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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. It took me forever, and this is late, but these are the Pokemon I can picture each Fire Emblem lord starting with: Marth gets Pikachu Alm gets Bulbasaur Celica gets Fennekin Sigurd gets Piplup Seliph gets Squirtle Leif gets Mudkip Roy gets Cyndaquil Eliwood gets Charmander Lyn gets Treecko Hector gets Chespin Eirika gets Chikorita Ephraim gets Totodile Ike gets Torchic Micaiah gets Eevee Sothe gets Froakie Chrom gets Chimchar Lucina gets Turtwig I have a reason for some of them (just look at Treecko's final form, Sceptile, it looks perfect for Lyn, Eliwood & Charmander for obvious reasons, and Marth & Pikachu both being the mascots of their series, for example), but the rest I can just picture in my head working very well.
  2. I just don't like how they are unit-wise, I don't think they're very good.
  3. I prefer Fire Emblem, I like most of the characters a lot, and the stories are better. In my opinion, anyway. And a Fire Emblem/Pokemon crossover game? That sounds amazing!
  4. What I want isn't on this poll. Just FE 2, no other, and on the 3DS. All the others are fine as they are and don't need a remake.
  5. Prepare for trouble! Make it double! To protect the world from devastation! To unite all peoples within our nation! To denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend our reach to the stars above! Jessie! James! Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight! Meowth! That's right! I think you can see which I like best...
  6. Not including any of the Japan-only games since I haven't played them, I'd have to say all of Lyn's and all of Ephraim's are my favorites, but I can't decide which takes that top spot.
  7. I don't know about the math, but I got a shiny Geodude from smashing rocks in the place you get Unknown in SoulSilver.
  8. *Shrugs* I post whenever I think I'm knowledgeable enough to contribute lol, which is not often.
  9. All of Lyn's critical animations are awesome, I'd say those are the best.
  10. I see a couple people say Roy is their favorite, but his votes haven't gone up, so I guess some aren't voting lol.
  11. Brom But no seriously. Just going from gameplay, I'd have to say Oswin.
  12. Honestly, just another character. It doesn't feel like a self-insert or my own character at all, at least not to me.
  13. I've been in 6, I think, counting the one I live in.
  14. I have no idea what is and isn't acceptable in Japanese media lol, I'm uneducated in such things! I think so? I think I remember reading that somewhere on these forums, actually. I stand by Lyn x Rath and Hector x Florina :P And I agree on Eliwood x Ninian. I put Dart with Farina, Kent with Fiora, and Wil with Rebecca, I think those pairings are so perfect. I like to put Erk with Priscilla and Serra with Oswin, too. Gosh all these pairings are awesome.
  15. Yeah but still, even in translation that's pretty heavy for an FE. But then again maybe not XD Where I grew up the s-word and the f-word are the two worst swear words. Lyn x Rath, Hector x Florina, totally canon.
  16. Way off topic and way late, but... They used the s word in an FE game? Whoooooa
  17. Wow Chrom x Sumia is winning still! I'm sorta surprised, I thought it wasn't very popular. But hey, it's one of my preferred pairings, so yay! I made a poll, it hasn't gotten trafficked very much so far
  18. True. I thought there'd be more Eirika supporters, though, I thought she was pretty popular.
  19. I don't see Zael from The Last Story ever being playable, but I would REALLY love it if he somehow ended up playable!
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