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Everything posted by Disco

  1. My former upstairs neighbors were a bunch of "bro" type guys who had parties all the time, and one particular evening they were escorting a very intoxicated girl down the stairs and she says, "If you were an animal, you'd be a sailor."
  2. When you want something bad enough, you do it. And when the reward is greater than what you put into it you're motivated to. I do housework because it bothers me to have a messy house and because I find the unpleasant aspect of doing housework preferable over having mold/bugs/dust/etc. I go to the gym because it makes me feel better and makes me look good, and taking that time out of my day is better than not going and feeling yucky. I go to work because I need money, which is preferable to having none and not being able to afford the life I want. Etc...
  3. Stahl (I don't remember it exactly): "Showing me up?" Virion: "Die...with magnificence!" Pretty much everything Donnel says. Maribelle: "Wretched beast!" Most all of Gaius' quotes. Tharja: "What are you doing?" Inigo: "A-one and a-two!" Noire: "AHAHAHAHAHA!"
  4. I have never put the effort into Fiona (that I can remember, anyway) but I did a couple female only runthroughs where Meg turned out to be quite useful! She even made it to my endgame. But outside of that context I pass on Meg/Fiona. There are plenty of equal/better units who don't need the extra attention, so unless you just enjoy using those characters, meh.
  5. I like Olivia and Inigo's support, and I really like Inigo and his father's support as well lol. Dat angst.
  6. On my current Lunatic playthrough I did the main story more or less casually and just grinded a tiny bit if I was having an impossible time clearing a level D: but for postgame stuff I do a lot of grinding for skills and whatnot. I actually don't mind grinding all that much.
  7. Brom is useful for me in RD in part 2 and early on in part 3 to take bait enemies and some hits buuut like others in this thread I don't like using armored units. I never use him in PoR. As a character he's fine though, no problems there~
  8. I have not watched Honey and Clover. But sounds like I should put it on my list~
  9. Good lord I hope this is true. Pleeease let this be true.
  10. Thanks~ Ahaha, only way I know how ;D My avatar is from an anime called Eden of the East. I think it was also a light novel or something along those lines...
  11. Haha thanks! I'm sure I will stop by. The first few chapters were just... ;_; But it does get easier :3 Ooh home health...that seems difficult. I deal with all ages really! From babies to the elderly. But I do more case management than direct patient care. Yesss you do need to watch more episodes! Don't worry, my love for Pokemon is all inclusive :D
  12. Ooh let's see. Jill Haar Soren Elincia Zihark Mia Sigrun Nephenee Nolan Aran Laura Geoffrey Reyson Stefan Ike I'm not a huge fan of Nolan but will usually use him because dat A support with Zihark = yes. Sigrun, Geoffrey, and Stefan are just units that I like but are usually outclassed in my playthroughs. Everyone else has always proven useful for me.
  13. Thank you! And yes, she is adorable :3 o/ hello there! Yay for California :D
  14. I think sometimes you just get unlucky with the RNG. There are also units (like Sumia) who are useful early on but not so much once you reach a certain point. For me, once a unit becomes too much of a hassel to keep alive I ditch them. I don't necessarily see it as a waste if they were useful to me earlier. Cordelia is a great unit to use, IMO, if you want to have a solid peg knight. You can give her bowbreaker and tomebreaker to counter her weaknesses, and if that's too much work, I think she can be useful as a hero. Personally I think that Sumia is more useful as a healing unit as opposed to a fighter if you really want to use her. However, you can pair her up with slower units and she gives a nice speed boost/extra mobility. From what I've observed, the value in promoting/second sealing at level 10 is that you can jump classes more often and get more skills. If you're not trying to get a bunch of skills and aren't planning on reclassing then waiting until level 20 to promote gets you better stats faster. I can only speak from my own experience, but I usually do have some pairs where one is in more of a supporting role. But then again, I prefer to have a smaller team.
  15. I haven't used the Japanese voices but I've got no problem with the English ones. When I first heard Inigo I was a little thrown off (not how I imagined him sounding at all) but his voice has since grown on me. Michelle Ruff's FMU irritated me a little bit (I forget which option it was) but overall I thought the voices were pretty decent.
  16. Why yes, yes I have. You might even say it was of the Saturday variety. Indeed. I have learned the hard way.
  17. Ah nice! Good stuff :3 And yes, it's nice to be helping the community :) I would, absolutely! It takes some time to get going (at least it did for me) but if you can push through the less interesting earlier episodes, omg. So worth it. Thank you! I have been playing it for about 3 months straight xD Counter has burned me many times in my current Lunatic playthrough. "Oh yay I've almost cleared this map here's this warrior with an ax let me just send Gaius in with his sword and........ *rage*" But at least I'm finally remembering to check enemy units for skills lol. Thank you! I hope so as well. And I have read them carefully~
  18. It happens to the best of us :( When I was in school it was ingrained into us not to go back to check our answers because then you'd want to change something that you probably would have had right! I had to take a couple of standardized tests electronically where you literally could not go back to check your answers, which was a relief in some ways because you couldn't agonize over whether or not to go back and change something. But I think it's good practice to move on and never look back as soon as you mark an answer.
  19. Are we considering chaining in DPPt to be cheating? If not, I've chained a Zubat, Starly, Snubbull, and Dunsparce. I keep trying for a shiny Ponyta but no luck so far. Unless I were to get a shiny of a Pokemon I really loved I just try to farm them so I can trade for hard to get legendaries and whatnot.
  20. o/ Hello Serenes Forest! I am Disco. I joined because I have no one in my life to talk Fire Emblem with on a consistent basis ;_; and obvs this is an issue that needs to be remedied. I hope I will, you know, actually be active here and not be one of those lame people who joins and makes an intro thread and is never seen again! What can I say about myself? Aside from Fire Emblem I enjoy writing, doing makeup, and most things Pokemon. I also just finished marathoning Dr. Who, and that's pretty cool too. I used to make tags and stuff on Photoshop but meh. Effort. I would rather be playing Awakening ;D In RL I'm a public health nurse and I wish I traveled more. What more could you possibly want to know about me? I don't know, but you think of something ask away. Anyway! Looking forward to meeting all you lovely people.
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