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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. How's this determined? Er, how does it do a "lead" or whatever? *Knows nothing about the artbook*
  2. Lady 10 Juri Han 10 Tron Bonne 11 Arthur 8 Imca 26 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 10 Rikiya Busuyiama 10 Genghis Bahn III 10 Flynn Scifo 10 Alisa Boskonovitch 8 Heihachi Mishima 16 Zonvolt 14 Valkyrie 5 Saya 10
  3. Merric 16 Wendell 7 Linde 13 Gotoh 4 Sonia 12 Norma 6 Ellerean 9 Azel 8 Tiltyu 8 Arthur 11 Asvel 14 Homeros 11 Miranda 10 Lugh 15 Lilina 14 Lute 14 Saleh 13 Soren 6 Bastian 7 Katarina 9
  4. Well like I said, Hector and Lyn are two of the main lords. So of course they interact more, and that is a completely, totally valid argument. Lyn/Rath gets more time than Nino/Jaffar, too, plus every interaction Lyn and Rath have shows some attraction between the two, as do their supports despite Rath's aloofness. Rath gets the same kind of "affection" with Lyn that Hector does, the same build-up, aside from the extra scenes Hector gets in HM (which are only gotten through supports, which is not uncommon for supports in the FE series, so without supports Rath gets MORE build-up and affection than Hector). I know about Lewyn/Fury being canon. I also ship Arthur/Fee. Fun fact: Azel/Tiltyu was supposed to be canon, it was supposed to be shown in the third act of FE4 that never made it into the game. So even though it never made it into the game, I still ship and consider Azel/Tiltyu canon. Alm and Celica does not equal Hector and Lyn. Yes really, I literally just finished playing through the game again a couple of weeks ago. Eliwood does interact primarily with Ninian, but he still interacts with Lyn just as much as Hector. I also recall one of Eliwood's interactions with Hector supporting the notion of Lyn winding up with Eliwood, so... Every pairing has lines like that in their supports, so there goes that argument. Like I said earlier, "if any pairing were to be made canon, there would be no random villagers." If I.S. were to make anything canon in Awakening, Lucina's mother wouldn't be the random villager option. It just wouldn't. Hawkeye is also not the same case, he was already married and has a daughter in FE7, whereas everyone else has yet to have their spouses and children. I'm not saying my preferences are canon nor do I consider anyone's preference canon, including my own (with the exception of Azel/Tiltyu). I'm just debating the points of each possibility. No harm in that. False. Bartre/Karla. Also, I hope I'm not coming off as rude or anything. I'm not trying to be rude or snarky or anything. I really enjoy debating characters and pairings and stuff like this, and I hope I'm not being too "intense."
  5. If any pairing were to be made canon though, there would be no random villagers. Every parent character would have one of their options (from the playable cast) as their spouse. That's what I'm getting it. The Dragon's Gate and such isn't really the "Outrealm Gate" though, they're separate entities, that's how I've interpreted it anyway. The Outrealm Gate in Awakening seems different than the Dragon's Gate and such, since the OG deals with time travel and alternate realities whereas the DG seems to just deal with moving from one world to another (like a fancy airplane, if that makes sense).
  6. The only game I'd give even the slightest thought to about the Outrealm Gate is Awakening. For all the other games, it's a whole lot of phooey in my opinion. I disagree. I also think that the "they interact the most" argument is kinda invalid. Of course they interact the most, their two of the main lords! Eliwood interacts with Lyn just as much, possibly even a little more given Lyn mode. As for the scenes, well that's the lords getting special treatment methinks, 'cause they're lords. Plus, again, Lyn is Rath's only option, and I.S. would not have a parent character wind up with a random villager, that's just not happening.
  7. One reason I find Rath/Lyn "canonical" is because I find it incredibly unlikely that any parent character ends up with "random villager." That just seems...silly, in my opinion. I figure each parent character has a definite wife among their pairing options, and since Lyn is Rath's only option...but *shrugs* that's just me.
  8. I hope I provided adequate enough challenge when we faced each other when I was playing :3 I didn't feel like I did too good against you.
  9. All right, leaving them in. Merric 16 Wendell 10 Linde 13 Gotoh 8 Sonia 11 Norma 8 Ellerean 9 Azel 9 Tiltyu 7 Arthur 11 Tinny 3 Asvel 14 Homeros 11 Miranda 10 Lugh 16 Lilina 15 Lute 12 Saleh 13 Soren 7 Tormod 8 Bastian 7 Katarina 9
  10. Lady 10 Juri Han 10 Tron Bonne 12 Arthur 10 Batsu Ichimonji 4 Imca 22 Vashyron 10 Bruno Delinger 10 Rikiya Busuyiama 10 Genghis Bahn III 10 Flynn Scifo 10 Alisa Boskonovitch 8 Heihachi Mishima 14 Zonvolt 14 Lindow Amamyia 1 Valkyrie 9 Saya 10
  11. I'm gonna make my votes for the day now, but I don't know what to do...do I just leave all three votes? Which ones do I remove, if any?
  12. What a touching farewell :P But really, I don't want anyone to think I'm a quitter. I just can't handle that lag.
  13. For helping out, I meant like..."hey this forum board has a glitch," that stuff.
  14. All right, thanks. And no, it really wasn't obvious to me. I figured you'd just have to message an admin/mod to help out. But now I know.
  15. Aren't mods and admins the same thing? And I was also unaware that users could post in "site content," I thought that was just like a guide to the other forum boards, ya know?
  16. Except I didn't make this thread in FFTF. An admin moved it here. So... And okay, if my request is denied, that's fine. Just please know this was not meant as a joke or as a FFTF thread.
  17. This is not a FFTF thread...I'm really not joking and really was requesting a Brom badge...
  18. I'm sorry everyone, but I'm gonna have to bow out of the tourney. I'm getting seriously angry, the lag is atrocious, I didn't even know the matches had started until I was being attacked...good luck to everyone else.
  19. Updated with Ilee1000's votes: Merric 16 Wendell 10 Linde 12 Gotoh 8 Dute 2 Sonia 11 Norma 8 Ellerean 9 Azel 9 Tiltyu 7 Arthur 11 Tinny 5 Asvel 15 Homeros 11 Miranda 10 Lugh 15 Lilina 15 Lute 12 Saleh 13 Ewan 1 Soren 8 Tormod 7 Bastian 7 Sanaki 3 Katarina 9
  20. Well like I said, I had no idea where this belonged.
  21. Mine too, he's really awesome in my opinion. A very underrated character! Broooooooom :P
  22. Huh...that really does seem odd to me, I'd figure all the lord-characters would have a badge lol. Also, if a mod does read this, I'm very serious about there being a Brom badge.
  23. Say what? Ah c'mon, every lord-character needs at least one badge!
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