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Altera the Hun

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Posts posted by Altera the Hun

  1. Yes yes the sadist is angry that I messed up her fun, how cute~

    *fires M500 at kneecaps*

    *Rolls the tub around to block the slugs/shot, then pulls out a Saiga-12 and fires at Ether's own knees*

    You do NOT want to get in between me and my fun.

  2. Uh, yeah... You first. :ph34r:

    Oh, no no no, that't not how it works. You see, I'm a sadist, not a masochist. I like inflicting pain, not having it inflicted on me. So you see, I have to insist: You or the Shota. One of you is going in that bath one way or another, and you can't run for long.

  3. Gio and Roxas were just acting out their sadomasochistic tendencies.

    Because dismemberment is completely painless.

    ...Just Sadistic on my part. Although Roxas would make up the masochistic half...

    There's better ways to cause pain than dismemberment alone.

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