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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Noo dont kill Inigo yet! you could at least get rid of owain first!
  2. Uhhhh do I look better or worse than what you thought of me?
  3. What starter pokemon do you like best in X & Y? Well I have lvled over 20 Pokemon to lvl 100 so my team changes a lot but I favor Articuno, Kyorge, Dialga, Reshiram, Lucario, Charizard
  4. Hmm I was just reading through some of the last few pages and I noticed about the time, I live in Australia so my time is totally different to most of you if not all so Im not even sure what time you guys would be doing this if it would be my morning or night
  5. Oh dear now the threads covered in flan!
  6. Thanks... Perhaps I always just got to know the wrong people (The kind who never like me lol) But you are all so nice here
  7. Stahl+1 Yen'fay-1 Chrom 50 Stahl 34 Sully 26 Coredlia39 Lissa 24 Virion 14 MaMU 13 FeMU 43 Miriel 30 Kellam 13 Lon'qu 50 Ricken 21 Maribelle 30 Anna 38 Henry 50 Libra 31 Panne 24 Say'ri 29 Tiki 34 Basillio 29 Flavia 30 Priam 29 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 17
  8. Owain 12 Inigo 42 Gerome 46 Inigo+1 gerome-1
  9. Is there going to be anyone who will be able to support everyone like the Avater in Awakening?
  10. I should tottaly be able to support with Hero-King after all my alter ego is Hero-shelie!
  11. Haha I can imagine what its like XD once the static was so bad in my place I could stick different things to my arms and they would stay there. at that time I also couldnt control my hair it was completely frizzing at the sides and the static lasted for months lol I'm SO glad it hasnt been like that again yet...
  12. I would always try to save my ally, I couldnt live with knowing I survived and didnt save a friend.
  13. Shelie - Dark Knight Weapons:Levin Sword, Alms Blade, Mjolnir, Forseti Skills:Life Taker, Vengeance, Gale Force, Ignis, Sol
  14. Uh well considering that photo is old... you should see my hair now its heaps shorter and a lighter blonde now (well strawberry blonde which is like brown blonde my natrual hair color) And its a mess lol specially since I live in a shed theres a static build up in here and my hair goes all fuzzy lol
  15. Haha you think so too? XD well thanks....
  16. Wow.. you really think so? Thanks...I bet you are beautiful yourself... And I got rid of all the spoilers its just a simple click to see my photo on my profile now...
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