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Everything posted by Shengar

  1. Good god. Could any 1st generation endgame (not postgame) team (barring avatar) take on that skirmishes?
  2. AGI is really important. I've made many mistakes like walk through the enemy or swung my swords too fast, but only few of it end up being fatal because my high AGI make sure that enemy pre-emptive attack don't occured so easily. LCK I guess being an important factor in demon negotiation. Demon conversation is almost totally random that made me thinking LCK maybe affect it in some way.
  3. Isn't this the very basic requirement for non-LTC Lunatic run you guys usually take? EDIT: A little bit question out of curiosity. If skirmish Risen in Lunatic have some skills as addtion to their high stat, do skirmish Risen in Lunatic+ receive those L+ skills?
  4. How fast Sumia can get Galeforce really? Isn't that lvl 15 mark is hard to achieve unless you feed an entire chapter for her?
  5. Chapter 13 really looks intimidating. That starting position and those longbow archers. What is the general strategy for this map?
  6. Many people who want to go STR immediately directed to DEX instead, so I guess that certainly better if we want to go PHYS right? Currently having 10 8 10 14 15 MC, I guess it still fixable. don't want my 10 play coins go to waste
  7. I thought that the only game company could pull this level of voice actors is just Atlus. Glad I was wrong and Nintendo went full force with Awakening. Hope the next FE would have the same level of VAs to voice the casts.
  8. Aren't magic bullets affected only by DEX? They are still gun attack after all. Well, we can go STR, DEX, or MAG build but both LCK and AGI must always become priority.
  9. Okay, I got your point. I'm wrong, so calling it visual novel is outstretched too since it doesn't have any one-big meaningful story to back those support conversations. Shipping game might be more appropiate here since FE13 also lack the game mechanics usually found on dating sims.
  10. 1. Lon'qu 2. Libra 3. Miriel 4. Gregor 5. FeMU #1 Especially Lon'qu, who doesn't love Travis Willingham?
  11. I've heard that MAG build is heavily favored here and later part of the game would trivialized by MAG build. I want to go hipster and take PHYS build but still not sure yet if it at least decent enough for late game.
  12. I never take those dating sims remark too seriusly. Most just sarcastic in nature, though maybe the frequencies of it might make it questionable. Although they have reasons to called it that, since the game is mostly about pairing your character and build their relationships to marriage. But calling it dating sim in serious manner is outstretched. Visual novel? Maybe. Shipping game? Absolutely.
  13. With the bulk of support conversations, I agree with this.
  14. CoD in the sky, literally. No fighting against big-ass-superweapon, no melodrama story, only Russians and nuke. But I found the Dog Fight Mode decently fun. Not perfect yes, but it is not that bad. If you don't care about the story and just want a blast in the sky, go for it. If you want something like AC 4,5,0 or at least 6, just don't open it.
  15. That doesn't indicate anything about earth being Stragereal though. It is possible that Strangereal is called Earth by it inhabitant because Namco isn't yet to give an official name to it. With too many difference between Strangereal and Earth geography, it is impossible to make Strangereal=Earth by simple notion. The logical step to make Strangereal element moved to Earth is by renaming Earth's nation accordingly to its Strangereal counterpart (USA renamed to Osea, Russia to Yuktobania and so forth). I'm seriously happy if they went that way, though I'll still feel that they wasting Strangereal potential. Combined with Battle Against Bigg-Ass Superweapon of Mass Destruction, this game is complete. R.I.P Strangereal, You'll be forever missed :'( EDIT: there is a Rumor that the game is F2P multiplayer and download only Bamco, you seriously LOVE to pissed off your fans, don't you? Sad day indeed for Ace Combat. Glad I'm just buy ACAHL before all of this shit happened. Have some picture of Kei Nagase by our beloved Yuusuke Kozaki to ease this pain
  16. This trailer is really confusing. The map shown there clearly is earth, but somehow I spotted Stonehenge, and Aigaion which is Strangereal only have. If the story is yet another CoD tryhard like ACAH, I will be damned pissed.
  17. "....written by Fire Emblem Awakening Experts" wow, that some serious claim he made there. This make me not sure if the guide is a troll guide or a serious one.
  18. In some other Tactica/Strategy games they make mounted/horse cavalry units being weak to Archer. Is that would make Archers too OP?
  19. And except 4 character, the rest of 1st gen is at least 20? I'm fine actually with 18-19 years old, just not below 16. Things that I considered important when playing games: Story or/and Character Design Gameplay So yes, I do read the story in games a lot. What make Awakening bearable to me is it highly entertaining support conversations and I count them all as side story. That alone already overcome my distaste for the main story. If the game is like Mario, or used generic unit, I wouldn't expect any story from it. But since they give the character unique design-wise and story-wise , I expect them to have a background story. That story is a great complementary for gameplay. Highly entertaining gameplay would gives you a blast for hours, but with well written story, those experience would become unforgetable. Mario is Mario, none should expect story from it. FE is different, it use diverse cast of characters and setting which mean they need a story to work it out. But of course they could strip the story out, replace the character with generic unit and turn Fire Emblem into chess-like tactical game. Only 4 characters from the 1st gen that is teenager. This mean, I can safely assume that the rest of the cast is at least 20's years old right? The language isn't bad of course, but everything else it is. Combined with bad directing and we have a mess that is called FE13 story. There are a lot of potential here and there in FE13 story, like Mustafa that many people have to mention, but IS didn't think to expand the matter in order to make it more impactful. Yes, I agree thought that maybe the bad story of FE13 might come from the time constraint and pressure that Nintendo gives. The quality of some DLC clearly spoke about that since IS team make them after the game went gold and ready to release, which mean no time constraint. I hope Nintendo wouldn't give them ridiculousy short development cycle, and give more freedom for IS to develop the next FE this time. Given the popularity of Awakening, I wouldn't be surprised (who doesnt?). I'll be fine as long as they fix those issue found in Awakening. One thing for sure though that both Support System and Avatar would make a return in the nearest next instalment of FE. Here is a list of things that I think should be addressed in the next FE: -Broken Pair-Up system -Difficulty spike at earlier chapter on harder difficulties. -Veteran skill -asymmetrical cast (13 male, and only 11 female for the main cast) -The terrible story and directing
  20. 3DS become a beast after price cut and ridiculous 2013 games lineup. People bought 3DS not for the 3D feature, but rather the games which clearly the Wii U lack for. In UK, some retailer even have their own price cut and the system still selling worse than Vita. What Nintendo needs to do before other competitor release their console is give $100 official price cut and great line up of games. Given the momentum, console FE now might boost Wii U sales better than Pikmin. It would never reach Wii sale of course, but at least it might catch up with GC's numbers.
  21. In a game with free battles like this I believe self refrain is the thing that matter. Even most SMT would be too easy if you over-grind yourself (though this is very hard to achieve). While this isn't much of a problem for people who hates grinding, someone like who doesn't bothered to grind all the way have tendency to go overboard and undeliberately removes challenges from the game. Well, its true that the game should make a mechanic that refrain people from over-grind, but in the end self-refrain is what important. Because I believe that we would have something like Golden Pack DLC in future titles.
  22. Is that so? Even Genealogy of the Holy War? The teenager part I mean, I have no qualm with dragon, elder or dark gods. That's pretty much the result of bad writing and lack of focus. So in the end if IS didn't realize how bad the story is, at worst they would repeat the same mistake all over again even with less grandiose story.
  23. I never see Tales series trademarked their names with the word "Tales" being separately trademarked, so does Ace Combat. Is Awakening have the same treatment too? That EMBLEM:[Title] sounds too weird. Then the grimdark Ninja Theory reboot of FE7 is right, we are doomed
  24. Have to retry several time because I greatly underestimate the number of enemy reinforcement, though the strategy works wonder. Nowi have screwed growth, but at least paid off by Lon'qu growth on all of his stat, twice. He already capped one of his stat, which probably mean its time for promotion. Is he better as Griffon Rider or Wyvern Lord? Now Chapter 12, and its already look daunting. How the AI worked in this chapter?
  25. Modified which mean includes the bonus from Dragonstone right? She have a total of 16 RES with tonic on, so I guess that is enough. If she died too often, I'll probably change her pair bot to Cordelia. Gonna try it out, thanks!
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