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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Alvins cool, even if he doesn't have a story the games still awesome! There is character episodes in ToX2 though
  2. I just finished Tales of Xillia! Well Judes side at least..
  3. Inigo+1 Noire-1 FeMorgan 23 Owain 32 Inigo 48 Brady 18 Gerome 42 Severa 8 Noire 21
  4. Henry+1 Tharja-1 Chrom 50 Stahl 31 Sumia 14 Sully 30 Cordelia 40 Lissa 30 Virion 29 MaMU 30 FeMU 31 Miriel 30 Kellam 16 Donnel 20 Lon'qu 46 Ricken 25 Maribelle 30 Anna 33 Tharja 14 Henry 45 Nowi 9 Libra 31 Panne 30 Say'ri 29 Tiki 33 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Priam 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 27 Aversa 10
  5. I think Meloetta is the first legendary that I have gotten so many of if I included everyone in my family theres 13 Meloettas lol, I have doubles of just about every single legendary except for those 2 I don't have. And I have about 25 lvl 100's that I lvled myself and who knows how many if I counted the event ones as well
  6. Oh yeah I completely forgot about that.... I might have to do that... except I need 999 Pokemon well that would take a heck of a long time....
  7. How many lvl 100's have you all gotten in pokemon?
  8. Whats your favorite music track to listen to when playing Dissidia? (Unless you played it with no sound and listened to your own music) Hmm I honestly don't know... My family (well my mother always does nice things for me) but besides my family, I Honestly cant answer I have been thinking for awhile and couldn't come up with anything, well nothing I can remember... And you should get a 3DS it has heaps of awesome games, and yeah Mario & Luigi Dream team is awesome I am actually quite enjoying it..a lot...
  9. Well they aren't exactly blue... well there flames are blue...but there design is now what I exactly had in mind, The only legendarys I have never gotten is Celebi & Mew.. I got 5 Meloettas though lol I'd gladly trade a couple for a Celebi & Mew
  10. I don't care what a Pokemons type is as long as it looks awesome! if its weak I will still love it anyways XD
  11. Well it also needs to look cool and ummm not a giant pig.....
  12. That would actually be awesome, I would love to see pokemon types like that. Hmm ah well maybe you will think differently when its out and get a chance to see what its actually like when playing it, I personally am really hyped for it.
  13. I always favor Fire Pokemon & blue Pokemon though I don't think there has been a blue fire Pokemon yet.... when that day comes (And long as it looks cool) It will be my most favorite Pokemon! or a blue fire Pokemon that has blue flames! Yep, I need to go replay path of radiance (Haven't played Radiant dawn yet) My Love of Ike first started in SSBB then I also loved him in PoR though I have never played a game with Marth or Roy though I did love using them in SSBM
  14. I got a Shaymin I have never used it though... How can you not like gen 6!
  15. Well I Agree they look nothing like dragons.... I just like Dialgas design in general (Also cause I love blue...Most of my favorite legends are blue..) And I got the shiny ones from an event going at the moment you don't have it in your country/area?
  16. Well I don't particularly have a Favorite Gen but I do have favorite Pokemon through out all the different generations, Though X & Y are looking to be downright awesome!
  17. Inigo+1 Noire-1 FeMorgan 25 Owain 32 Inigo 47 Brady 18 Gerome 44 Severa 12 Laurent 10 Noire 22
  18. Henry+1 Tharja-1 Chrom 50 Stahl 31 Sumia 16 Sully 30 Cordelia 40 Lissa 30 Virion 29 MaMU 30 FeMU 31 Miriel 30 Kellam 15 Donnel 22 Lon'qu 48 Ricken 25 Maribelle 30 Anna 33 Tharja 16 Henry 44 Nowi 11 Libra 31 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Tiki 33 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Priam 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 28 Aversa 12
  19. Well I prefer Dialga from that gen.... I just got Shiny Dialga & Palkia from the event getting Giratina next when its out
  20. Well I agree there Sheimi does sound cuter (Though this is the first time I heard it XD)
  21. When I was lvling Frederick I made him a Dread fighter, I really enjoyed using him I maxed him out completely and everything.
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