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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Aha yeah cause I been awake for the past how many hours due to being terribly sick Again well the doctor did say I have a viral infection and it just doesn't wanna go away Hello!
  2. Inigo+1 Noire-1 FeMorgan 7 Owain 23 Inigo 48 Brady 10 Gerome 45 Noire 6
  3. Henry+1 Tharja-1 Chrom 50 Stahl 31 Sully 28 Cordelia 42 Lissa 24 Virion 22 MaMU 30 FeMU 38 Miriel 30 Kellam 14 Donnel 10 Lon'qu 50 Ricken 22 Maribelle 30 Anna 36 Tharja 6 Henry 50 Libra 31 Panne 26 Say'ri 29 Tiki 34 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Priam 31 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 20
  4. Ingio+1 Noire-1 FeMorgan 15 Owain 26 Inigo 47 Brady 11 Gerome 42 Noire 13
  5. Henry+1 Yen'fay-1 Chrom 50 Stahl 31 Sumia 7 Sully 28 Cordelia 41 Lissa 26 Virion 29 MaMU 30 FeMU 36 Miriel 30 Kellam 16 Donnel 10 Lon'qu 49 Ricken 22 Maribelle 30 Anna 33 Tharja 13 Henry 49 Libra 31 Panne 28 Say'ri 29 Tiki 34 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Priam 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 22
  6. Inigo+1 Gerome-1 FeMorgan 17 Owain 26 Inigo 46 Brady 13 Gerome 41 Noire 15
  7. Henry+1 Tharja-1 Chrom 50 Stahl 31 Sumia 8 Sully 28 Cordelia 41 Lissa 26 Virion 29 MaMU 30 FeMU 35 Miriel 30 Kellam 16 Donnel 12 Lon'qu 48 Ricken 22 Maribelle 30 Anna 33 Tharja 14 Henry 48 Libra 31 Panne 28 Say'ri 29 Tiki 34 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Priam 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 23
  8. Inigo+1 Gerome-1 FeMorgan 17 Owain 26 Inigo 45 Brady 13 Gerome 42 Noire 15
  9. Henry+1 Yen'fay-1 Chrom 50 Stahl 31 Sumia 8 Sully 28 Cordelia 41 Lissa 26 Virion 29 MaMU 30 FeMU 35 Miriel 30 Kellam 16 Donnel 12 Lon'qu 48 Ricken 22 Maribelle 30 Anna 33 Tharja 15 Henry 47 Libra 31 Panne 28 Say'ri 29 Tiki 34 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Priam 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 23
  10. Well as you know I am no longer a wow player all I could talk about it past experiences lol and things that I did know about the game.
  11. And now I have to go out, I will see you all later, since you will all be in bed by the time I get back *Again stupid time zone*
  12. Haha, well this guy he hated all the guy friends I had in the game & he tried to make everyone stay away from me I couldn't tolerate him at the end....though I seemed to make every guy in Warcraft fall for me it was ridiculous I could make nearly any guy do what I wanted.... I even had 5 guys fighting over me once! I mean come on fighting over someone they don't know
  13. Though there was a case of a guy liking me on Warcraft who was my guild master and I was the guilds warrior tank (Only people who play warcraft would understand what I am saying lol) And that didn't turn out to well it was chaos lol
  14. I don't usually ever get shipped with anyone lol (Except when I use to play warcraft...)
  15. I'm fine. you all just need to move to my timezone.....XD Yeeah... no comment
  16. So how is everyone um tonight? *Hate being the only one in the odd timezone lol*
  17. You accidentally removed Brady lol FeMorgan 19 Owain 30 Inigo 44 Brady 13 Gerome 45 Noire 15
  18. Hey! Yeah, it has been awhile since I seen you! *hugs back*
  19. Inigio+1 Noire-1 FeMorgan 19 Owain 30 Inigo 46 Brady 13 Gerome 45 Noire 15
  20. Henry+1 Aversa is deeead!! I also corrected the hp Chrom 50 Stahl 31 Sumia 10 Sully 28 Cordelia 41 Lissa 28 Virion 29 MaMU 30 FeMU 35 Miriel 30 Kellam 16 Donnel 16 Lon'qu 49 Ricken 22 Maribelle 30 Anna 33 Tharja 15 Henry 46 Nowi 2 Libra 31 Panne 28 Say'ri 29 Tiki 33 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Priam 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 24 Aversa 0
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