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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Brom. I like his design in terms of appearance and personality, and he always turns out to be a good unit for me.
  2. That would be awesome! Maybe something like Metroid: Zero Mission, where you can unlock the original Metroid.
  3. Ahhhhhh yeah I didn't subtract or anything like that. My bad, sorry! I can definitely understand the reasoning behind Gatrie being a better unit. And I do have to be honest, I have a tendency to play favorites when making my team...
  4. I'm thinking the same unfortunately. It saddens me, I actually liked Shadow Dragon and would have loved to play the sequel. I've never used an emulator... I don't know how lol, and my laptop has a slightly hard time running things like that.
  5. False, Brom has 3 more maps! And as I've said, in my personal experience, Brom just turns out better. By the time Gatrie comes, I usually already have Brom trained up more, and since I only use one armored unit I just use Brom.
  6. But he still wouldn't have as much time to train up like Brom, at least in RD, right? I always found him lagging behind everyone else, and by the time I got Brom back I just benched him.
  7. I've remained hopeful that New Mystery of the Emblem would be localized ever since it was announced a few years ago. But now, after such a long time, my hope dwindles. Yeah I know it should have completely dwindles by now, but... *Shrugs* Does anyone think there's a chance it'll be officially localized? Maybe the last major game for the DS to his North American/European/Australian/every place outside Japan shores?
  8. I generally don't use more than one either. There aren't very many to use to begin with, but still. I do wonder why most say that Gatrie performs better than Brom in RD, I mean you have more time with Brom so logically he'd have more time to get trained up.
  9. Boots can fix movement, mwahahaha I generally always save them for armored units in all the games in the series, they need them the most.
  10. I bet Ephraim made Grado a part of Renais. Makes sense, at least to me.
  11. Exactly what it says. I'm not going to go any deeper because I can already tell I'm getting a bad reputation for it. I have also already stated that I don't dislike or hate people based on their sexual preferences, if you read my other posts you'll see I've already said it was just a side note but not something I dislike or hate for. Stating my opinion in a way I was trying to be humorous about is one of my ways to settle into a new community. I'm sorry if it offends you and anyone else. Guess I'm Not aloud to believe something different than the majority of a community.
  12. I knew it! I love being unique, muwahahaha. I'd have to disagree with you on his personality, I think it's pretty unique when compared to other characters from the series. Combat is debatable, in my personal experiences (as I've said) he's always been a good unit. I don't care about the gender of the character lol, well at least not usually...
  13. I have no idea what the percentage of growths are, in all honesty. I'm clueless in those sort of departments... In my last RD playthrough, Brom capped his level and all stats except for Magic and Resistance. I think the max was like 30 or something?
  14. I have sort of the same opinion of Chrom, to me he seems like a combination of Marth and Ike.
  15. I want Ephraim in as a playable character too, but I think it'd be pretty cool if they made him and Eirika a team, and they could switch out just like how the Pokemon Trainer switches out the Pokemon. And I'm a bit biased towards Lyn since she's my favorite Fire Emblem character...
  16. I thought his speed was the best of the three armored units in RD? Maybe I'm confusing him with Gatrie... *Shrugs* For movement, I give him the Boots!
  17. Yep, exactly, it totally is! Just bring over the Unlock Staff, since you have Sothe in the first part for pretty much all of it you won't ever need it, and there are no chests at all for the time you have Heather and only one item worth stealing which is in the Endgame of Part 2, then by the time you get her again you'll also be getting Illyana again whom you could use to carry over the Unlock Staff. Any use Heather potentially has is very limited.
  18. I personally think that both Marth and Ike will be kept for all future installments of the Super Smash Bros. series. I think once they keep a character in the roster for multiple games, then they're pretty much guaranteed a permanent spot on the roster. I know that hasn't happened with Ike (or anyone else who first appeared in Brawl) but I think Ike will be kept. As for Fire Emblem newcomers? I personally hope Fire Emblem gets two new representatives, making four total. Yeah, wishful thinking, but still. I hope they add Lyn to the roster, and I think Chrom is pretty much guaranteed.
  19. I never really tried to calculate his age exactly, just always kinda figured he was middle-aged since he has such a big family. Maybe 40-45? *Shrugs*
  20. It took me a moment to get it, but when I did I chuckled lol
  21. I suppose my party would consist of: Lyn Sain Florina Shinon Bartre Elincia Colm Brom Joshua Gerik Canas Tibarn Caineghis I haven't played any of the Japan-only games, though, so this list could change sometime in the future.
  22. Really? I suppose I show favoritism then. I never really liked Gatrie or Tauroneo. In my most recent playthrough of Radiant Dawn, Brom was my MVP.
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