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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Haha its fine I guess you could say it gives my character personality in a different kind of way
  2. Awesome maybe I can do this RP thing after all! though I make myself sound like I love SLEEP above all else though hahah XD Zzzzzz
  3. I know I have yet to participate in a battle (I hope to sometime if I ever catch you guys in the middle of it.. someday!) But I will make a bio for my character...Hopefully I will get the chance to join in soon... [spoiler=My Bio] Shelie: Was born in Ylisse, at a young age she took a strong interest in sword fighting and would be found practicing day and night until one day she come across what seemed to be a ancient spell book she found in a cave she wondered into intrigued by this book she decided to take a peak, but as she opened the book a light shone forth and took her by surprise she felt this weird sensation go through her body not knowing what just happened she quickly made a dash for the exit... After that day she found herself now able to use magic to her disbelief. Now along with her sword fighting skills she now starts to develop her new found magic abilities. As the years went on now 22 years of age she has become a skilled Dark Knight. Now fighting for the future she seeks peace above all else and highly values her friends and would willing risk her life to save them. though she has a problem with oversleeping and can often be found snoozing...and as such is nearly always late for battle. Though very shy and sometimes finds it difficult to be in large gatherings she is trying her best to overcome her fear. Due to her awkwardness and being so quiet she sometimes doesn't get noticed and makes it easy for her to get around without being seen. Generally cool and calm but can get fired up if provoked. Also gets on really well with animals. The one most likely to catch some Zzzzzz's
  4. So I decided to try make a BIO for my character for the future war thread incase I get a chance to join in eventually what do you think of this? My go at being a good writer/Acter in a bio lol
  5. YES ABSOL <3333 I have always loved Absol now I love it even more with its SUPER AWESOME HAIR *Sqeeeee* Yes I love pokemon a lot sue me
  6. Well its up to you if you really want to get it or not but you would be missing out on a lot of fun XD But if you dont have time to play it well then thats okay you should focus on things that are important. And yes MEGA BLAZIKEN!!! so awesome!! My starters are going to be Fennekin, Charmander then the event torchic.... Fire overload booom! Zing.
  7. I haven't ever finished the Pokedex Though I have been close And I found lvling my favorites to 100 was fun I must have at least close to 30 lvl 100's And I also could never get Celebi (Or Mew) but they don't matter for the completion of the pokedex anyways. X/Y though have so many new features and looks downright awesome!! And its now all in 3D Yeeeah! and there is mega forms and Fennekin....I love it! Best pokemon game yet *Dies* I AM SO HYPED!!! And you can ride on the back of pokemon and get roller blades I mean its SOooooo COOL
  8. Ah I found the bios it was under Roleplay the only forum I didnt check.....Haha
  9. Yup I made my it that my character is always late to battle due to sleeping in a lot (Perfect huh XD) I guess since I haven't participated once yet I could always make it I haven't been to a single battle yet cause I fell into a deeeep sleep Haha, by the way I remember there being a Bio page that was made for it, were is it I cant seem to find it? And whats your reason for not having played Pokemon for awhile?
  10. I do have writing skills the acting part I am not so sure on XD as much as I would love to take part in it, sigh it just hasn't worked out for me so far when I see you guys active in the thread and I can join in (though I am very late) but I always seem to have to be going somewhere at the time and I also have no clue on how to just JOIN in haha.... And I would need to read everything that has happened previously to make sense of whats going on to join in this far on in it wouldn't I? Awesome KH is so much fun, and you will totally get pokemon X/Y after I convince you how awesome they are. (After I have had a chance to play them) And I am still totally your SideKick!
  11. I also just got myself a 3DS XL the special Pokemon X/Y edition one in blue, its awesome! I am so ready for X and Y now
  12. Yeah its also just to difficult for me to participate in it due to my time difference, I dont see myself waking up at that early anytime soon XD and learning how to RP in a day haha Wow, I hope you passed as well (Thats a lot of questions)
  13. So how did your thing go the other that test/essay?
  14. Yeah about that, I don't think so, I haven't even participated in it once yet and I don't even know how to RP so I was hoping Sorin/Carter could take me out It would also give you guys 1 more support option
  15. Yeah, I just didn't feel like coming on, I am alright though
  16. Chrom 50 Stahl 41 Cordelia 35 Lissa 13 Miriel 25 Lon'qu 50 Maribelle 29 Anna 50 Henry 50 Libra 31 Panne 8 Say'ri 27 Tiki 39 Basillio 21 Flavia 29 Priam 28 Emmeryn 28
  17. Well I grew up with pokemon games, so wouldn't bother me either, And Luigi is a cool bro
  18. Well least thats something hopefully they hire you cause you know hope will never die
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