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Bishop Rodan

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Everything posted by Bishop Rodan

  1. Democratic socialist. I am pro "big government" in the sense that I support a strong social welfare state and substantial government intervention to achieve a fairer, more just society, while at the same time I also support strong protections for individual rights.
  2. I typically don't do my laundry until I literally have no clean clothes left. Last time I did it I had to shove it into the machine.
  3. I've cosplayed as Kim Jong-il at Otakon once.
  4. I love snow. My favourite season is Spring, but Winter is probably tied with Autumn for my second. There's nothing like having snowball fight or going sledding, followed by a nice cuppa by the fireplace. I live in southern New England, so we usually get snow reliably, though not as much compared to places further north. Back when I lived in southern Old England I only recall it snowing like twice.
  5. My first game was FE9 when I was like 12 or so, and I was bloody terrible at it. I overused Titania, didn't train Ike or anyone else really, and ended up completely wrecked by The Black Knight during the duel with him. I didn't lose anyone, though. Losing a character was as unacceptable to me then as it is now.
  6. FE4/5, no question. Not only are they my favourite games but I think it'd be interesting to see how some of the content gets past the censors. I'd also be interested in Gaiden, just because it's such a unique title.
  7. Favourite: Sigurd Honourable mentions: Hector, Lyn, Lucy Least Favourite: Leaf, who manages to do the impossible and be worse than Roy! Dishonourable mentions: Roy, Eliwood (Like father, like son!)
  8. Considering how bullshit Lunatic is I can't imagine anyone but snobs of the highest order thinking any less of you.
  9. FE4-1: Tiltyu FE4-2: Johalva FE5: MARTY PARTY FE6: Sue FE7: Nino FE8: Ewan FE9: Rolf FE10: Voke (He doesn't show up long but he makes hell of an impression) FE13: Gregor is literally the Heavy and is thus flawless
  10. FE5 without a doubt. Not only is it the best-programmed and most complex, but it's also the least gameable. In other games the AI is predictable and you can easily cheese it (several normally difficult chapters of FE10 can be trivialised this way), but you can't do that in FE5.
  11. The game was clearly unfinished in a lot of respects, was absolutely brutal in its diffcuty, and had some questionable design decisions. Despite this, it introduced a ton of great concepts, some of which would become staples of the series (like rescuing, and varied objectives). Some of which I would love to see return, like capturing. And despite being bullshit hard, the game also gives you plenty of tools to combat the bullshit. Infinite range warp staves, capturing, being able to put bosses to sleep for the entire map, scrolls, some kickass units, and so on. It's still hard, and there's plenty of bullshit, but it's not on the level of FE:A lunatic where the first few levels are literally a luck-based mission, or FE10 hard which removes features for the player.
  12. I'm surprised Desmond isn't on the poll. He's probably the single most unlikeable character in FE history. And he's not even impressive in being evil like Manfloy, or so over-the-top that he's hilarious like that guy in FE9 with the priests. He's just a huge loser who wants to kill his own son out envy, and in doing so is directly responsible for Zephiel becoming what he did in FE6. He's both loathsome and pathetic. Out of the characters on the poll, my choice would be Manfloy, followed by Lekain/Valtome/Any Begnion senator.
  13. In a similar vein, I would kill for capturing from FE5 to be brought back. That system was brilliant and it is a tragedy that it has not returned in future games.
  14. I think you mean if the Wii U picks up sales - and that's a big if. The Wii U's sales have been anaemic for over a year. Nintendo is hemorrhaging money on the console. The PS4 sold more within a month than the Wii U had in its lifetime. It's not looking good for the console, and consideing Mario 3D World is Galaxy-esque in terms of being a big 3D Mario platformer, I'm not sure any "big gun" will save the Wii U now, and its situation only deteriorates as time goes on. If the Wii U manages a miraculous turnaround, that's one thing. But to treat that as a given is either naïve, foolish, or both, and I wouldn't bet my money on it.
  15. The 3DS is the most successful handheld of its generation by far. The Wii U is doing dismally and is basically dead in the water. If even a juggernaut franchise like Mario can't make a dent, a niche genre like Fire Emblem would be doomed before it even started.
  16. Money destroys everything it touches; it has literally torn my family apart over the years. My father's side of the family is fairly wealthy, and for pretty much my entire life my dad and my uncle have been fighting over the money because they each beleive that the other one got a bigger share of it then them, despite the fact that both of them had more than most hardworking people will ever have in their entire lives handed to them on a silver platter. It got so bad that my dad ended up moving our family to the other side of the Atlantic. Thank christ my mum/aunt were actually sensible and raised my sister and I/my cousins to realise that money isn't everything and that we have it pretty damn good and should be bloody grateful for it. When people say "money is the root of all evil", they're completely right. Well, no one wants the result of their hard work to vanish, so yes. Literal "fuck you, got mine", I'm impressed.
  17. I actually got that impression myself due to all the references and shit packed into the game, basically they wanted a celebration of the series to be their swan song. In any case, thank christ the game sold so well, it'd have sucked for the series to end even if it did end on a high note.
  18. Best: FE10 Rexbolt Honourable Mentions: FE4 Falaflame, FE4 Hell, FE4 Narga, FE4 Lopto Worst: FE6 Aircalibur Dishonourable Mentions: GBA Fire, GBA Lightning
  19. Best: Sigurd Honourable Mentions: Greil, Cuan Worst: Ethlin Dishonourable Mentions: Fado
  20. Best: FE10 Volke (Equip him with adept and Gamble. I've gotten him up to almost 100% crit before and it's goddamn beautiful. If you want to use all the SS-rank weapons, he's much better than Sothe for the Baselard. And he joins for dirt-cheap too.). Honourable Mentions: Farina (this was a tough call), Beowulf Worst: Hugh Dishonourable Mentions: Rennac (although if you're paying him then you're doing it wrong)
  21. Best: FE5 Escape Honourable mentions: Defend, Killcount (FE10 3-E) Worst: Seize
  22. Best: Lakche Honourable Mentions: Ayra, Rutger, Shanan, Shiva, Mareeta Worst: Karla (I trained Barte up for THIS!?) Dishonourable Mentions: Evayl, Shanam (The only reason he isn't my choice is because he teaches Mareeta Meteor Sword and makes her even more awesome) Nominate: Best/Worst Final boss
  23. Hello, I am Twilight Wolf (I registered under this name because I fucked up in the email field the name is now taken. If someone with the power could change it to that, I'd be grateful). I love the Fire Emblem series, especially Seisen no Keifu. Hope to enjoy it here? ^_^
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