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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. *Has never even done Creature Campaign despite really wanting to get Lyon and despite playing through Sacred Stones a dozen times before, always just uses Luna because Luna*
  2. It sucks that there seems to be such a heavy bias against Awakening.
  3. I know. I've clicked "Edit" and "Save Changes" THREE TIMES. It will not save my changes. I'm getting really ticked off now. Freaking save it you sack of crap!
  4. Julia 6 Salem 10 Ray 12 Sophia 10 Lucius 14 Canas 18 Renault 9 Athos 11 Artur 13 Knoll 10 Rhys 3 Oliver 13 Lehran 5 Etzel 11 Henry 5
  5. Deirdre 6 Julia 10 Salem 10 Ray 11 Sophia 9 Niime 6 Yodel 6 Lucius 12 Canas 14 Renault 10 Athos 9 Artur 11 Knoll 11 Rhys 6 Pelleas 4 Oliver 13 Lehran 6 Etzel 12 Henry 8
  6. This is really why I'm downvoting him, I like him as a healer much more than a Light Magic user.
  7. 1. Who is your favorite fictional character? 2. Are there any genres in video games you hate? 3. Would you rather read a book or watch a movie? 4. Do you have any pets? 5. What is your favorite food?
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