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About Disco

  • Birthday 03/28/1989


  • Member Title
    Electric Soul

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Makeup artistry, exercise, writing, Photoshop when the mood strikes
  • Location
    California, US

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (sorry for a couple days late)

  2. My former upstairs neighbors were a bunch of "bro" type guys who had parties all the time, and one particular evening they were escorting a very intoxicated girl down the stairs and she says, "If you were an animal, you'd be a sailor."
  3. When you want something bad enough, you do it. And when the reward is greater than what you put into it you're motivated to. I do housework because it bothers me to have a messy house and because I find the unpleasant aspect of doing housework preferable over having mold/bugs/dust/etc. I go to the gym because it makes me feel better and makes me look good, and taking that time out of my day is better than not going and feeling yucky. I go to work because I need money, which is preferable to having none and not being able to afford the life I want. Etc...
  4. Stahl (I don't remember it exactly): "Showing me up?" Virion: "Die...with magnificence!" Pretty much everything Donnel says. Maribelle: "Wretched beast!" Most all of Gaius' quotes. Tharja: "What are you doing?" Inigo: "A-one and a-two!" Noire: "AHAHAHAHAHA!"
  5. I have never put the effort into Fiona (that I can remember, anyway) but I did a couple female only runthroughs where Meg turned out to be quite useful! She even made it to my endgame. But outside of that context I pass on Meg/Fiona. There are plenty of equal/better units who don't need the extra attention, so unless you just enjoy using those characters, meh.
  6. I like Olivia and Inigo's support, and I really like Inigo and his father's support as well lol. Dat angst.
  7. On my current Lunatic playthrough I did the main story more or less casually and just grinded a tiny bit if I was having an impossible time clearing a level D: but for postgame stuff I do a lot of grinding for skills and whatnot. I actually don't mind grinding all that much.
  8. Brom is useful for me in RD in part 2 and early on in part 3 to take bait enemies and some hits buuut like others in this thread I don't like using armored units. I never use him in PoR. As a character he's fine though, no problems there~
  9. I have not watched Honey and Clover. But sounds like I should put it on my list~
  10. Good lord I hope this is true. Pleeease let this be true.
  11. Thanks~ Ahaha, only way I know how ;D My avatar is from an anime called Eden of the East. I think it was also a light novel or something along those lines...
  12. Haha thanks! I'm sure I will stop by. The first few chapters were just... ;_; But it does get easier :3 Ooh home health...that seems difficult. I deal with all ages really! From babies to the elderly. But I do more case management than direct patient care. Yesss you do need to watch more episodes! Don't worry, my love for Pokemon is all inclusive :D
  13. Ooh let's see. Jill Haar Soren Elincia Zihark Mia Sigrun Nephenee Nolan Aran Laura Geoffrey Reyson Stefan Ike I'm not a huge fan of Nolan but will usually use him because dat A support with Zihark = yes. Sigrun, Geoffrey, and Stefan are just units that I like but are usually outclassed in my playthroughs. Everyone else has always proven useful for me.
  14. Thank you! And yes, she is adorable :3 o/ hello there! Yay for California :D
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