8 Frederick 10 Stahl 11 Virion 11 Gaius 11 Lon'qu 11 Ricken 10 Kellam 9 Donnel 10 Gregor 10 Libra 11 Henry 11 Owain 10 Inigo 11 Gerome 10 Laurent 11 Yarne 10 MaMorgan 10 Brady 10 Basilio 10 Yen'fay 10 Gangrel 10 Walhart 10 Priam 10 Validar 5 Gaius+1 Validar-1
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