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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Also Vash apparently I am one of your supports in the thread The War for our future
  2. Okaies and its my bed time anyways oh joy take care at school!
  3. Yeah do something stupid and say I totally meant to do that!! worked just as planned
  4. Chrom 50 Stahl 37 Sully 25 Coredelia 41 Lissa 24 Virion 10 MaMU 7 FeMU 33 Miriel 28 Kellam 9 Lon'qu 50 Ricken 21 Maribelle 30 Anna 40 Henry 50 Libra 31 Panne 24 Say'ri 30 Tiki 34 Basillio 29 Flavia 30 Priam 29 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 14
  5. Yeah I decided to finally check this thread out
  6. I just need to learn people wont hate me no matter what I Say! I need to overcome that fear...I can do eeeet just act stupid in general than when you truly do something stupid it wont look so bad XD
  7. Yep I am definitely working on it a couple years ago I wouldn't even consider talking here, so just commenting is something..
  8. Alright considering I was talking to one person but now more are joining ummm Shyness kicks in more lol Im never good in big groups (even online) I always end up being the quite forgotten one or look like an idiot trying to get noticed cause I dont know what to say
  9. I agree, I lol'ed so many times with Jade one of the biggest trolls ever! half the time I couldnt tell if he was serious or not. My mum loved Alvin haha I liked him to but not as much as her....She would always say something when it was him talking XD
  10. Hahaha, well I also kinda just joined the FE4 thread I need to know more people on here!
  11. I am still trying to overcome my shyness and I am already 22 years old :/
  12. Well not moved exactly but I decided to join yes now I am in both! I thought I needed to get to know more people...I am hardly known on here, no one knows who I am D: Damn shyness...
  13. I just recently finished the newest Tales game thats out here Tales Of Xillia I quite enjoyed the game, I found all the characters quite interesting and I specially liked Gaius he was so cool (Cant wait to play him in X2) Well I am making this thread to talk about the Tales of series, what are some of your favorite Tales characters/games fond moments you have had playing the games, stories you would like to share? And to just chat about all the tales games in general. Tales of Abyss: I quite enjoyed this game Luke really grew on me as a character I even got emotional playing this game specially when Luke was saying he doesn't want to die I nearly couldn't finish it... Lukes definitely my favorite out of this game Tales of Xillia: Though the game was rushed I still found it heaps of fun and some of the skits were hilarious, I have only played judes side far might do Milla soon, I really liked Gaius & Jude in this one, Gaius was just plain awesome and I felt Jude really did grow up at the end and learnt to think for himself and I had lots of fun playing him. I have yet to finish Tales Of Graces F yet but I would say I liked Richard & Asbel the most from what I seen. I also have Tales of Eternia & Symphonia dawn of a new world haven't finished either though.... Waiting for Symphonia to come out on the ps3 though And I want to get an Xbox just to play Vesperia XD
  14. I'm just wondering what time you all are actually planning to start, I have a feeling I will be asleep
  15. Its spring here at the moment and I always seem to get sick every spring, generally I get really bad chest infections, hopefully this year I avoid it
  16. Ah thats no good, hope you feel better soon, I am in fact sick myself as well at the moment got some viral infection (According to my doctor) that just doesnt want to go away
  17. Avi 7/10 Im not sure who that is.... Sig 10/10 Looks totally awesome love the background in it
  18. I claim myself so now no one can ever claim me!
  19. I had so many 85's due to lvling when I was bored, specially when my guild left me without a raid group and my GM got upset with me if me and some friends tried to make a raid
  20. I knew someone who had 10 85s on many different servers woulda been around like 30-50 85s he had.... now this guy def had no life
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