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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Cant even tell what I am in the photo of me I just look like some pale white girl
  2. Well you never would a known if I never said it, not like its easy to tell what someone is over a computer screen haha XD
  3. I LIVE in Australia but in fact I am half German part Scottish and a little Aussie woo
  4. Virion.. he died with magnificence
  5. Well I am German so nope I'm not Asian sorry
  6. I will be getting both Cause I always get both of every pokemon game I cant help myself!
  7. You up to something? HMM Finally put a recent picture of myself on my profile and my gosh its huge I didnt realise it would be so big haha....
  8. Um cause I have low self esteem issues thats all XD
  9. Hah I gave up on spoilers Im too cool for them!!!! I have such an awkward looking smile in that pic though
  10. Me wearing glasses (Dont laugh at me)!
  11. heh I just found a really old pic of me with glasses on IMMA A NERD
  12. I have 4 supports atm including you kat does that mean I could get more? if so I would support Crizix as well
  13. I myself need glasses, when ever I wear some I get told that I look really good with them on and that they make me look smarter haha or more mature
  14. But as you can see I dont have any wedding planned so it must be your wedding
  15. I must say Ys seven is awesome first YS game I ever played and I loved it, specially the music... I was blown away by the incredible soundtrack
  16. Sure you can bring a date to your wedding but I cant imagine the bride being to impressed
  17. So I Just made up a profile for my character here since I saw others doing it earlier
  18. I was being sarcastic with saying its fun.... But damn I wish you the best with it
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