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Everything posted by AnonymousSpeed

  1. Why is my life? I don't know. But I do know that the grass is once again growing as green as your text, so be happy.
  2. I usually shower late in the afternoon. Why get clean earlier in the day when I'll just go out and get germy again? And yes, I did just say germy.
  3. *salutes* Present and well armed sir! Permission to bring a Lancereaver?
  4. I'll say sorry. Sorry Shirley. I like friendship!
  5. Well, that's a bit mean, but it's not me, so I'm happy. Okay, that was a little selfish, I apologize
  6. Google drawing... Ah well, at least it has a unique style, an that counts for something, right?
  7. Hm...I could put this in the comic (provided I finish the 2nd panel of the second page)
  8. Good night. And 'weird' is a good way to describe me, so...
  9. Argument, mostly. Glad it's over. And I was...also joking...
  10. I win the bet. Though they never said there's no charm to cute stuff, they just didn't get the fuss over the bear. I mean, I own cuter stuffed animals than-... I'll shut up now.
  11. 'Night Crizix Wanna bet? I brought poker chips.
  12. I will not take part in this conflict. But, because I feel I must: Rule #77- in the presence of Celtic people, skilled combatants and geniuses, any form of masturbation is strictly disallowed. I kinda like Comic Sans...
  13. I'm trying to imitate Marth's taunt while running around in a flaming suit.
  14. Yeah, this flaming suit is pretty cool, right? Uh...HI NA! DE SHOKATA GREY! *runs in distracting circles*
  15. This is an accurate picture of now: And Ein, burn those and I'll give you a solid platinum medal.
  16. Permission to kill and/or knock out Boney before he tells?
  17. What?!?! I don't truly believe so, after all, Hero King hasn't had to kill Jprebs or vice versa yet.
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