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Everything posted by AnonymousSpeed

  1. I've played enough rogue-likes that I actually support this.
  2. Every tile. Every map. Swamp. Armors cannot move. You recruit them anyway.
  3. Long ago in a distant land, I read a challenge run idea for FE10 where you only use unit with green hair. I think this is technically feasible once you get Sothe, although you do have to ship some extra weapons to Nephenee through Nealuchi or something (her starting lances don't have enough uses for her to kill everything she needs in the time before shops). I'm not sure how practically feasible this is or whether or not its actually interesting, since you're mostly picking a couple characters to solo the map with until endgame.
  4. Dang, I can really feel Alexa disintegrating my emoji with this one. This is a semantic point on the whole "not everything has to have a deeper meaning chain", since I agree that small side-beats can add a lot to something. The fact that we like these things and think they make something better indicates that they serve a purpose ("serve" rather than "have", it doesn't really matter if the author was deliberately considering the benefits so long as they ultimately exist). They don't contribute directly to the main plot, but they clearly contribute something.
  5. Under. Dang, I feel like I've played myself. Am I still being trolled? I'm having trouble getting them through the mail. Can I request an extension?
  6. "There is nothing new under the sun" - a book older than civilization Firmly agreed on this. Good twists work even once you know them. The re-contextualization is what makes them effective, which means they must still produce sensible context. Hey! I am not a furry.
  7. I'm not sure where you're getting the idea for either of those questions, neither lent nor I have implied that you're completely wrong or that more popular media is better (either necessarily or probably). What we are saying is that, if we watch cape-crap, it's our own fault. The most reasonable alternative would be to read and watch things you expect to actually be good.
  8. Aw sweat sweet, CYOA time. Black Knight's armor doesn't scare me. I figure the Lightsphere can be used to ignore that- so the first step is to petition Marth for aid (i.e. gimme lightsphere).
  9. Why not both? Spread propaganda for the truth! What's the alternative? Propagandize lies about myrmidon supremacy? Yeah, I agree on that. It's mostly an FE trend as far as I'm aware (I'm not aware of a lot of pop culture happenings), but I dislike it a lot. It makes the cast feel much more homogeneous and less rag-tag. It's a convenient way to not have to recruit characters since they all join with the lordlets, but I enjoyed the way you built your army by actually satisfying recruitment conditions. Some people inherit a farm. Some people inherit a position of authority over others. Ike gains the latter, as Jotari points out. People still inherit things today. If we're going with the "he's a commoner" (read: poor everyman) because he lacks a noble title, we're going with the idea that most people who inherit fortunes are in fact poor everymen. Nobility exists as much as poverty or the IRS exist. Lacking physical units doesn't make something nonexistent. Regardless of what the story says or how it tries to frame it, the substance simply isn't there. Ike is a "common man" on a strictly superficial level. Multiverse stories could be cool if they were Westerns. Just as a man could wander into town and ride into the sunset, so too could the multiversal traveler. Sol is a good skil! I'm confused, these two positions seem absolutely at odds. How can these things be readily available to us and yet we are still at the mercy of a system? We have the means to ingest the best books of Victorian England and we choose not to. While I don't know your steam library, I also feel that a lot of indie games are part of the "mainstream" of video game culture. They are "indie" in funding and production but not really spread. I'm including the second paragraph because I agree (broadly) with this interpretation of Jotari's statement (with respect to him despite this, of course).
  10. dude i played 80 hours of three houses and i still do not remember any of it
  11. Iunno. I hate to derail the thread (natural occurrence) but I feel like hanging around, while inferior to being there for your kid, indicates a conscience which isn't totally seared.
  12. His resistance isn't that high, so he probably doesn't do that great against the magic eyes.
  13. >when the internet cannot handle that men are hornier than women Excellent post, 100/10, very cool and good. I fully endorse this condemnation of faux depth and shallow audience manipulation. Narcian once again is the most strong, smart, and beautiful.
  14. Posting. Oh wait, this is "Media" not "Social Media" please do not make that thread- Dying forum cope. There was a joke about this on Excelblem FE9 chapter 17 video already. Dang, does @Shadow Mir even post anymore? Axe fighters are good. I am tired of them being ignored in media, and this trend must stop.
  15. Replies. As mentioned in the replies, my pick is Ilios. I think his delusions of grandeur while lacking any of the talents to merit it make for a fun character, nothing overly deep but endearing to me. He's also genuinely obscure compared to a lot of other characters, but I guess I've have to change my pick if he gets into Heroes. Kinda shocked Batta hasn't. The Sable Knights are very stylish, and I think Belf has my favorite drip out of them all. I'm also a big supporter of Samuel/Samto/whatever he's called now, the original impersonator. I think the guy just oozes personality even at a conceptual level. Caesar, honestly? He just looks cool, and I like to imagine him and Radd are bros despite having very little affection for Radd. Behold what I found on the internet: When do we get the "Coulter is Xane" theory video? If they remake FE4 and FE5, should he have a third and fourth unique design to go with those games?
  16. A quick update on this. The World of Weal thing is still underway, but picking a holiday weekend as the one to work on it shockingly didn't work out very well. I got hung up on the marching mechanics of all things, but I think I know how I want to do those now.
  17. Midir: You have delegated to a dead guy. Your entire army disbands, and Verdane counquers Grannvale.
  18. Can we get endings for delegating to different members of Chalphy's knights?
  19. Arvis is love, Arvis is life. His fatal flaw is talking to women. If he was a real gamer and didn't talk to women, everything would have been fine. I might check this out later, thank you. I can't help out with Twine, though.
  20. So, you might be interested in a bit of un-ruined worlding? Excellent, I'm glad to hear it. I'll give it a little more time to see if anyone else expresses interest. If not and Acacia is still interested, I'll go with the Weal mini-campaign.
  21. I'm pretty sure all Gaiden spells have fixed accuracy, so that would have to be the case.
  22. Why did you pick this spelling and not the other one?
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