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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Merric 11 Wendell 10 Linde 11 Gotoh 10 Ryuto / Luthier 6 Dute 8 May 4 Boowy / Boey 8 Sonia 10 Norma 10 Yubello 6 Ellerean 10 Azel 9 Lewyn 9 Tiltyu 10 Arthur 10 Tinny 11 Ced 8 Asvel 11 Homeros 10 Miranda 10 Lugh 12 Lilina 13 Hugh 12 Erk 8 Nino 8 Pent 12 Lute 9 Saleh 11 Ewan 11 Soren 11 Ilyana 4 Calill 9 Tormod 8 Bastian 8 Sanaki 7 Katarina 8 Miriel 6 Laurent 8
  2. The way I'm going about it...yeah okay. No, nor did I imply anything about the convoy nor do I think Lyn and Rath are there, that's just you reaching for a grab here. Hmm, maybe Sue and Dayan didn't bring up Rath because IS hadn't created him yet. I also find it ridiculously unlikely that every single Sacae survivor is on a single convoy. Sacae is an entire nation, after all. There will be no PM sent, I'm done discussing this. I don't "see where you're going." All I see is you disliking other peoples opinions and trying to disprove them (which is literally impossible in the sense of FE pairings). I'm done now. This whole thing has taught me one thing: Never try to jokingly troll anyone in a thread like this, it will not end well.
  3. Apparently I share my birthday with Chun-Li from Street Fighter. Awesome.
  4. EDIT: I forgot some, so here's my updated list. Lyn x Rath Eliwood x Ninian Hector x Florina Oswin x Serra Heath x Priscilla Wil x Rebecca Sain x Fiora Nino x Jaffar Dart x Farina Isadora x Harken Roy x Lilina Noah x Fir Klein x Tate I didn't include any canon pairings, such as Bartre x Karla and Pent x Louise, but I like them.
  5. Thank you. Thing is, the way I view it, Bern invading Ostia and killing Hector and capturing Lilina spells worse chances for Lyn's survival. Again, the way I view it. I did not say "yo dog Lyn totally 100% dies if she ends up with Hector and junk." I did not say it here in those post, or my previous post. I say again...the way I view it...Lyn has a greater (not definite...just greater, and this is debatable, so again...the way I view it) chance of survival if she's Rath's wife and in Sacae. And it doesn't go against her character at all, you act like the only fighting going on is with Roy and his group. The way I like to view it, Lyn and Rath are fighting Bern forces in Sacae and helping other survivors while Roy and his group are out doing their thing. Again, this is just THE WAY I VIEW IT, IT IS HIGHLY DEBATABLE. That's all. That's it. Okay? Okay. Good. To quote you again... Yep, it is my opinion. My opinion. Now let's get back to the game, shall we? I am serious about not changing Lilina's name though, it'll start getting confusing if people start putting "Little Lyn" "Fury and Lewin's awesome son" "Tiltyu's cute daughter" etc.
  6. On mobile, can't put a line through my text. Anyway, I'm wondering if you know how internet trolling works? I know she ends up happy with whoever she's with. Yeah, I ship LynxRath, and it does indeed offer the same love/affection/etc. of LynxHector and Lynxwhoever else. But you know why I prefer it over LynxHector? There's a greater chance that Lyn (my favorite FE character of all time) survives the events of Roy's game. I'd rather think she was one of the Sacean survivors than that she died when Hector was killed and Lilina was captured. So please, cool your briches, hotshot. No more trolling from me, ugh...
  7. There's no definite proof of HectorxLyn either, so that whole point of yours is totally invalid. And ya know, Lyn always wants to go back to the plains, she couldn't do that with Hector and will forever live a sad life with him...so...keep you headcanons out of it! Especially when Lyn is definitely Sue's mom and not Lilina's.
  8. My NNID is put in spoilers because it contains my first name and my middle and last initials. Will add people after dinner.
  9. Keep your headcanons out of it! Especially since Lyn is definitely Sue's mom and not Lilina's.
  10. I know no one who owns a Wii U, in fact I've even been made fun of for having one, so I've never really explored the friends options...sorry for being a dummy.
  11. We kept all of Darrman's votes but Pent? Pent should be at 11 now. Keep your headcanon pairings out of it especially since Lyn is definitely Sue's mom and not Lilina's!
  12. You can only give +plus points to one pair. Either Soma/Alisa's points need to go back to 6 or Reiki/Arisu's.
  13. There we go, added Sanaki and fixed Asvel's points. Merric 10 Wendell 11 Linde 10 Gotoh 10 Ryuto 6 Dute 8 May 8 Boowy 10 Sonia 10 Norma 10 Yubello 8 Azel 10 Lewyn 8 Tiltyu 10 Arthur 10 Tinny 10 Sety 8 Asvel 11 Homeros 10 Miranda 10 Lugh 10 Lilina 11 Hugh 11 Erk 11 Nino 11 Pent 12 Lute 11 Saleh 10 Ewan 11 Soren 9 Ilyana 7 Calill 8 Tormod 8 Bastian 8 Sanaki 10 Ellerean 10 Katarina 10 Miriel 10 Ricken 8 Laurent 10
  14. Woo! My favorite thief won! Go Matthew! Also, I'd have no objections if people wanted to include Sanaki. Merric 10 Wendell 11 Linde 10 Gotoh 10 Ryuto 6 Dute 8 May 8 Boowy 10 Sonia 10 Norma 10 Yubello 8 Azel 10 Lewyn 8 Tiltyu 10 Arthur 10 Tinny 10 Sety 8 Asvel 12 Homeros 10 Miranda 10 Lugh 10 Lilina 11 Hugh 11 Erk 11 Nino 11 Pent 12 Lute 11 Saleh 10 Ewan 11 Soren 9 Ilyana 7 Calill 8 Tormod 8 Bastian 8 Ellerean 10 Katarina 10 Miriel 10 Ricken 8 Laurent 10
  15. Gemini Sunrise + Erica Fontaine 6 Zephyr + Leanne 8 Soma Shicksal + Alisa Ilinichina Amiella 5 Haken Browning + Kaguya Nanbu 16 Reiji Arisu + Xiaomu 9
  16. Matthew 20 Legault 4 I'd agree with this list. As for Ewan...I dunno, I guess I'm neutral on him, he does start off as an Anima-user, so he could fit into the mage category I guess.
  17. I'd think Tharja and Henry would be excluded, they'd fall out of the mage category right? They'd be like Canas, magical but not "mages." But Miriel, Ricken, and Laurent would definitely be included. I'd also think Soren, Lewyn, etc. would be included as well.
  18. How does one get thrown into the possible nominations pool? Draco and GlaceonMage
  19. Ichiro Ogami + Sakura Shinguji 2 Gemini Sunrise + Erica Fontaine 9 Zephyr + Leanne 10 Soma Shicksal + Alisa Ilinichina Amiella 7 Haken Browning + Kaguya Nanbu 13 Reiji Arisu + Xiaomu 12 Doesn't matter to me :3
  20. Matthew 22 Legault 9 Ya know, honestly, I think Mage/Sage would be more interesting. I mean, it seems all the voters pretty much agree on who the best knight is...Gatrie or Oswin...may as well just throw the two favorites against each other since none of the others seem to stand any chance.
  21. Sure, why not? How 'bout them mystic Artes! And even if he couldn't, Jin definitely could, and you gave him -negative votes. And even if he couldn't, he's still better character-wise...and a better unit in X Zone.
  22. So yeah...my two favorite thieves are the two finalists...that's a change of pace for these FE contests lol.
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