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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Inigo+1 Gerome-1 Owain 10 Inigo 36 Gerome 40
  2. Stahl+1 Miriel-1 Chrom 50 Stahl 35 Sully 25 Coredelia 40 Lissa 24 Virion 10 MaMU 9 FeMU 37 Miriel 28 Kellam 10 Lon'qu 50 Ricken 21 Maribelle 30 Anna 39 Henry 50 Libra 31 Panne 24 Say'ri 30 Tiki 34 Basillio 29 Flavia 30 Priam 29 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 15
  3. You can be either I wasnt serious anyways
  4. Yay for three way!!! Aint you happy I came here XD
  5. I thought it was Hero-King x Crizix And I guess we are all mind readers XD
  6. Me & Criz can be the Shrinking Violet sisters
  7. Hmm now that I think about it you are probably right Shrinking violet seems to fit me well.
  8. I'm not cool enough to have a Tv trope yet
  9. Sure has been quiet here today, well tonight for you guys
  10. They are secretly part of a organization and the coolest member in the group Roxas <33
  11. Where would you love to go for a holiday? I dont mind Australia but I have never even left the country, though sometimes I wish I could move so Im not always at a different time to everyone else thought I reckon I would miss Australia... And I meant the fire breathing huge dragons kind I dont think I seen any of them flying around XD
  12. My skills being Ignis, Sol, Life taker, Gale force, Vengeance, my classes would be Dark mage, mage., pegasus knight, Mercenary correct?
  13. Have you played Final Fantasy? Apple pie! mmm, It sucks when you cant do the class you like most lol
  14. Owain 12 Inigo 35 Gerome 41 But he is awesome!
  15. What new feature do you like most in X & Y? Um Dragons could count if I said whats your favorite mythical creature XD My favorite animal is birds but def dragons for mythical creatures
  16. What is your favorite subject in school? Yup sure have, didnt get to finish it though couldnt defeat a boss..
  17. If I had black hair contrasting my pale white skin, wow.... I might really look like a gothic or emo in fact I wanted to dye my hair black but my family wouldnt let me cause I would look weird
  18. Oh haha. Dark style do you mean like gothic or something? Well I aint blonde like I am in that photo anymore.
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