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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. I feel that Hector x Lyn is incredibly forced, and their supports ain't great. Honestly, Hector is my least favorite pairing for Lyn. And if I'm being completely, totally honest...I think Kent makes the most sense for Lyn's husband. I wanna say Rath does since Lyn x Rath is my favorite, and it is what I ship, but I can totally see Lyn x Kent.
  2. YES! Victory for Canas! Wrys 8 Lena 10 Maria 10 Boah 10 Elice 10 Silk 10 Teeta 10 Jenny 10 Malliecia 10 Yumina 10 Nyna 10 Ethlyn 10 Aideen 10 Lachesis 8 Claude 10 Lana 11 Nanna 11 Corple 8 Safy 10 Tina 10 Linoan 10 Sleuf 8 Sara 10 Cyas 10 Ellen 10 Clarine 10 Saul 10 Cecilia 10 Serra 9 Priscilla 9 Moulder 8 Natasha 11 L'arachel 11 Rhys 10 Mist 10 Laura 10 Frost 10 Lissa 11 Maribelle 10 Libra 10 Brady 8
  3. 6. Have you played Project X Zone? 7. If you have, what do you think of what's been shown of Project X Zone 2 so far? 8. Sigurd or Leif? 9. Have you ever ridden a horse? 10. Brownies or cupcakes?
  4. Wait what? I just said I liked him more as a healer than a Light magic user lol, and in this contest he was being considered a Light magic user. I like both FE9 and 10 Rhys fine.
  5. Silent Hill 3. Seriously. I've played (or seen others play) every Resident Evil game, I've seen Dead Space, I've seen Slender Man, I've seen...so many horror games. But none of them have ever given me the chills...except for Silent Hill. I don't know why, but Silent Hill genuinely unnerves me.
  6. I wonder how they're going to pick the ballot winner. I mean, it obviously won't be "whoever has the most votes is in!" If it was like that, we'd likely end up with Goku because dummies like to make troll votes? I wonder what kind of process they'll use.
  7. You forgot Moulder, Natasha, and Brady. And FE9 Rhys if people really want that. Elincia was in the Pegasus Knight contest, and I'm not sure she counts as a healer? Dunno about that though.
  8. 1. What is your favorite genre of music? 2. What was your very first gaming system? 3. What is your favorite food? 4. What is your favorite Fire Emblem game? 5. Have you ever gone skydiving?
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