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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Brady+1 Noire-1 Lucina 31 MaMorgan 32 FeMorgan 34 Owain 33 Inigo 32 Brady 27 Yarne 23 Gerome 32 Severa 29 Kjelle 28 Laurent 30 Noire 28 Nah 23 Cynthia 28
  2. Gaius+1 Validar-1 Chrom 27 Frederick 33 Stahl 31 Sumia 22 Cherche 30 Sully 30 Cordelia 29 Olivia 26 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 26 Donnel 30 Gaius 32 Lon'qu 36[ Ricken 29 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 28 Henry 32 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 30 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 29 Priam 30 Gangrel 22 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 30 Validar 29
  3. Henry+1 Gangrel-1 Chrom 31 Frederick 32 Stahl 31 Sumia 27 Cherche 30 Sully 30 Cordelia 27 Olivia 28 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 28 Donnel 30 Gaius 30 Lon'qu 33 Ricken 29 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 28 Henry 31 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 30 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 29 Priam 30 Gangrel 25 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30
  4. Inigo+1 Nah-1 Lucina 31 MaMorgan 31 FeMorgan 32 Owain 31 Inigo 32 Brady 28 Yarne 26 Gerome 31 Severa 29 Kjelle 30 Laurent 30 Noire 30 Nah 26 Cynthia 29
  5. Oh oops I wrote Heal +2.... my bad its only heal +1 Sorry, thanks for pointing that out
  6. Inigo+1 Kjelle-1 MaMorgan 30 FeMorgan 30 Owain 31 Inigo 31 Brady 30 Yarne 28 Gerome 30 Severa 30 Kjelle 29 Laurent 30 Noire 30 Nah 29 Cynithia 30
  7. Lon'qu +1 Walhart-1 Chrom 30 Frederick 30 Stahl 30 Sumia 30 Cherche 30 Sully 30 Cordelia 28 Olivia 30 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 28 Donnel 30 Gaius 30 Lon'qu 31 Ricken 30 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 30 Henry 30 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 30 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 29 Priam 30 Gangrel 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30
  8. After Gen 1 & 2 are done I will probably make ones from other games or different types like a jagen only one and a Villain one something like that
  9. Not really, plus its quite hot here at the moment tooo hot!!
  10. Time for Hurt/Heal Gen 2! Remember the rules are as follows please listen to them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may post every 3 hours You may hurt-1 & heal +1 to 2 different characters or hurt ONE character by 2 but there will be no healing+2 or hurting TWO different characters by 1 you either hurt and heal 2 different characters or hurt one character by 2 I hope I made it clear this time. Anyone not listening to the rules your post wont be counted I will be making the hp start at 30 this time the highest hp can go Is 50 and 0 hp means the character is out of the match Also please copy the above comment into yours when you post. This list feels so small... Lucina 30 MaMorgan 30 FeMorgan 30 Owain 30 Inigo 30 Brady 30 Yarne 30 Gerome 30 Severa 30 Kjelle 30 Laurent 30 Noire 30 Nah 30 Cynithia 30
  11. Chrom 30 Frederick 30 Stahl 30 Sumia 30 Cherche 30 Sully 30 Cordelia 30 Olivia 30 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 30 Donnel 30 Gaius 30 Lon'qu 30 Ricken 30 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 30 Henry 30 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 30 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 30 Priam 30 Gangrel 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 30 Validar 30 I forgot to put sayri basillio and flavia in... they are there now
  12. Okay its time for Hurt/Heal Gen 1! Remember the rules are as follows please listen to them ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may post every 3 hours You may Hurt-1 & Heal+1 to 2 different characters or hurt ONE Character by 2 but there will be no healing+2 or hurting TWO different characters by 1 you either hurt and heal 2 different characters or hurt one character by 2 I hope you all understand this. Anyone not listening to the rules your post wont be counted. I will be making the Hp start at 30 this time the highest hp can go is 50 and 0 hp means that character is out of the match. Also please copy the above comment in yours when you post. this will also include the spot pass characters and of course Validar Chrom 30 Frederick 30 Stahl 30 Sumia 30 Cherche 30 Sully 30 Cordelia 30 Olivia 30 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 30 Donnel 30 Gaius 30 Lon'qu 30 Ricken 30 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 30 Henry 30 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 30 Panne 30 Walhart 30 Priam 30 Gangrel 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 30 Validar 30
  13. Thank you, I am trying to keep my mind off my sore throat and being sick by being excited to get Kingdom hearts 1.5 remix Limited edition & harvest moon a new beginning next week ( they are coming in the mail) & 1 month till Pokemon X & Y, yes I love my games XD
  14. Ah don't worry, I have never been the healthiest My health kinda went downhill in 2007 after I had a mini stroke and I am seeing a doctor next week
  15. Sick as lol this is the time of year I nearly always get a chest infection, I have been trying to avoid doing much and taking some Cold & Flu tablets to hopefully try to avoid a chect infection this year.
  16. And hello to you too I am currently sick with like the flu or something silly family gave it to me after I finally had gotten better! now I cant speak... sore throat :<
  17. I see a lot has happened while I been off, well I so cannot be bothered reading it all.... Hello Hero!
  18. Hi Crizix! thanks. I'm just going to head back to bed & rest for awhile hopefully with enough sleep it will go away. Cya later everyone.
  19. Yeah I spent all morning in bed and think I am about to head back to bed All I have is panadol but that hardly worked
  20. Yes it is, I felt like passing out several times. I can hardly think. brain isn't working! lol
  21. Hey, Im not going to be around long, I Woke up with a terrible migraine today.
  22. I was thinking besides doing Gen 1 & Gen 2 against each other from FE:A would you all want to do maybe a Lords only match and a Jagens one? And I could also make matches from previous Fire Emblem games, Thats if you all want to do that.
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