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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Mario 10 Luigi 10 Peach 10 Bowser 18 Yoshi 10 Wario 10 Rosalina 7 Bowser Jr. + Koopalings 6 Dr. Mario 10 Link 12 Zelda 11 Shiek 10 Ganondorf 9 Toon Link 12 Kirby 11 King Dedede 10 Meta Knight 10 Samus 10 Zero Zuit Samus 10 ROB 10 Mr. Game and Watch 10 Pit 10 Dark Pit 14 Palutena 10 Pikachu 10 Jigglypuff 10 Pichu 7 Lucario 11 Greninja 10 Charizard 10 Ivysaur 8 Squirtle 10 Ice Climbers 7 Snake 9 Pac-Man 7 Wii Fit Trainer 6 Donkey Kong 10 Diddy Kong 10 Marth 13 Roy 19 Robin 12 Lucina 10 Ness 10 Lucas 9 Fox 15 Falco 10 Wolf 11 Shulk 10 Little Mac 10 Duck Hunt Dog 0 Villager 8 Captain Falcon 13 Olimar 3 Young Link 16 Mewtwo 10
  2. I'll use the male first, and the male will be what I use for mostly every time I play through the game. But, I will go with the female sometimes, just so I can see all the supports.
  3. Mario 10 Luigi 10 Peach 10 Bowser 18 Yoshi 10 Wario 10 Rosalina 7 Bowser Jr. + Koopalings 8 Dr. Mario 10 Link 12 Zelda 10 Shiek 10 Ganondorf 9 Toon Link 11 Kirby 11 King Dedede 10 Meta Knight 10 Samus 10 Zero Zuit Samus 10 ROB 10 Mr. Game and Watch 10 Pit 10 Dark Pit 12 Palutena 10 Pikachu 10 Jigglypuff 10 Pichu 10 Lucario 11 Greninja 10 Charizard 10 Ivysaur 10 Squirtle 10 Ice Climbers 7 Snake 11 Pac-Man 7 Wii Fit Trainer 7 Donkey Kong 10 Diddy Kong 10 Marth 13 Roy 18 Robin 12 Lucina 10 Ness 10 Lucas 9 Fox 14 Falco 10 Wolf 11 Shulk 10 Little Mac 10 Duck Hunt Dog 3 Villager 8 Captain Falcon 11 Olimar 5 Young Link 15 Mewtwo 10
  4. Mario 10 Luigi 10 Peach 10 Bowser 16 Yoshi 10 Wario 10 Rosalina 7 Bowser Jr. + the koopalings 9 Dr. Mario 10 Link 12 Zelda 10 Shiek 10 Ganondorf 12 Toon Link 10 Kirby 10 King Dedede 10 Meta Knight 10 Samus 10 Zero Zuit Samus 10 ROB 10 Mr. Game and Watch 10 Pit 10 Dark Pit 12 Palutena 10 Pikachu 10 Jigglypuff 10 Pichu 10 Lucario 11 Greninja 10 Charizard 10 Ivysaur 10 Squirtle 10 Ice Climbers 7 Snake 11 Sonic 0 Pac Man 9 Wii Fit Trainer 7 Donkey Kong 10 Diddy Kong 10 Marth 13 Roy 16 Ike 3 Robin 12 Lucina 10 Ness 10 Lucas 8 Fox 13 Falco 10 Wolf 11 Shulk 10 Little Mac 10 Mega Man 2 Duck Hunt Dog 6 Villager 9 Captain Falcon 12 Olimar 5 Young Link 13 Mewtwo 10
  5. Mario 10 Luigi 10 Peach 10 Bowser 14 Yoshi 10 Wario 10 Rosalina 10 Bowser Jr. + the koopalings 10 Dr. Mario 10 Link 12 Zelda 10 Shiek 10 Ganondorf 11 Toon Link 10 Kirby 10 King Dedede 10 Meta Knight 10 Samus 10 Zero Zuit Samus 10 ROB 10 Mr. Game and Watch 10 Pit 10 Dark Pit 10 Palutena 10 Pikachu 10 Jigglypuff 10 Pichu 10 Lucario 11 Greninja 10 Charizard 10 Ivysaur 10 Squirtle 10 Ice Climbers 7 Snake 10 Sonic 6 Pac Man 9 Wii Fit Trainer 7 Donkey Kong 10 Diddy Kong 10 Marth 12 Roy 13 Ike 7 Robin 10 Lucina 10 Ness 10 Lucas 8 Fox 12 Falco 10 Wolf 11 Shulk 10 Little Mac 10 Mega Man 4 Miis 3 Duck Hunt Dog 8 Villager 10 Captain Falcon 10 Olimar 7 Young Link 12 Mewtwo 10 I noticed Mewtwo was missing, so I added him :3 I'm pretty sure everyone else is there though, no one else is forgotten lol
  6. 'Twas an honest mistake, I was confused for a moment too lol, I was just thinking "wait...hang on a sec...what?"
  7. I hope I did the point distribution right... Mario 10 Luigi 10 Peach 10 Bowser 12 Yoshi 10 Wario 10 Rosalina 10 Bowser Jr. + the koopalings 10 Dr. Mario 10 Link 12 Zelda 10 Shiek 10 Ganondorf 10 Toon Link 10 Kirby 10 King Dedede 10 Meta Knight 10 Samus 10 Zero Zuit Samus 10 ROB 10 Mr. Game and Watch 10 Pit 10 Dark Pit 10 Palutena 10 Pikachu 10 Jigglypuff 10 Pichu 10 Lucario 11 Greninja 10 Charizard 10 Ivysaur 10 Squirtle 10 Ice Climbers 7 Snake 9 Sonic 8 Pac Man 9 Wii Fit Trainer 10 Donkey Kong 10 Diddy Kong 10 Marth 12 Roy 13 Ike 7 Robin 10 Lucina 10 Ness 10 Lucas 8 Fox 11 Falco 10 Wolf 10 Shulk 10 Little Mac 10 Mega Man 7 Miis 4 Duck Hunt Dog 10 Villager 10 Captain Falcon 10 Olimar 7 Young Link 12
  8. These were the last two voting posts: This list was not saying Nergal lost 2 points. Hardin and Arvis lost 2, Zephiel and Idoun gained 1, Julius and Nergal stayed the same. So here, Nergal should STILL have 2 points...either that, or you take back your vote on Julius or Zephiel.
  9. Hardin 14 Arvis 16 Julius 10 Zephiel 20 Idoun 10 Nergal 6 Sephiran 6
  10. Hardin 17 Arvis 15 Julius 11 Zephiel 21 Idoun 13 Nergal 13 Sephiran 8
  11. ...? I really hope you realize I was being incredibly sarcastic. I really do like Lyon, he is one of my absolute favorite FE villains, but I was not at all serious when I was saying everyone needs to love him and all that. Why do you think I was adding things like "huehuehue" to my posts?
  12. Hardin 17 Arvis 17 Julius 10 Zephiel 18 Idoun 17 Nergal 16 Black Knight/Zelgius 2 Sephiran 12 I don't really hold the opinion that absolutely everyone needs to love Lyon, chill dude lol.
  13. Hardin 19 Arvis 19 Julius 9 Raydrik 4 Zephiel 15 Idoun 19 Nergal 17 Black Knight/Zelgius 6 Sephiran 13 Ashera 4
  14. Agreed completely, he's one of the reasons I love Sacred Stones so much. I'd say everyone should hold this opinion, otherwise they're silly-willies, huehuehuehue :3
  15. I know, right? Can't believe Lyon is already out, he's way better than more than half the villains here!
  16. EDIT: Was ninja'd :3 Medeus 6 Hardin 17 Duma 0 Arvis 18 Julius 10 Raydrik 6 Jahn 3 Zephiel 12 Idoun 19 Nergal 16 Black Knight/Zelgius 8 Sephiran 15 Ashera 9
  17. Medeus 8 Hardin 16 Judah 4 Duma 8 Arvis 18 Julius 10 Raydrik 8 Jahn 9 Zephiel 12 Idoun 19 Nergal 13 Lyon 5 Black Knight/Zelgius 5 Sephiran 13 Ashera 12
  18. Gharnef 8 Medeus 11 Hardin 14 Judah 8 Duma 8 Arvis 16 Julius 11 Manfroy 4 Raydrik 10 Jahn 9 Zephiel 11 Idoun 17 Nergal 11 Lyon 7 Ashnard 6 Black Knight/Zelgius 7 Sephiran 12 Ashera 12
  19. I honestly feel that all of the lords would side with Hoshido :3 I feel they'd all rather take Hoshido's ways (as stated, similar to Emmeryn's) over Nohr's.
  20. Gharnef 10 Medeus 12 Hardin 13 Judah 10 Duma 10 Arvis 14 Julius 10 Manfroy 8 Raydrik 10 Jahn 11 Zephiel 12 Idoun 15 Nergal 14 Lyon 11 Ashnard 8 Black Knight/Zelgius 7 Sephiran 11 Ashera 10 Gangrel 6
  21. Which I've never had to use...so again, none of it is ever worth it.
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