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Everything posted by Elli

  1. The only person I really know that I can support is Hero-king, I really need to get to know everyone more... And I would have my 3 classes as dark mage, pegasus knight & mercenary & take out mage & Tactian I guess. or do we all get Tactian regardless since Carter said we all have Tactian/Grandmaster?
  2. Well better hurry 7 mins can go quite fast And I think 7 mins already passed by the time I posted this... ah well haha
  3. I was night elf I never raced changed to worgen like a lot of other people I knew did I didnt wanna be an ugly looking dog that laughs like a chicken I also started with warrior cause I thought SWORD awesome!!! <<<noob
  4. I actually started out with a human warrior who was a tank (Named Chelinka) but then later decided to lvl a dranei pally whose name was lanix (random generated name) but people kept calling me Linux and told me it reminds them of a brand of toilet paper sooo I soon changed to human and my named changed to Shelinka my pally was my Main for awhile as dps but I sucked so bad I went through all the specs till I found out I was good as a healer lol (and a decent tank as well) even though my druid ended up being my main (my druid actually is what started me on healing) I used my paladin was the character I went for all the achievements and everything on I still called her my main though despite everyone saying my druid was I also had 10 85's by the time I quit
  5. Being sneaky always the best solution for everything... till you get caught that is
  6. Haha pretty much, btw what was your class/race and role? I mainly played a resto druid whos name was Shelie hence why I am now using that name now but its background comes from Final fantasy XD
  7. Stahl+1 MaMU-1 Chrom 50 Stahl 36 Sully 25 Coredelia 40 Lissa 24 Virion 10 MaMU 8 FeMU 35 Miriel 28 Kellam 9 Lon'qu 50 Ricken 21 Maribelle 30 Anna 40 Henry 50 Libra 31 Panne 24 Say'ri 30 Tiki 34 Basillio 29 Flavia 30 Priam 29 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 15
  8. Well some of the stupidity in wow is why I lost my cool a lot as well I might seem like a nice sweet girl on here but on wow...well thats another thing I had my rage moments, I can get pretty feisty when someone is constantly being stupid or trying to annoy me I also lost my Innocence on wow I learnt many things I never knew before I played wow many things I didnt want to know
  9. Inigo+1 Gerome-1 Owain 10 Inigo 36 Gerome 40 I was also wondering for a villans H/H Should it be all the villians from FE games or just the major ones. I am not even sure of who all the villians are since I have only played SS PoR & Awakening
  10. I just rememberd this one time I qued healer for a dungeon one of those 3 in tanaris name I cant remember lol (the hourglass one) I got in through the middle of a group fighting nearly dead, I had no chance to save them, but I got blamed for their wipe the tank wouldnt leave me alone after that ssaying I am bad and all that ( I was the best geared in the group plus all of their dps was terrible I was keeping them alive somehow through the dungeon) but nope I wasnt good enough after I let them wipe the first time then they started saying I am canadian cause all canadians suck lol and wouldnt believe me when I said I am not then they proceeded to kick me through a puil to wipe themselves again... hey their losss
  11. Yeah I actually never minded playing WoW but if you went onto the forums, Rant, bicker rage, HATE all over the place
  12. Yeah pretty, much sometimes they nearly gave me a heart attack luckily I was decked out in raid gear, so often I could keep them alive but their hp kept reaching extremly dangerous levels.... but there were times I just couldnt keep them alive no matter what so I had to kick them....
  13. Ummm cause we kinda started talking about it here.. ooops
  14. Well I was generally the healer so you can get how I woulda felt haha XD
  15. Did you ever have it when a dps ques as tank in a heroic and actually tries to tank in dps gear? ( and fail miserably of course I only had rare instances were it went really well)
  16. Oh yes the gear stealers,,, Like when a hunter takes a tanking item and the tank rage quits then we wait forever in dungeon for a new tank and no new tank ever comes then everyone leaves.... I also remember Firelands, ragnaros made raids break up so much, DONT STAND IN THE FIRE....... Oops I stood in the fire...... I also got the people asking me to trade with them even offering me heaps of gold but I said no cause I already had heaps of gold,
  17. My most vivid memories are of ZG & ZA those dungeons took forever to complete than to get stuck on the very last boss till everyone rages or you have 1 retard in your group you just cant kick who keeps making you wipe.. yup fun times
  18. Yep too addictive, though I say some of the guys in that game are desperate or just very stupid, just mention your female and they all start hitting on you and do anything you ask... well not everyone but there was enough
  19. It took my brother 2 weeks of constant pestering for me to try it worst mistake I ever made, I mean I did enjoy it but I woulda liked a life more lol
  20. 4 years of my life waasted I pretty much wasted my late teens on wow I was 17 when I started, sigh I blame my brother
  21. I started back in 2008 but quit in 2012 just before mists came out but didnt quit cause I was bored was other reasons
  22. I was going to post there but I didnt know what to say lol
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