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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Inigo+1 Kjelle-1 Lucina 32 MaMorgan 28 FeMorgan 36 Owain 27 Inigo 35 Brady 26 Gerome 35 Severa 38 Kjelle 19 Laurent 27 Noire 30 Cynthia 24
  2. Henry+1 Aversa-1 Chrom 32 Sumia 21 Cherche 24 Sully 30 Cordelia 35 Olivia 13 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 24 Donnel 30 Gaius 33 Lon'qu 44 Ricken 29 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 19 Henry 35 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 24 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Tiki 31 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 24 Priam 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 28 Validar 22
  3. Owain+1 Kjelle-1 Lucina 32 MaMorgan 29 FeMorgan 35 Owain 27 Inigo 34 Brady 26 Gerome 35 Severa 40 Kjelle 21 Laurent 27 Noire 29 Cynthia 24
  4. Henry+1 Validar-1 Chrom 32 Sumia 21 Cherche 24 Sully 30 Cordelia 35 Olivia 13 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 24 Donnel 30 Gaius 33 Lon'qu 43 Ricken 29 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 23 Henry 34 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 24 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Tiki 31 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 25 Priam 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 29 Validar 22
  5. Owain+1 Yarne-1 Lucina 33 MaMorgan 29 FeMorgan 35 Owain 26 Inigo 34 Brady 27 Yarne 1 Gerome 35 Severa 40 Kjelle 22 Laurent 27 Noire 28 Cynthia 25
  6. Gaius+1 Validar-1 Chrom 31 Sumia 21 Cherche 26 Sully 30 Cordelia 35 Olivia 18 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 24 Donnel 30 Gaius 32 Lon'qu 43 Ricken 29 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 23 Henry 33 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 26 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Tiki 31 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 27 Priam 30 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 30 Validar 23
  7. Owain+1 Kjelle-1 Lucina 33 MaMorgan 30 FeMorgan 35 Owain 30 Inigo 34 Brady 28 Yarne 10 Gerome 36 Severa 36 Kjelle 24 Laurent 27 Noire 28 Nah 2 Cynthia 25
  8. Gaius+1 Gangrel-1 Chrom 29 Sumia 21 Cherche 28 Sully 30 Cordelia 34 Olivia 21 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 24 Donnel 30 Gaius 34 Lon'qu 41 Ricken 29 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 24 Henry 33 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 30 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Tiki 30 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 28 Priam 30 Gangrel 9 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 30 Validar 25
  9. Owain+1 Yarne-1 Lucina 32 MaMorgan 30 FeMorgan 34 Owain 29 Inigo 34 Brady 28 Yarne 11 Gerome 35 Severa 36 Kjelle 25 Laurent 27 Noire 28 Nah 4 Cynthia 25
  10. Gaius+1 Gangrel-1 Chrom 28 Sumia 22 Cherche 28 Sully 30 Cordelia 34 Olivia 20 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 24 Donnel 30 Gaius 33 Lon'qu 40 Ricken 29 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 25 Henry 33 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 30 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Tiki 30 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 28 Priam 30 Gangrel 10 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 30 Validar 26
  11. Brady+1 Yarne-1 Lucina 32 MaMorgon 31 FeMorgan 35 Owain 33 Inigo 33 Brady 28 Yarne 19 Gerome 33 Severa 30 Kjelle 27 Laurent 28 Noire 28 Nah 17 Cynthia 28
  12. Frederick+1 Validar-1 Chrom 26 Frederick 24 Stahl 31 Sumia 21 Cherche 28 Sully 30 Cordelia 30 Olivia 25 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 26 Donnel 30 Gaius 32 Lon'qu 38 Ricken 29 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 28 Henry 33 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 30 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Tiki 30 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 28 Priam 30 Gangrel 20 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 30 Validar 28
  13. Heh, yeah thanks.... I think I'm gonna go outside and try clear my head and take my mind off things I will see you later, take care everyone.
  14. Thing is I been trying to be optimistic about it all, but then my family crushes it by saying there is no way its going to go how you think... though I am probably the only one trying to hold onto some hope that things will work out, how my parents are acting really is saying otherwise.. but I guess thats cause my mother knows her brother better than me & both my parents know how he is with our friend which is also his friend who he seems to brainwash. I just want to know already now whats going to happen that way I can deal with it now, not having to wait & hope then get crushed later.
  15. Thanks, I sure hope so.... though all I can see happening is us having to move and who knows what else will happen.... Basically playing the waiting game right now to see what will happen, its torture.
  16. I'm pretty much sitting here right now trying not to cry....this past year has been a living nightmare & the nightmare still continues..
  17. Yeah...I dont want anyone to die either but it feels like the only way to put an end to his lies and scheming, I mean he has even threatened to kill people, he wishes he could kill his brother..... Hes not only ruining my familys lives but my grandparents as well he could be the death of them.... I cant believe I have such a cruel uncle.... honestly this whole thing is stressing me out & making me feel sick and even more depressed
  18. Yeah he is also dying from cancer, you think he would think that would like maybe change him.. but noo he is worse than ever.... Honestly I wish he would just die already....
  19. Everything he does is for money, he bad talks everyone then expects everyone to do everything for him he has cheated my family out of money for years and now he still wishes to see us suffer
  20. Cause of my stupid selfish heartless rotten damned uncle.. Basically at the moment my family lives in a shed while building a house on the same block of land but we borrowed the money from a friend to finish it due my dad losing his job twice we ran out of money, and well now my uncle is convincing the person we borrowed money from to take the money back right now and make us move, My uncle has always tried to cause problems for my family also I been waiting for this house to be built for 4 years....I just want a home to live in thats not a shed I dont want to move QQ
  21. Hey Hero Hi Acacia I am pretty frustrated at the moment like it says on my profile "Pretty Damned annoyed"
  22. Inigo+1 Kjelle-1 Lucina 32 MaMorgan 30 FeMorgan 34 Owain 33 Inigo 33 Brady 27 Yarne 20 Gerome 33 Severa 29 Kjelle 28 Laurent 29 Noire 28 Nah 18 Cynthia 28
  23. Ah thanks I was worried I might forget someone. Frederick+1 Gangrel-1 Chrom 27 Frederick 27 Stahl 31 Sumia 21 Cherche 28 Sully 30 Cordelia 29 Olivia 26 Lissa 30 Virion 30 MaMU 30 FeMU 30 Miriel 30 Kellam 26 Donnel 30 Gaius 32 Lon'qu 37 Ricken 29 Maribelle 30 Anna 30 Tharja 28 Henry 33 Nowi 30 Libra 30 Gregor 30 Panne 30 Say'ri 30 Tiki 30 Basillio 30 Flavia 30 Walhart 28 Priam 30 Gangrel 20 Emmeryn 30 Yen'fay 30 Aversa 30 Validar 29
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