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Everything posted by Penitent

  1. Gee, thanks for the kind wishes! :) I've not seen this forum in ages, so you reminded me to come back and check in on everyone.

    It was a good day too, rest assured!

  2. is currently drunk.

  3. Thanks for the birthday wish! The day's been great to me so far. :)

  4. By that logic, only units who don't require any semblance of strategy to use whatsoever are worthwhile. ...Thus defeating the purpose of a strategy game...
  5. THANK YOU. Seriously, I thought I was alone in the concept of actually growing a set and adapting to conditions instead of just looking for people over the web to cry to.
  6. [OFFTOPIC=7]Why do you Edward-hating jerks keep doing this to me? DX [/offtopic]
  7. "Okay Jill, I know I haven't treated you very well, but I need you to kill this swordmaster here. Just hit him once and we're good. Thankfully you should be able to WHAT THE HECK HOW DID HE DODGE?! YOU HAD A 67% CHANCE OF HITTING HIM! SIXTY SEVEN! Oh well, nothing to worry about, I'll get someone else to do it. He's not strong enough to kill you now anyway in the one attack he's JESUS FLIPPIN' CHRIST HE GOT A CRITICAL HIT?! HE ONLY HAD A FOUR PERCENT CHANCE! FOUR-F**KING PERCENT!! "Screw this, I'm going back to Advance Wars."
  8. You mean the same Part 1 where she has a significantly high damage output and is one-shotting knights and cavalry left, right and centre? :V Micaiah's not meant to be centre-stage for a dodge-a-thon, she's a support unit. She is, however, one helluva support unit.
  9. 1: Edward. Every epic needs its I-Wanna-Be-The-Guy character. Fortunately my imagination helps fill in the gaps for where IS were inattentive. Not to mention he's a damn fine unit. 2: Ike. IIIIKKKEE. 3: Micaiah. My favourite mage in the game. Though her character suffered from the game's overall shoddy execution, she's still very interesting. 4: Pelleas. Best developed character in the game. Best tune. Dark Sage. What's not to like? 5: Nephenee. Not safe for work. 6. Black Knight. JESUS CHRIST IT'S THE BLACK KNIGHT RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! 7: Skrimir. JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR 8: Volug. His behind-the-fence attack animation is ridiculous. And awesome. 9: Jill. 10: Brom. Iunno, there's something about how happy he always is. :V
  10. Hence why my first move is to break their support and hop Micaiah over to Volug/Edward. :V Sothe's an overprotective arse when it comes to Micaiah anyway - it's like the only reason he's forced is to guarantee the player can't force themselves into a no-win situation with only Micaiah on the field.
  11. You guys are too silly sometimes. XD
  12. But (excluding some AU at least) they're still all terribly written and have absolutely no sense of realism, character or common sense. In essentially 97% of them you can substitute the characters for cardboard cut-outs. :V
  13. Soren looks more like the kind of guy who'd rather be left alone to me. :o Edward vs. Ike duels in 3-13 should TOTALLY be canon.
  14. Hold up one minute; are you sure she had Paragon? I may be wrong, but I'm reasonably sure that it's not possible to remove Paragon from Astrid and Geoffrey in their missions.
  15. Why do people feel the need to hate such a nice guy? :( I like Stefan, by the way.
  16. Micaiah for female (preferably Light Mage). Volug for male, almost purely because he goes behind the fence.
  17. http://allisbrawl.com/blogpost.aspx?id=444 http://allisbrawl.com/blogpost.aspx?id=445 Go join the Meleetards and Brawltards at Smashboards if you really want to give out at a perfectly fine game. I assume (even if you made the error of making an off-topic criticism) that you don't want to carry out a Melee vs. Brawl argument (which I don't either; they're both good), here is still not the place to do it. On topic, that was a nice read. I was expecting bias in pronounciation from the start, so I didn't mind. It was cool to hear more about how Fire Emblem was made, and some things about Intelligent Systems in general, too. And his family's into Fire Emblem too? :o Sweet.
  18. I can give my own personal advice if you like. Nolan with a Crossbow and Beastfoe will be, simply put, too good. If his support partner is a reliable dodger or has a decent dodge affinity, their dodge rate (Nolan's partner, anyway) will make them reliable enough to tackle one front by themselves. Other than that, try shielding the other front with the rest of the units. Feel free to make the most of Physic and Beast Killer. If you want to level up Volug, now is a perfect opportunity - even if you don't use the Resolve+Beastfoe combo, he can still get a bundle of experience from Reaper Cards or simply taking a hit. Try ordering your units to hold back on the first turn, then let them roam on the second. This gives you time to move your more reliable units in place with the allies ready to reinforce. Leonardo with the Brave Bow (to the right of the tiger above your units at the start) ought to be able to one-round untransformed Laguz. If you intend on converting Jill, go nuts with the Brave Axe and renew it with Hammerne. Lastly, get some good music on in the background to help you focus. :V That's the most I can think of, at any rate. Good luck to you.
  19. I'm still watching, but am in a similar case to charmander. Do continue. Though I do admit, the lack of character/level info kinda distracted me from giving a post.
  20. I was kinda glad they left out how the Dawn Brigade formed - it let me imagine a bit. The Dawn Brigade do have personality; it's just not ever expanded upon, and thus results in cliché, much like everyone else. As a result, it's left up mostly to the player's imagination. Though I do say it oughta have been Edward who got injured in the first mission. :V
  21. I recommend putting it in Written Works. TELL me about it. DX I really hate her portrait - it's so stiff, so unemotional. Doesn't give any semblance of humanity at all (the Light Mage portrait is kinda alright thanks to the arm, but it only gets worse from then on). Though my opinion of her changed dramatically when I heard someone else's view on her via a surprisingly decent fanfiction. She had emotion yet was perfectly in character. It made me wonder if anyone in IS had ever heard of narrative. ...dear god did I just say decent fanfiction SOMEBODY KILL ME NOW So the moral of the story is that slow and steady fits the budget. Though I would have preferred it if it were mostly between two armies, the Dawn Brigade and the Mercenaries, only making the war a bit bigger on the Daein front once they became involved. I'm just wondering why they didn't give a character a few support conversations with a few characters, then give the new, generic reply system to everyone else. Surely it couldn't have been too difficult to program.
  22. ...Micaiah isn't godlike. Two-handed sword in one hand. Fights for his friends. He's crazy. Seeing that list, I'm not actually impressed. :o Possibly due to the execution of half those traits (see below). What about Pelleas, Tauroneo and others? D: YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYE SYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESY ESYESYES Agreed. Alongside that, Radiant Dawn suffered from aiming to be larger than its development team could afford to be, hence narrative and newly introduced plot points of interest weren't fully expanded on. Ike managed to survive this due to previously established relationships and heroics in Path of Radiance, but Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade suffered critically from this - it didn't help that they made the error of prioritising too much on Sothe and Micaiah and not involving the core Dawn Brigade at all, especially when Nolan, Edward or the others could just as easily retreat if wounded in the same way Titania, Mist and Soren do during Ike's chapters. (So in that sense I stay on topic by discussing a flaw with having more than two groups :V ). So with what should have been there absent, it falls to the player to do what s/he has always done - use their imagination to conceive what the character might be saying/doing. Hence the fun returns. And then write angry complaints to do better.
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