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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. So far Ephraim and Hector seem to be the favorites, they're tied right now. This isn't getting as many votes as I thought it would lol, sorta sad *sniff sniff*
  2. Well one of my headcanons is still in it. Chrom x Sumia. *Cheers*
  3. I would assume Roy's support conversations would give him some development, unless the supports are kinda lame? Haven't read them all, unsure lol. As for ranking them all, I usually always pick my favorites according to the *character* I like most, gameplay plays a little part but I try to not let it override the personality of all the characters. If I ranked them all by how good they are as unites, it'd go (once again excluding Roy): Ephraim > Hector > Lyn > Eliwood = Eirika
  4. I think most people like him from a gameplay perspective. He's one of the best Lord characters of the series, and one of the only ones to use a lance. But anyway, since you said *besides* being a great unit and all, for personality, I think it's pretty good, I like how he's more "tactical" than other Lord characters, more battle-driven if that makes sense. But I can definitely see why he'd seem like "meh" in that regard. Regarding Roy. I don't see why the majority doesn't like him very much. Now I haven't played his game, but I have researched it a bit, and from everything I've read about him, and everything I've seen, he seems like a good character personality-wise, and gameplay-wise he's got the awesome Sword of Seals, although I can definitely see late promotion hurting him a lot. Anyway, can someone explain to me why most think his personality is bland?
  5. Chrom x Sumia, the only one that made it that I'd vote for...
  6. Forgot to give the link to the favorite GBA Lord topic http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=42905 There
  7. Started a separate topic (actually it is a poll) for favorite GBA Lords.
  8. I'd have to say Eliwood comes in at third for me. He goes through a lot of emotional events during the course of his game, it makes me root for him even more. Then Eirika and Hector come in after him. For me it'd go: Lyn > Ephraim > Eliwood > Eirika > Hector I can't judge Roy fairly, since I haven't played his game (yet). EDIT: And now, after experiencing Binding Blade, I would put Roy after Ephraim and before Eliwood.
  9. As the title of this topic asks, which GBA Lord is your favorite? For me, I'd definitely say that Lyn is my favorite. Her design is great, her battle animations are beautiful, and she's just an awesome character. Anyone who says she's boring or dull or some other such nonsense obviously have no idea what they're talking about. Her conversations are all great, they ooze awesomeness! Not only is Lyn my favorite GBA Lord, she's also my favorite character in the entire Fire Emblem series. I'll make another topic and poll for every class in the GBA games, so stay tuned for that. Also, I really don't care how you pick your favorite. Whether it be because of how good they are as a unit, how much you like their personality or design, and so on and so forth...your favorite is your favorite, whatever the reason. NOTE: 1: A character's starting class determines which list they go on. For prepromotes, what would have been their starting class in their game determines which list they go on. For example, Renault is a Bishop, but his starting class would have been a Monk if he wasn't a prepromote, so he goes on the Monk/Bishop list. Yodel, on the other hand, goes on the Priest/Cleric/Bishop list, he is a Bishop but in Binding Blade Monk was not a class so his starting class would have been a Priest. 2: If a character is not playable in the main story, they are not included. EDIT: Ever since the forums changed to the new(ish) system, the links to all the other topics/polls just link back to this one for some reason. I'd re-link them, but that's a bit too much work for this. My apologies.
  10. Chrom x Sumia, Stahl x Cordelia, and Libra x Tharja are the ones I always like to get. Out of the three my favorite is Stahl x Cordelia. Wish Lon'qu x Cherche had made it.
  11. Haar. He's a great unit, in my opinion. One of the best flyers in the game.
  12. Well guess I'm not voting on this day, I always pair Lucina with Male Robin...
  13. I think it is Florina. I really do. I think Farina goes better with Dart, and Lyn better with Rath, and really Sue makes sense as Lyn's daughter.
  14. Rath, Ninian, Joshua, Natasha, Shinon, Boyd, Abel, and Cain
  15. Just going for personality here, not talking about unit efficiency of anything like that. And I'm not gonna go through every single character, just a few of them. Anyway, I don't really like Tharja, she's just plain creepy, and she's a terrible person in general. Kinda the same with Henry, while I like his supports with certain characters, he himself I do not like because of how much fun he has shedding blood, it's just creepy. I don't like Cordelia, she's way too obsessed with Chrom, and it usually always feels like she just settles when you marry her, which kinda sucks. I'm not too fond of Panne for being a generic "humans killed my people, all humans are bad" kind of character, but when she seems to warm up to certain characters and change her opinions a bit I like her more. I don't like Severa because she's such a jerk, I don't care how perfect mommy is at everything seriously girl chill out! I do not like Kellam, he's honestly a character I always forget about. While I wouldn't say I like Chrom and Lucina, I wouldn't say I dislike them either. I find both to be sort of bland and boring, but they both have their moments. Chrom seems generic, and the only thing Lucina has going for her is "I'm from the future, I must stop bad events!" I'm also of the same opinion with Sully, she seems too much like a typical "women are equal to or better than men at everything!" type of character for me, she has her moments but really she'd fall more under the dislike category... I like Stahl a lot, he seems like a pretty cool dude, not creepy or anything like that. I'd hang out with him, same goes for Cherche, although I'd be a bit weary of Minerva. I like Gregor for the humor he adds, his accent is awesome, and he seems like a cool dude in general. I like Lon'qu for just being bada...butt! Badbutt! Yeah. Flavia and Basilio make me laugh, I like them for that, same for Noire, she makes me laugh, and she's just so innocent, I like her. And the same goes for Yarne! His cowardly attitude is just plain funny. I like Owain for all the little references he has in his dialogue to the other games. Cynthia is cool because of her perkiness, she's awesome. I like Anna for being Anna, and for finally being able to play as Anna! I'll stop now, don't want to go through every character. But that's the gist of it, most of the other characters I'm pretty indifferent on.
  16. I love pretty much all the GBA supports, they're just awesome. But some of my favorites are Lyn/Rath, Eliwood/Ninian, Kent/Fiora, Eirika/Seth, Joshua/Natasha... I could go on.
  17. Ricken x Maribelle, they were perfect for each other ever since introduced! Vaike x Lissa, makes sense that he'd marry his rival's sister lol.
  18. Don't know how I'd do 'em, but Mega Snorlax and Mega Nidoking.
  19. I personally think both are good units, but I'd say Neimi is the worse of the two.
  20. Henry x Olivia for me. Probably one of my favorite supports in the whole game. Chrom x Olivia is severely overrated. And then I picked Lon'Qu x Cherche, another of my favorite supports in the entire game.
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