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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Eh...I dunno about point-stacking, I mean didn't we always use any extra points on a fifth character? Noah's better :P I really don't want the generic Cain/Abel to win...
  2. Just to add to my previous list of things I dislike... The fanbase. At least a (big) portion of it. I've discovered you can't say anything about certain subjects without someone else being a total b***h about it at you. This has mainly happened to me on this site.
  3. Another character I'm sad seems less popular is Kaze. The green ninja guy. He's really looking to be one of my five favorite characters.
  4. I like Ryoma. I don't think he's my favorite, but I like him more than Camilla for sure. I'm sad there's no love for Sakura though, I like her design a lot, and after seeing her supports and such I like her as a character as well. I think it's sad that she seems to be the least popular sibling.
  5. It's hilarious (in a sad way) that people are getting on his case for this. I agree with him, I don't want LGBTQ characters shoehorned in, and I don't want to see everyone suddenly turned bisexual. It's like people aren't allowed to voice an opinion anymore without being ridiculed for it. Now that they've been officially introduced, I fear that if they make a future game that doesn't have a LGBTQ character, reviewers will knock off points for it and people will whine and call them homophobic or some such silly nonsense, because I've literally been seeing some of this ("every FE game needs a LGBTQ character now or it's gonna suck!") elsewhere on the internet and it's just sad. I really hope that nonsense doesn't continue. I'm just going to say it, and I'm prepared to be completely crucified for this, but...I know we're going to have more LGBTQ characters in future games, it's kind of a given now I think. But you know what? Because of that "every game NEEDS them now!" crap among other things, I hope there are future games with no LGBTQ characters. Not every game needs them.
  6. Huh, those are some interesting results. I'm honestly not surprised at which characters were the most popular, but I am surprised at which classes were. I'm disappointed that it seems like people want second gen/children characters shoehorned into future games though, and that people didn't complain/probably liked all the fanservice.
  7. I'm very interested in seeing these results. This is the first I've heard of this poll!
  8. I'm not sure there are really any bad units in Sacred Stones, even among units like Syrene. I think they're all at least decent. I mean, the easier difficulty of SS helps with that, but still. I dunno *shrugs* I just find that all the units are at least decent.
  9. I'm remembering Tomodachi Life and that huge mess. Eeeeeeeveryone was screaming and yelling at Nintendo. So I just feel that, now that it's been introduced, every single game will now have gay characters, otherwise there will be complaints out the wazoo.
  10. Trust me, it'll stick around. Every single future game will have gay characters now. If they don't, people will whine and complain "NINTENDO WHY U SO HOMOPHOBE?!"
  11. The characters. I love the variety of characters. The music. Each game so far has had awesome music. The gameplay. Each game has the same core mechanics, but also something a little unique to each one that makes each one a little different. The stories. So far, there's only been one story in all the games that I've thought was only "meh." Otherwise, I've loved them all.
  12. I guess that's a no? Lloyd Irving 17 Luke fon Fabre 30 Yuri Lowell 30 Ludger Will Kresnik 17
  13. I know it's been said, but I may as well throw my two cents in. It's not so much marriage that I have a problem with. As you said, Marth canonically married Caeda, and Lewyn canonically married Fury. I just don't like that it seems to have become every unit can marry every unit. Roy is my third-favorite character in the entire series (behind only Lyn and Ephraim), but I think he has too many possible spouses. Isn't it possible to have a support with a girl and just be purely friends with no romance and marriage involved? It's cool, no need to apologize for anything :3
  14. In my most recent playthrough of 7, I found that I could not use seven different lance-users. I had to pick and decide if I wanted to use Heath and Florina, or Fiora and Oswin, etc. I had to save lances because if I used too many, they'd all break sooner, and I didn't have the funds to buy a ton of lances since you also need swords, axes, etc. The durability mattered.
  15. What I dislike about the series is the direction it seems to be taking. I'm very weary of it. I do not like all the fanservice. Pokemon-Amie in Fire Emblem? I do not want to RUB my units! And all the boob-focus, all the marriage and romance focus...does every character really have to be a spouse option for every other character? This is not what made me love the series. And now, because of the same-sex marriage options in Fates, there will forever and always be the "token gay character." I do not like the forced children characters. It worked in Genealogy. It worked in Awakening (only because of Lucina). But now? It isn't needed, it's just being forced. I do not like that it now feels like every Lord character in future games will be an Avatar. Lyn, Ephraim, Ike, Hector, Marth, Leif...we won't be getting anymore characters like that if we'll just be getting Avatars from now on. No more non-Avatar Lords. Robin kinda pushed Chrom and Lucina away, and now the Avatar in Fates definitely makes all the Hoshido/Nohr sibling characters look like secondary characters. I do not like the changes to the gameplay, in terms of no weapon durability and all that. I actually liked that there were gender-exclusive classes...now that seems to be going away.
  16. Stahn Aileron 0 Lloyd Irving 19 Luke fon Fabre 30 Yuri Lowell 30 Ludger Will Kresnik 19 Should there be some voting changes since we have so few characters left?
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