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Altera the Hun

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Posts posted by Altera the Hun

  1. JoJo transcends the line between Anime and Art, propelling it over the horizon of fabulousness into what is called a "Masterpiece"!

    The Louvre agrees. It's literally the reason "Rohan Kishbe Goes To The Louvre" exists.

  2. I'm glad I don't live near you. lol

    Either way, not like I'd be challenging it any time soon. On the other hand, if anything, it's most likely I'd be challenging randomly generated teams than actual ones. I've see like, just one or two other 3DS's in College. Now the chances of any of those having Awakening? Pretty low, heh.

    Same, cripes.

    Also, that's actually kinda odd. When I was on campus the other day, the only thing anyone was playing was Awakening. At least according to Streetpass.

  3. I see I see. Why'd you leave in the first place.

    Just got bogged down with school and work. Now that my classload's been halfed, though, time isn't as big an issue.

    How far are you on it? I haven't been playing it lately, but that's because I've been busy with video playthroughs. You know, being partnered and all.

    I still need a 3DS capture card.

    Around chapter 14, with all the kids recruited.

    Same, if only for screencapping Henry's scenes.

  4. Oh no, I missed Gio's return.

    Good morning everyone.

    You say that like I've already left again.

    The apocalypse

    Good afternoon to you...

    What a ringing endorsement.

    Anywho, good morning, everyone, for the half hour left in it.

  5. I remember calling him Assmodeus and him hitting on a bunch of guys... TheEnd included, if I'm not mistaken. :Knoll:

    Pretty sure it was more than just guys, but I don't even remember who I actually hit on myself.

    ...Except Lux. I remember Lux, if only because of the kid.

  6. sup

    Not much, just got roped back here by the awesomeness of Awakening.

    TheEnd quit the forums, a good chunk of FE4 Threaders don't post as often as they did before, etc.

    ...This is gonna sound horrible, but that first bit is probably the best news I've heard in a long time.

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